Demon's Revenge Logo
[Image: DemonsRevengeLogo.png]

Well, here it is. I'm going for simple, readable and umm.. visually appealing. Let me know what you think anything that I can improve on.
Well, I like it, but there is, imo, a problem with the theme. When I see "Demon's Revenge" written in violet with a "round" font, I think there's something wrong.

Try changing the font and the colors to something more agressive and I think it will correspond your game a little more. Also, is the crystal related to the story ? I didn't see anything talking about this in your story, but maybe it's later on the game. Personally, I'd put something related to my story, if I had to make a logo.
Yes, actually it is later on in the story and it is a pretty important item.
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I'd put up demo of my old game so you can see the story so far, but it's changed so much since I started on xp. And ok, the color, I may try other colors since you said it's just not right, but I actually like the purple. I'll try it in red, grey, blue, and a dark green. And a more aggressive font? Any suggestions? I've been looking, but I don't want it to look too complicated. I'm not looking for anything ugly either. I've seen a lot of ugly. Is that all? I'll post an updated version when I have it done.
[Image: demonsrevenge.png]

I have over 5000 fonts on my computer so it's kinda a pain in the ass to find the right one, but I think something like this could look good. Again, I don't know your game as well as you do, so I don't know the ambient & co that can help finding the good one.

This one's called Roland, pm me if you want it!

And for the item, if it's in the story later, then it's fine! :D
Aaah! Too bold is that the font regular or is it bold? Roland... I think I actually have that font. If I can find a skinnier version of it, I'll try it out. Or maybe I'll just try this one like I know I am just to see how it looks. :lol:

Ok, I went with red and I didn't change the font yet (mainly because it's already raster), but I thought it looked good and the color change made it look more "aggressive"
Here it is. Let me know what you think.
[Image: DemonsRevengeLogocopy.png] I'm going to make that gradient smaller because I just noticed that it got bigger with the color change.
I think it looks way better in red. I still think the font's not aggressive enough. D:
Ok, I'll try out your font along with some others. I'll post it when I think I've found a match.

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