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Created By: Legacy Studios
Relase status: In Development
First Demo Release date: To Be Announced
Thread Status: Currently still in development.
Last Updated: 20th April 2010 - 06:15pm [GMT]

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The Team behind Blackfire

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  • Custom Menu Screens Added
  • Character Art Added
  • Blackfire OST samples Added
  • Sample Character Battlers Done
  • Features List added
  • Changed Arica's Age from 18 to 20
  • Added Screenshots
  • Built more onto the Story
  • Added Sieg's background

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*All Music below are copyright protected. You maynot use these without the Permision of Legacy Studios

-Small Village-

-Elemental Voice Sample-

- More to come -

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Dothmono, Lystania, Nuthrina and Valmasca, in a galaxy, far from where you call home, all form Evala. These four great kingdoms once stood in harmony. For 14 years, the war these kingdoms have been raging between each other has been bloody and unforgiving.

King Gurdon of Valmasca, had passed away those many years back, his son Exires heired control of Valmasca, but he, along with all corruptable men, desired power and complete domination. Nothing will stand in his way of gaining control.

Or so it seemed.

Lystania, shaked under the footstepes of Prince Exires's mighty and terrorfying army, being the smallest of all Evala's Kingdoms, it was the easiest to attack. Leon, King of Lystaniawatched in horror as his citizens were brutally murdered and his lustrous city was crushed. Less then half of both still stand.

With only half of his once grand city remaining and slowly weakening by the months, Leon has no choice but to find warriors worthy enough to become the Black Knights of Lystanina. With Lystanina's annual tournament arriving soon, Leon can bestow upon the winners of the tournament with the power of the Blackfire.

Blackfire, a gem created in ancient times by dark and powerful wizards. A pulsating crystal of electrical energy, can be used to enhanced the body and mind of all who are given it's magic. With this power, Leon hopes to save the world he loves!

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Name: Riya Aiken
Age: 22
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Home town: Southern Suburbs of Lystania
Appearance: 5 ft 9 in, a slender but muscular body, long black hair, often tied back. He wears a suit of fine silver armour and a long red cape. He usually carries his sword with him on his back. When he's off duty, he would switch to his civilian clothescomprised of a blue tunic, and grey trousers. Riya's eyes are a deep rich red, not commonly seen among humans.
Personality: Riya is easily described as the best kind of friend. His gentle nature and cordial attitude are rare among others of his age, so those who come in contact with him cannot help but be drawn in and charmed. To some, he is seen as almost naive, trusting too easily and opening his heart too often. But others cherish these traits, joining in his company and quickly becoming his closest friends and allies. For those comrades, Riya would give his own life. He fights for them, supports them, helps them find their way when they are lost, and celebrates their victories.
Background: Riya could not have possibly known the adventure that awaited him when he arrived back in Lystania the day before the Annual Tournament. As a young man, employed at Rikaru's Weaponists in Lystania, he had a fairly average, though happy, life. Only once has he been touched by true unhappiness perhaps even sorrow. When he was 13, Riyas dad betrayed the Kingdom and his family to work for Prince Exires. This betrayal left Riyas mother alone to raise her two boys and, in the end, she died from overworking. Riya was left to raise his younger brother on his own. His was not the most exciting life to live, but it was his and he lived it to the fullest.
Relationships of Note: At the center of Riya's thoughts is the fair and beautiful Princess Arcia. They first encountered one another in their youth and the royal child almost immediately mesmerized Riya. Their meeting was brief, and in reality it was nothing more than a whisper of a moment, but he held onto it tightly. They met again, this time as adults, during Lystania's Annual Tournament. Riya could barely believe the beauty who stood before him. Then, just like the last time they met, she was taken away.
Riyas thoughts toward Sieg Weissritter, though he is a vital member of Riyas party, are filled with something close to resentment. The two hold a rivalry none can really explain especially considering Riyas friendly and compassionate tendencies.
Riyas relationship with Kaine, his brother, is probably one of the things he considers most important things in his life. There is no corner of the world he would not reach to protect and provide for his brother.

