All/Self/None Targetting Arrows
All/Self/None Targeting Arrows

Version: 1.0


This script adds targeting arrows to the None, All Allies, All Enemies, and The User skill and item targets.


[Image: acpw68.png]

# ** Scene_Battle (part 3)
#  Edits to skill and item select to standardize selection process.
#  By MechanicalPen for
#  Use however you wish, but include a link to the thread:
#  if script is posted on other sites.
class Scene_Battle  
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : skill selection)
  def update_phase3_skill_select
    # Make skill window visible
    @skill_window.visible = true
    # Update skill window
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End skill selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Get currently selected data on the skill window
      @skill = @skill_window.skill
      # If it can't be used
      if @skill == nil or not @active_battler.skill_can_use?(
        # Play buzzer SE
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.skill_id =
      # Make skill window invisible
      @skill_window.visible = false
      # If effect is none
      if @skill.scope == 0
      # If effect is single enemy
      elsif @skill.scope == 1
        # Start enemy selection
      # If effect scope is all enemies
      elsif @skill.scope == 2
      # If effect scope is single ally
      elsif @skill.scope == 3 or @skill.scope == 5
        # Start actor selection
      elsif @skill.scope == 4 or @skill.scope == 6
      elsif @skill.scope == 7
        # End skill selection
        # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : item selection)
  def update_phase3_item_select
    # Make item window visible
    @item_window.visible = true
    # Update item window
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End item selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Get currently selected data on the item window
      @item = @item_window.item
      # If it can't be used
      unless $game_party.item_can_use?(
        # Play buzzer SE
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.item_id =
      # Make item window invisible
      @item_window.visible = false
      #If effect scope is none
      if @item.scope == 0
      # If effect scope is single enemy
      elsif @item.scope == 1
        # Start enemy selection
      # If effect scope is all enemies
      elsif @item.scope == 2
      # If effect scope is single ally
      elsif @item.scope == 3 or @item.scope == 5
        # Start actor selection
      # If effect scope is all allies
      elsif @item.scope == 4 or @item.scope == 6
      # If effect scope is user
      elsif @item.scope == 7
        # End item selection
        # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Start Enemy Selection (all)
  def start_all_enemies_select
    # Make enemy arrow
    @enemy_arrow =
    # Associate help window
    @enemy_arrow.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = false
  # * Start Actor Selection (self)
  def start_actor_self_select
    # Make actor arrow
    @actor_arrow =
    @actor_arrow.index = @actor_index
    # Associate help window
    @actor_arrow.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = false
  # * Start Actor Selection (all)
  def start_all_actors_select
    # Make actor arrow
    @actor_arrow =
    @actor_arrow.index = @actor_index
    # Associate help window
    @actor_arrow.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = false

# ** Arrow_All_Enemies
#  This arrow cursor is used to choose all enemies. This class inherits from
#  the Arrow_Base class.
class Arrow_All_Enemies < Arrow_Base
  # * Object Initialization (Actor Arrow is flipped)
  #     viewport : viewport
  def initialize(viewport)
    @extra_arrows = []
    #generate an arrow for each enemy
    for i in 0...$game_troop.enemies.size
      @extra_arrows[i] =
      @extra_arrows[i].index = i
  # * Get Enemy Indicated by Cursor
  def enemy
    return $game_troop.enemies[@index]
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    for i in 0...$game_troop.enemies.size
    # Set sprite coordinates
    # Set sprite coordinates
    if != nil
      self.x =
      self.y =
  # * Help Text Update
  def update_help
    # Display actor status in help window
    @help_window.set_text("All Enemies", 1)
  # * Dispose
  def dispose
    for i in 0...$game_troop.enemies.size

# ** Arrow_Self
#  This arrow cursor is used to show the actor selected.
#   This class inherits from the Arrow_Base class.
class Arrow_Self < Arrow_Base
  # * Object Initialization (Actor Arrow is flipped)
  #     viewport : viewport
  def initialize(viewport)
    #self.angle = 180
  # * Get Actor Indicated by Cursor
  def actor
    return $game_party.actors[@index]
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Set sprite coordinates
    if != nil
      self.x =
      self.y =
  # * Help Text Update
  def update_help
    # Display actor status in help window

# ** Arrow_Actor
#  This arrow cursor is used to choose an actor. This class inherits from the
#  Arrow_Base class.
class Arrow_All_Actors < Arrow_Base
  # * Object Initialization (Actor Arrow is flipped)
  #     viewport : viewport
  def initialize(viewport)
    @extra_arrows = []
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      @extra_arrows[i] =
      @extra_arrows[i].index = i
    #self.angle = 180
  # * Get Actor Indicated by Cursor
  def actor
    return $game_party.actors[@index]
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
    # Set sprite coordinates
    if != nil
      self.x =
      self.y =
  # * Help Text Update
  def update_help
    # Display actor status in help window
    @help_window.set_text("All Allies", 1)
  # * Dispose
  def dispose
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size


Make a new script anywhere below 'Scene_Battle 3' (but above 'Main'). Do note that this script overwrites the methods 'update_phase3_skill_select' and 'update_phase3_item_select' so if you have any other scripts that modify those, you'll have to merge. I can assist with merging if you ask in this thread.

Credits and Thanks

Thanks to DerVVulfman and every other Save-Point scripter, for posting tons of scripts for me to study and learn how to make my own.

Author's Notes

This script was the third piece of code I wrote for my RPG Maker XP project. The lack of consistency between different skill targets bothered me, mostly because I have twitchy fingers and half the targeting options didn't have that confirmation "this is who the spell hits" display.

If anyone has a different idea for how the 'None' skill target should be displayed, let me know. Right now it shows targeting as if it was a "The User" skill.

Terms and Conditions

Free for Commercial and Non-Commercial use, but this is a semi-exclusive script and so if you post it anywhere you must include a link to this thread, and mention you got it from Save-Point.

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