Story Plot Help
currently I'm working on a story for my game. But somehow I got a blockade in my head. I can't think of a nice plot for my game.
So far I came:

There are 4 guys. They are going on a journey and leave their home, a little isle, to experience some adventures. With a ship they're moving to a big city.

Of course I wrote this longer and with some stuff, but this is how far I came.

Now I need some ideas, what could happen to them. I need a primary target, what they want to reach with their journey and maybe some smaller problems on the way to solve it.

I hope someone could help me, as I'm stuck with that for almost a month now^^

Thanks in advance!
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Just then a wizard arrives, bearing cookies.....

You can always look for a random generator, sometimes you get lucky.
ok thanks :D I'll take a look on those.

More ideas are welcome ^^
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sounds like you need to start with deeper characters. what kinds of personalities do they have? what exactly would they be looking for in an adventure? how big is the boat they're on? are there other people on the boat? what is the world like? it would help if you could design the entire world, and just take a slice of it. there is something in acting called the 'iceburg character' where the actor will make up the character's entire life up until the beginning of the story, and use that in their portrayal of the character. i know it sounds dumb to come up with a bunch of backstory that you may not even use, but it would really help shape the characters, and then the story should write itself. if it doesn't, just add more depth to your characters.
First, I tried the generators of seventh sanctum, I have to say they're great for ideas.

KasperKalamity: I pictured my characters really good, but it's in german, so I have to translate this first. The world is set as well, but not really deep. Without a plot I can't really set the world.
Thanks for this advice, I'll try to make them deeper.
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your story and your world have to develop side by side in a way. whats going on in your world that might affect your characters on the boat or once they get to where they're going? does anyone on the boat know about the rest of the world? what is the inspiration behind their wanderlust?

i think it was the first kingdom hearts where the characters kind of knew about the outside world, but weren't sure. what do your characters know about their world?
Perfect. You are a great inspiration. I got a primary target, and with these steps I get more and more ideas.

I will write this down tomorrow.
Thanks very much!
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