Record AVI using RGSS
RGSS AVI Recorder
Version 1.1


I have been working on a project to record the RGSS window without the need for other programs such as camtasia or other recording programs. (ie so the RGSS window records itself as a video)

With all the AVI players for RMXP around I thought it'd be interesting seeing an AVI recorder made ;)

It's not perfected yet but I have a solid base currently.

** I believe this script should also work in RPG Maker VX, but I haven't tested that yet. It works in RPG Maker XP for sure. **


What it does:

* Record RGSS window through lightweight RGSS and a DLL I made.
* Stop recording (beta, might be buggy but works as far as I tested)
* Records with at least the same quality as RGSS graphics, it might even be slightly sharper in my opinion but yours might be different.
* Records at a good frame rate.
* Uses XVID compression for recorded AVI.

Known issues:

* No sound recorded (yet)
* Only saves to 1 AVI name currently (not changeable for you guys atm)
* between 1 and 3 FPS lag in RGSS window while recording =/ but that's a minor issue compared to the output, since you won't be playing through the entire game with recording on, and if you did then that'd be funny.

Plans for future releases: (Unless everyone says to stop pretty much)

* Record Sound
* Allow pausing/resuming recordings (this can be done in RGSS but it's safer to do in C++ where the DLL is coded)
* Suggestions for it.



Download my DLL:
(Includes error code lookups incase you get an error with recording)

CPAVI Script

How to use:

Just download the DLL to the root of your game's folder, and paste this script above main ;)

To record your window use:


Note: You must use this in a loop! (or else the AVI will only have 1 frame :I )

To stop recording use:


It's really a simple script to use ;)

Please I'd like comments about this script if you can.
I really like this concept!
I will love it even more if you added support for recording in mpeg-4 such as H264 or AVC. It is probably slower than recording in XViD, but for people who have powerful machines like me it shouldn't be a problem. :3
[Image: ZeriabSig.png]
@> Zeriab:

Thank you for replying ^^
I don't know how H264 and/or AVC are made. I barely knew enough about AVI to get this running. (as you see, I still am working on audio =p )


@> Everyone:

If you are having trouble getting this to work or want an example, here is a demo for recording a RMXP game as an AVI:

This is the same script as V1.1 except it shows it works before you put it in your game.
I'm not sure I entirely follow how to start and stop recording. But I'd really like to try this out. The only thing I really don't understand is where you put the "CPAVI::record()" and "CPAVI::stop()" things at. I've never actually seen anything like this before and I'm sort of a noob when it comes to any form of scripting (right now) so I'd need a bit more understanding before I download and use it. ^^:

But I would like to do so, since I can't actually get any programs like Camtasia or Hypercam to run properly on my computer without retarded slowdown that renders it unplayable. I know it'll only work for RMXP projects but it'd be good if say I wanna take video of some stuff I've done to show friends my progress on the project *awesomeface*
(09-20-2011, 10:06 PM)MindOnFire Wrote: I'm not sure I entirely follow how to start and stop recording. But I'd really like to try this out. The only thing I really don't understand is where you put the "CPAVI::record()" and "CPAVI::stop()" things at. I've never actually seen anything like this before and I'm sort of a noob when it comes to any form of scripting (right now) so I'd need a bit more understanding before I download and use it. ^^:

But I would like to do so, since I can't actually get any programs like Camtasia or Hypercam to run properly on my computer without retarded slowdown that renders it unplayable. I know it'll only work for RMXP projects but it'd be good if say I wanna take video of some stuff I've done to show friends my progress on the project *awesomeface*
You can download the demo, currently it doesn't record audio though because that is very hard to put into an AVI =p I'm working on adding audio support but school is starting up so I don't have as much free time as when I was doing the graphics recording. I am making a tiny bit of progress though.

The demo contains examples of what it can do now, and example scripts showing how to use it. This should record your game at the exact (or better) FPS as the game runs with.

This isn't a hard script to use.
Just put CPAVI::record() inside a loop, and when you want it to stop recording (for example when button C is pressed) you put CPAVI::stop() between the "if Input...........end" syntaxes.

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