Ashes of the Phoenix
About Me
Kind of nervous about posting this, but I'm rather wondering what other people may think about my game. I've been messing with RMVX, XP and 2003 for probably around 3 years or so. Maybe more. I've made a good amount of games that are normally around 20 hours+, but I never released them to anyone besides my friends and well any friend will tell you what you made is good. Anyways! I've been working on this project for about 4 months now or so. It's only got about 2-3 hours of game play, but I think it's one of my better games I've made!

I'd like to thank Yerd/Yanfly, KGC, Mr. A for translating KGC, Keloc(?) and Mr. Bubble for their scripts and Animations. Yerd/Yanfly and KGC's scripts are amazing and Mr. Bubble does some of the best animations I've ever seen!
I don't quite remember who does all the side-view sprites(No the game is not a side-view game). I think it's Keloc. If someone tells me, I'll update this part.

New demo is up. It's only the first few hours, but it's still a rather decent size even after I cut out a lot of the yet unused resources.

The storyline isn't a generic fantasy theme with random people saving the end of the world. It's more based on war and politics, with a little bit of fantasy thrown into the mix, like magic and teleporting. The world is named Azuria. It's a land that pretty much has been in harmony for many many years, but that harmony is about to be shaken up. There is three main kingdoms, Remia, Azure and Durma. Remia and Azure are cut off from Durma by a huge mountain chain called Kotin that stretch from north to south and Remia and Azure have some separation by the Yalon desert. The starts off in Selba, a small town just west of Remia.

I have plans for around 10 characters. Each one being different and having a role in the story line. The first few are...

[Image: Rei.png]
Rei is 19. She helps the mayor of Selbina with some of the daily things that need to get done. She ends up being late on a rather bad day...

[Image: Randle.png]
Randle is 18. He is from Azure and has trained as one of Azure's Mystic Fists. He is able to engulf his hands in different elements to strike at a foes weakness. He was sent out of Azure to stop a person who was harassing people trying to cross the Yalon desert.

[Image: Misty.png]
Misty is 19. She became a Mage at Azure at the age of 10 and by 15 she was the grand magister of Azure. She comes to Rei's rescue at just the right time.

[Image: Essnay.png]
Essnay is 22. She is the head Guardian of Remia and watches over the queen and king. The queen sends her to help Rei stop a dark force lurking under the castle.

As I said, there are a lot more characters to the story. This is only the first four.

Game Play
As I said earlier, I don't use side-view. It's a nice script, but you can do so much more with some of Yerd/Yanfly's and KGC's scripts. I took some videos of the first few bosses. Music maybe a little loud in the 2nd video, so you may want to turn down your speakers.

First boss:
Second boss:
Third boss:
Durma Castle Boss:

I have not finished working on the title screen yet. Both bosses are just tutorial bosses and are suppose to be easy. The third boss is what a lot of the other bosses are like in the game. Almost all of them require some form of planning to take out.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you'd like to play the game, I'm usually on AIM most of the day. You can reach me at Tsukasa293810. If play it at least give me some form of feedback, bugs, ect(my grammar and spelling is usually pretty bad).

Edit: Forgot the image for Essnay and Misty and the 3rd boss is still uploading.
Edit 2: 3rd boss video is up.
Seems pretty cool, I like the look of the battle system and the morale idea during combat sounds interesting. I remember a feature like that in X-COM where if your soldiers kept getting killed the remaining soldiers would start to panic and not follow orders. :P

I think after the boss is defeated there should be a bit more epic fanfare for victory, just basing that on the battle theme itself.

Sounds good, looking foward to playing a demo sometime. :D
Thanks! I was sooo nervous when I posted this. Glad to hear at least someone else thinks it looks good. Yeah I agree, it does need a bit of a something after bosses. The later ones usually have some event going on and the like.

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