Let's get more active :P
Just hoping to see people post more in the future. I will definitively do my part, but I can't help but feel that people aren't posting much at the moment. That is all
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
And what would a thread like this change?
[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
To be perfectly honest, I've not seen many chit chat topics around otherwise I'd have been posting a bit more.
So yeah a thread like this could motivate more of the general topics and get some nattering going on, I think seeing this sort of general activity which would make others feel more able to just post away and feel comfortable about it.
[Image: logonew.gif]
Yeah, As you can see I only post when I have something real interesting to say, or some type of breakthrough data. I almost never post just for the hell of posting. That just creates the illusion of an active forum. But yes, I also wish people would make more posts instead of being online doing just staring.

I guess I'll start a mission to cure this problem.
Open the floodgates!...
Seriously though... I already talk too much and if I start talking more people will listen even less!
Im sorry but Im trying to get laid atm
any conversation Im having Im not sure you wanna hear.
Unless you like topics starting off With Moaning and purring.
You don't need to post for the hell of it. I posted three tutorials lately. It takes a little time but it helps the forum a bit. This thread wont change anything unless people wants to change, true. Think of it as a semi-rant.
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
(04-23-2011, 05:35 AM)Rosair Wrote: Im sorry but Im trying to get laid atm
any conversation Im having Im not sure you wanna hear.
Unless you like topics starting off With Moaning and purring.

With topics like that posts will skyrocket from me. 100x.
Very good job on the tutorials, Valdred!
I'm getting myself ready for a new move. New house, new job, new city, a lot is going on, I'll be more active when I have everything worked out (if my employers don't suck every drop of energy from my body).
[Image: facebook_icon.png] [Image: youtube_128x128-120x120.png] [Image: deviant.png] [Image: save-point.png]

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