Six Year Sakura : Forgotten Memories

[Image: Title.png]

Abstract- *1000 years ago, Old Japan was bound to be swallowed by eternal darkness of the unseen force but yet saved thanks to Izanagi's descendants of that era. 1000 years later, Modern Japan, the same forces are acting again to create malice and try to continue the plan of eternal darkness. Can Izanagi's descendant's be able to stop the incoming danger?
Genre- *Fantasy, Historical,Highly Japan-Inspired RPG
Platform- *RPGMaker XP.

Another Note :The game shows alot of Japanese Honorifics. If you have read a manga or watched an anime, you will be familiar with this.

Click here for the story

Click here for the setting

[Image: face_1.png]
*The Main Protagonist - A Happy-go-lucky high school student.
A bit of a delinquent yet good natured at heart. He always likes to slack off and wander throughout Japan to see
something he hasn't seen yet.
Further personality will be developed in-game by choices of the player in different scenarios.
Last Name : Kureyu
Age : 18
Gender : Male

[Image: l4.png]
*Tsubashi Shiori - The main protagonists cousin. A highly extra-curricular fanatic.
Always ignores the main protagonist in alot of aspect but has an important order to fulfill by the prophecy that
the main protagonist must not know until the right time.
Age : 17
Gender : Female

[Image: gr2.png]
*Ruukia Kaede - A girl at her 20's, Kaede escaped from a mysterious lab
at Nagasaki and was on pursuit by un-worldy creatures until meeting the main protagonist. Which when the fate of
the Main Protagonist is shown and told by the spirit of the Katana.
Loves streetfighting and never leaves without his handy tonfa.
Age : 20
Gender : Female

[Image: face_4-1.png]
*Tokane Aya - A transfer student from Nagasaki and later befriended the
main protagonist. She has somewhat a quiet nature but has a role in the days to come.
Likes the main protagonist in manner of infatuation.
Age : 17
Gender : Female

[Image: face_9-1.png]
*Otomi Himura - The greatest slasher of the Old Japan. A descendant of Amaterasu.
One of the three warriors who sacrificed their living breath in order to save the Sakura.
Silent but loves bloodshed. Connection to the main protagonist will be revealed in-game.
Age : 27
Gender : Male

[Image: face_8-1.png]
*Nidachi Izuna - Designed and invented the first gunpowder based weapon.
The sole survivor of the Sakura Incident of the Old Japan. And never been found the
day after the incident.
Age : 25
Gender : Male

[Image: face_10-1.png]
*Furukawa Raijin - Named after the God of Thunder, Raijin is a roaming mercenary surviving
by hunting different kinds of targets including mortals. One of the three warriors who sacrificed
their lives with Otomi.
Age : 26
Gender Male

[Image: face_11-1.png]
*Abelial - The estranged lancer. Nothing much is known about him except his name. Has the power
of calling the Gods and even reincarnating and trapping souls. Swift and cunnning.
Age : Unknown
Gender : Unknown

Atoa for the translation and further improvement of Enu Tankentai SBS up to v2.2xp
* Still sorting credits. :)

Screen Shots

Enu Tankentai SBS with Gravity Corp. Enemy Sprites.
Battle System
Card Summon System.
Card System Explanation
Sample Of Some Cards Used.
School Simulation System and Day/Night System.
School Simulation System/Day And Night System Explanation

Multiple Ending Features
Multiple Ending Explanation

NPC Relation System.
NPC Relation System Explanation

Calendar System.
Calendar System Explanation

New Game +
New Game + Explanation

If you have any questions, or if you want to join me in the creation of this game, or anything, just PM me or post in this thread. Thank you.


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