W.K. - Remember my Memories
[Image: 4zrg3.png]

Project Name: WK - Remember My Memories
Engine: RPG Maker XP
Creator: TDark
Version: 0.4
Started in: 20/06/10

[Image: knhad.png]

What would you do if there was nothing else to believe? And if the truth that you searched all his life is nothing more than lies surrounded by loneliness?
As once said: Life is a great rule of three. But how you can reach final result without regard your actions?
The game has 17 different endings ranging from 7 minutes to 23 hours of gameplay, each with its own characteristics. And always complementing the story. Good luck trying to discover all ...

[Image: ft3py.png]

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[Image: 4vjin.png]

[Image: pesca12.png]Fishing ~ is a system of fishing BoF4 style in which you need to be fast to catch the fish at the same time you need to be careful to do not break the rod.
[Image: biblioteca12.png]Documents ~ Explore the vast libraries around the world. Do not stick to one book and read all you want. Until now there have been programmed 74livros variety of topics. Just go to the library and enjoy. And discover details of the history hidden in them.
[Image: mensagem2.png] Boards and e NPCsDo not know where to go ? Simply move the mouse to a board and locate. strange NPCs? Put the mouse on top of them and see details about them or what they are doing now.

Legacy Engine – Atoa
Mouse Over - Samarium
Keyboard Input – Autor Desconhecido
Scene with sound - Akime
Final Fantasy Tatics Shop – TDark
Zer0CMS – ForeverZer0
Widescreen - Selwyn

[Image: ejvaf.png]

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Ilumination test
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[Image: jcf9l.png]

The sound and graphics, are being put in a way to create a contrast with what is happening in the game. If part of history when you're playing is melancholic, you hear a song that will give an ironic effect.

I will use sound effects from Super Mario Galaxy (both versions), ArcRise Fantasy, World of Goo, MapleStory, NiGHTS - Journey of Dreams and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World.

[Image: lxqe3.png]

Thanks to the support of all. Mainly of: Natty, Nader, Aline, Moonlight Knight, Tunica, Akim, Atoa, El-Dison, Hina, Shadowname / Magus, Guinevere, Mitani, Pliavi, Vifibi, Aero, luko, Vifibi, Rhaige, Rafidelis, Kress and all others who helped me build my project.

... I was impressed until I noticed the code in the post which meant you just copied and pasted this from another forum.

That says a lot about how you made your game.
Hum... THX for the comment. But... In next... Say something that's worth reading
Look mate, I'm not just being an ass for the sake of it. I said that purely because -you- didn't take the effort to make your game look good through your actions. No need to be nasty. In fact, if you read my message again rather than jumping to conclusions and making a fool of yourself, you'll realise that I said I was "impressed".

Please, in future, make the effort to correct your post for this forum rather than just spam-pasting it. It -REALLY- does make a difference on how people view your game. I wasn't just saying that. There's no need to be rude.
My apologies... But I saw you saying I've copied from other forums and that the same attitude I had with my game
Interesting sounding game. The idea of so many different endings would make for good replay value too.
I'm not to keen on the mapping, it's a bit basic and in the green area the trees clash with the floor.

What's this: "Legacy Engine – Atoa" ? I can't find it anywhere.

What kind of battle system are you going to use?
yikes those trees are painful to look at. drop the deep outlines and shade them instead, they look like a magic eye, and really hurt my eyes to look at
I'm making my own battle system ^^
Is a mix of Rhythm, Time-STOP-Battle and Tactics.

Legacy Engine U can find here:
Looks like its shaping up great :D. The trees, while proper shade placement wise and very nice, could use better colour choices to make it easier on the eyes. The short description has me gripped, so I hope to see something become of this. The way you put the musick will be handled reminds me of Deadly Premonition because a LOT of their musick pieces "clashes" with the game events but somehow it gives it a boosted effect to make the cut scenes much more nice~ Also it doesn't really matter if you copy/paste the introduction from another forum honestly, so I don't know what that was about and actually I think it looks BETTER for you to have a uniform way of advertising. I do the same thing, but I do have to check to make sure the codes don't clash between the different forums. It reflects absolutely nothing on your game making skills, but on your foruming skills. :P It looks like you fixed that up, though, so all is well.
Hardcore gamer (which console should I play >_> ) - JRPG, Classic Platform Game, and Survival Horror Enthusiast (there was a hole here.) - Artist/Singer (German and Japanese > English crapola~ any day!) - Bounto supporter~ (nom nom nom souls) - Kagerozakun Obsessed! (I see. . .) - Not so normal girl XD (but you love me anyway)

Quote:Why is your team so damn awesome?
Tweezel Wrote:Because I'm in it~

Sounds like there are some interesting ideas for the gameplay, but I'm also curious as to how the story will pan out and who the characters will be. The blurb made it sound somewhat survival-horror-y, what with the narrator sounding like they're being followed by a murderer or at least have their death approaching, but the screenshots depict something more idyllic so it'll be interesting to see which route it goes down.
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

[Image: tumblr_inline_nzmbrz53G11sotucm_1280.png]
Click for the latest update - and vote for someone to die! >8D

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