Name: Sieg Weissritter
Age: 35
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Home town: Valor Upper Class
Appearance: 6 ft tall, very muscular, his hair is short, spiky and pale red. He wears a white over coat on top of a red t-shirt. His eyes are ocean blue. He has a pale scar across his left eye.
Personality: Sieg is an apparent swirl of contradictions. His constitution is at once hard and soft sharp, mastered movements of his sword and quiet, humble speech. He is forthcoming with ideas but reserved in himself sharing battle plans, but always keeping personal details hidden away. He is stiff but spry, never fully relaxing around the party but always ready to leap into battle.
Background: As an Ex-Soldier of the Valmascan army Sieg is a skilled combatant and an expert swordsman. He brings a much needed level of experience to the in-experienced youth of Riya's party.
Relationships of Note: Sieg holds a rivalry with Riya, though no one can explain why or how it began, and if he understands he certainly wont be sharing the revelation.

Name: Princess Arcia Meiyo
Age: 20
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Home town: Lystania
Appearance: Princess Arcia, at only the age of 20, is our youngest hero. at 4 ft 8 inches, she is also the smallest. Very slim in figure. Her hair is Long and a sandy Blond. Being Royalty, she often wears a long white beautiful silken dress with a Silken white cape to match. Her eyes are a Bright Jungle Green.
Personality: From afar, Arcia seems to be the most caring, equality-minded person. Many admire and envy her for her power, station, beauty, and attitude but those she allows close to her heart know the truth of her character. Though she doesnt call attention upon the superiority of her station or beauty, Arcia is far from beyond calling attention to the superiority of her power. Despite being nearly untrained in magic, Arcia has an incredible raw talent which she can call upon in times of great emotion. Her power has been measured to be greater than almost any others. This is a source of great pride and conceit. In all things but this one, powerful weakness, Arcia Meiyo is a kind, gentle, humble individual. She keeps friends close and does her best to avoid making enemies; however, she has inherited many enemies through her father and is never entirely sure whom to trust. Because of this, Arcia is quick to lend aid but slow to take it and even slower to let someone into her circle. Arcia doesnt have many true friends, but those she has are close to her heart and are given her full trust.
Background: Not only is Princess Arcia of Royal blood she also is of Magical Blood. Her magical capabilities out-score that of most magical beings of Lystania, however she has a lot to learn. Being a Lystanian royal descendant, Blackfire can enhance her abilities like none other.
Relationships of Note: Arcia has a brother, Leonidas. Her relationship with him is slightly tense, but loving. She realizes that his actions toward her are only meant to help her but his constant attention and over protective nature really just tend to get in the way. He cant seem to understand that she feels perfectly capable of taking care of herself. She even has suspicions that he only joined the tournament gladly because she had leapt into the fray without a moments hesitation.
She also has a suitor, Riya. In the beginning, she is not even aware of his affections or in truth existence. The memory he holds dear of a childhood meeting blends into the mess of meetings she has had over the course of her life both important and inconsequential. But this is not to mean he is completely without hope in the pursuit of her heart. She is, after all, of an equality mind.

Name: Kara Ange
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Home town: Valmasca
Appearance: At the age of 23, Kara stands at about 5ft 4in, her hair is short and light brown, her figure is more muscular than most woman of Valmasca due to the fact that she's an Ex-Soldier from the Valmascan Army, but she is still slender. She wears light clothing so that it doesnt disable her athletic abilities and fluid movements, quite as much as wearing heavy armour plating.
Personality: Kara hides her emotions behind her severe expression and sharp demeanor, both of which are used to keep nosey friends and possible enemies at a distance, and using that ever sharp tongue to keep everyone at a safe distance. Despite this cold exterior, when Kara decides someone is worth her friendship, she devotes a fierce loyalty to them. They may only become aware of this when put in a situation that tests her loyalty and friendship. Though she does not share her own emotions, Kara is very well attuned to those around her. She also notices things that others might not nuances within conversation and posture. All of this makes her an incredible strategist and manipulator while making it very hard for others to manipulate her.
Background: When she was 16, Kara realized that she could generally pass for 19. Seeking to protect her family, Kara lied about her age and enlisted. Shortly before she completed her training, Karas family was killed, her position in the army threatened, and her purpose gone. After the ceremonies of mourning, Kara determined to not only never care about people as she had her family but also to gain as much control, skill, and power as she could. Thus, she devoted herself to become the person she is today. Eventually, the Valmascan government noticed her knack for manipulation and decided they couldnt afford the risk of her manipulating them and discharged her with a hefty bribe.
Relationships of Note: n/a

