"Sunrise On Another Moon"
I palyed the 1st ZOE years ago. The combat is insane and fast. The weapons and powers are the type I love. 2 player versus mode was strangely done in the 1st game, but I had fun with it. To me it's one of those games that make you look cool even if you have no idea what you're doing. lol.
You guys are awesome for knowing of it. : D

Well, thank you Metal for making music that reminds us all of its awesomeness. Now, go find Konami and tell them yer composin' for the third game. Muahah. >=D
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

[Image: tumblr_inline_nzmbrz53G11sotucm_1280.png]
Click for the latest update - and vote for someone to die! >8D
Hahah... I wish. T_T
Hey guys, remember this single I made?

Well I've been working on it, trying to build it into a concept album... so here are the first 2 tracks:

You know the first track, but the 2nd is new. :)

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