Wish Corrupter!
(06-05-2011, 08:47 PM)Kail Wrote: Wish granted however, You will be forever chased by the mafia from a rival company.

-I wish I was an evil dictator that is immortal.
Granted however you are weak and powerless so It was quite easy to ver throw you...
Your body is then used for science to find out why your immortal andBAM
Everyones immortal.

I wish I could eat Oysters without totaly vomiting...
You are now able to eat Oysters but then came me...dun dun dun.

I wish to kiss someone who eats 5 tuna sammiches.

(06-05-2011, 09:56 PM)xnadvance Wrote: You are now able to eat Oysters but then came me...dun dun dun.

I wish to kiss someone who eats 5 tuna sammiches.
before or after the tuna smichs and oysters?
Anyway granted but you contract a deadly disease And die a very painful death directly efter touching lips.The disease isnt a disease to my race.teehee.

Now I want 5 fishy smiches agian (I say sandwhich so awesomly)
I put a machine that has 5 fishy smiches in front of you...all you need to do is kiss the door knob that opens the glass door.

You kissed the door knob and got the sandwiches and ate them but...was laced with mercury.

The ideal sandwich contains both disease and medicine. There's a fraction of human life that is virus luggage. How electrifying to think that a pitiful waiter may nevertheless condemn us to a quick death.

I got what I want. thanks though :)

(Knocks out xnadvance for not wishing)
I wish i could actually script.
Btw, all this talk of smichs reminds me of the strangest nickname ever given to Super Mario Sunshine...Smishy. And I gave it that nickname!
If you don't like it, feel free to sue me if you have a lawyer.
Granted, but now everything in life looks like script. The trees, the sky, everything.
I wish I had a 12" pianist
[Image: style7,Kristovski.png]
but then when you sleep he would have tiny parties in your mouth with the cockroaches that live under your fridge.

i wish this exact thread wasn't on every single other forum ever.
wish granted but now it is a visual thing on deviant art.
I wish my mouth didn't have a 12" Pianist in it.
[Image: style7,Kristovski.png]
Granted! Now he's in your nose! Laughing
I wish i knew how to get away from the mafia.
If you don't like it, feel free to sue me if you have a lawyer.
after flying to nicoragua to get facial reconstruction you wake up to find that you look exactly the same, but with boobs.

i wish i was inspector gadget

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