Really a slippery slope argument? This is the same argument given as to why gay couples can't marry. We let them marry and then people will want to marry relatives, then we let that and then they'll want to marry their dog, etc.

There is an overpopulation problem and something will have to be done, so if you have a grand idea please share it. The problem isn't the lack of jobs, it's the abundance of people. Back when every family owned a farm, yes, it made sense for everyone to have 5-6 children to support themselves, but what's the point now?

Some "financial guru" on Oprah the other day was interviewing that woman with had octoplets when she already had six kids (or some ungodly number like that) and she pointed out, why would you continue to have more children when you can't support the ones you have? You can't support that many children in today's economy.

At the minimum, China had it right, limit the number of children a family can have. Yes, I'm aware there were major problems there, but the fundamental idea is what we need.
Maybe the solution is less radical. Maybe, since you spoke of China, we should allow child support for 2 children then any children after that are at your own expense. You'd save tax payer's money and encourage people to have less children!
In any case it would seem the Spartans were right for doing away with the unfit they bore.
We dont need to be as brutal as theirs had, Simply Giving complete LGBT rights,and offering more mandated use of preventatives.

and lets face it.Humans are too stupid to be let a completely free society.I suggest having to pass a hard as hell aptitude test before gaining freedom from your parents guardianship.
lol you arent allowed to leave your parents basement till you accept evolution as the fact that it is.

Kinda like a "you must be this intelligent to be allowed out your house" card.

Frankly Id prefer it, cause the school system failed me.
And its really only cause our so called leaders are being childish.

Then again I dont think the idiotic should survive, its against nature for stupidity to live for long periods of time.
I just dont want nature to take the rest of us with them...

wow I babble.
Quote:Then again I dont think the idiotic should survive, its against nature for stupidity to live for long periods of time.
That's why stupid people have more kids, it's to counter balance their in-aptitude to survive longer periods. ( /Troll =D)

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