Crystal Champion!
well, i have started a new project ^^
its called Crystal Champion, its not like anything i have worked on before!
well, enough talk >.> here is the protagonist, Ryuu Takeda.
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if you would like to support my artwork, please drop by my deviantart gallery and take a quick look ^_^
would be great if you left a comment Blushing + Cheery
[Image: gen-sig.png]
Sounds like pokemon, but in a good way (if that is possible).
Good luck!
lolz, thats what i had in mind after i decided to do it Sweat
it really seems like pokemon...

anyway, i'll post the details as soon as i have them.
[Image: gen-sig.png]
Well do what pokemon never did: have a good story!

I'm a sucker for games where you have to catch and train creatures or collect cards. I love those things, they're addictive.
it wont be about catching creatures, that i know for sure. its more like finding them or getting them from npc upon completing quests.
if i decide to make this project a bit bigger, i might be able to allow players to get monsters by trading as well.
anyway, i might add ability cards into the game, but not so sure about the storyline yet... its a work in progress.
[Image: gen-sig.png]
hrmmm I smell pokemon....

Any way good luckon yer project, when yuo haz a demo I shall play and then I shall tell you my opinion,
er... thanks Happy with a sweat
[Image: gen-sig.png]

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