Masamune Exploration: The Spirit Ship
Welcome to the Official Masamune Exploration: Spirit Ship thread.
This is an RP title I've been working on for quite some time now, and It's nearly finished, With a full release in the Summer.

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If there's anything else you need to know before you play it, just say so and I'll add it.
1. The demo is about 70 MB big, no big deal but:
the game is in the package again, also there are some BGMs in there in a .rar file... Just unnecessary...
2. Sorry but the battler of the main char looks really cappy :/ also his menu face
3. The game starts, no Intro, no story, just search for the map Oo
4. I go dowstairs the ship, there is a barrel with 4 Antidotes. I go upstairs, go downstairs, you gain again 4 Antidotes.
Obviously you used the Erase Event Command. If this is wanted, sorry, if not, use a self switch^^
5. Your Mapping is not really good, sry...
6. The girl, who you meet in the snowfields, does 5000-7000 DMG.... the guy just 200 Oo why???
Zarox Wrote:sorry.....
1. The demo is about 70 MB big, no big deal but:
the game is in the package again, also there are some BGMs in there in a .rar file... Just unnecessary...
2. Sorry but the battler of the main char looks really cappy :/ also his menu face
3. The game starts, no Intro, no story, just search for the map Oo
4. I go dowstairs the ship, there is a barrel with 4 Antidotes. I go upstairs, go downstairs, you gain again 4 Antidotes.
Obviously you used the Erase Event Command. If this is wanted, sorry, if not, use a self switch^^
5. Your Mapping is not really good, sry...
6. The girl, who you meet in the snowfields, does 5000-7000 DMG.... the guy just 200 Oo why???
1. Sorry, I'll fix that.
2. I know, he's a prototype.
3. Planning that part.
4. Thanks for reminding me lol, forgot about that.
5. I'm still in training, and they're sort of still shells of the map, I have a while to perfect that.
6. She's lv10, you're lv1, maybe I should edit that o.O

Any more constructive criticism is much appreciated.
ok I see^^ good luck with your project and if you update your Demo I will try it out again.

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