Name: Prince Liarin Meiyo
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Home town: Lystania
Appearance: similar to sister?
Personality: Leonidas is a rather careful and cautious person, and a very protective brother. Leonidas is a serious guy with the tendency to stutter when highly emotional. He has been trained in all the government, weaponry, stratagem, and diplomacy involved in being a king. Ready to take his fathers place whenever needed, Leonidas does whatever is required of him as Crown Prince including enter a tournament, become bestowed with a legendary magic that effects his family more than others, and head out on a quest to save the world.
Background: Like his younger sister, Leonidas is not only of Royal blood, but also Magical Blood. His magical capabilities out-score that of most magical beings of Lystania. He has been trained a bit in how to use his magic, but he still has a lot to learn. Being a Lystanian royal descendant, Blackfire can enhance his abilities like none other.
Relationships of Note: Leonidas can seem obsessive when it comes to his sister sometimes. He can never understand how she could be offended that he cares for her and wants to keep her safe so he generally assumes that his sister has either lost her mind or that he has misunderstood her emotion. His seriousness and insistent protection have often led to considerable, embarrassing, public strife between the siblings, so there is a very obvious tension between them.
Leonidas is wary, in general, of suitors for his sister but commoners especially so. He doesnt believe that she should disrupt the royal line with a commoner but, as time goes on, seems to be willing to at least consider making an exception for Riya.

Name: Caoilfhinn (pronounced KAY-linn)
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Race: Krah
Home town: Nuthrina
Appearance: Caoilfhinn has a reddish golden mane of hair, pulled close to the top of her head in braids. Her eyes are a burning blue vessel of intelligence. She is long and sleek, her muscles lean but strong. When she walks, there is a predator-like slink to her steps. She wears no armor but rather prefers tight fitting clothing. These allow her to feel almost as unhindered as if she were fighting in the bare and she remains barefooted to provide for the best speed and to aid in not leaving a trail.
Personality: Despite her intense appearance, Caoilfhinn is loyal to the end and incredibly social never one to let silence hang for too long. Instead of shaking hands a greeting she believes she will never understand Caoilfhinn will vigorously rub the other persons forearm. She can be slippery of tongue and the worst eater youll ever find but shes one of the best allies anyone could have especially in a larger group setting. She is a natural hunter, warmonger, and her way with words could confound and surpass even the best highly-paid criminal attorneys. If it were not for her striking appearance, Caoilfhinn would make a rather excellent spy and assassin.
Background: Caoilfhinn was banished from her tribe when she came to age because she could not hold her own with the other women of her tribe. So, she has traveled as a nomad for three years, taking part in any battles she came across and making a sort of name for herself.
Relationships of Note: Caoilfhinn doesnt have any true relationships, but she will find leaders have a strong affect on her feelings.

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Blackfire Custom Menu - In development at the moment, but this is what it currently looks like, the facesets are tempoaray to show how it would look and be set out
[Image: CMS_Example3.png]

More CMS Screens

Battle System v0.1 Screenshots

Concept Character Art

Town & City Screenshots

Fan Art:

[Image: features.png]

The Rage System
Building up adrenaline allows the user to enter "Rage" mode, this mode allows for a single special attack, doubling the critical hit success rate and dealing far more damage than a regular attack. After this Rage Attack has been successfully preformed the adrenaline bar is rest to 0. . (This is similar to the Limit Break system in Final Fantasy VII)

The Knight Summon System
This is a system unlike any other, Only two of the main characters can access this ability (Riya and Sieg) allowing them to transform into their "Knight Form". This transformation increase stats and Maximum HP and MP. Any action performed whilst in this state drains the MP bar, and also drains the Adrenaline bar. Each Knight form can have separate equipment and skills to the character that the Knight represents. Allowing for Further Customization.

The Skill Tree System
Rarely seen in many RM games, this system is adapted to Blackfire's needs perfectly. Allowing for further Character customization by giving each character it's own set of Skill Trees.

The Crafting System
A Essential element in the game, create your own weapons, armours and even items by completing a recipe. Using all the loot dropped by monsters, most High level weapons and armour recipes can be found in the form of a "Scroll" in treasure chests, so be on the look out at all times.

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More will be coming soon, and added daily please check back to see the changes undergo, as we make them. ( All of this is still concept, we plan on developing the concept more so that we have a good base to work on, this means that the screenshots may look diffrent in the Final Release and any features may be added/removed or changed in the final product).
I thought you already had posted it there... Guess I was wrong.
Yeah i also thought i posted it here. Apparently i was wrong.
Wow, LegacyX is back with Blackfire. Let's wait for news ... We'll wait ...
Ha, thanks i hope that we can get some sort of feedback. Please note that the Screenshots fo the maps are really outdated, i will update them really soon.

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