BoF Rebirth

For who already play this before there not much change because actually i want to post the demo in this forum before but i have lot of complain especially about language and grammar and i asked some people to fix it until today. Well feel free to give me some advice and critic.

Game file 30mb
Audio file 8mb


At present time, some suspicious guys looking for a girl, it was coincidence Aele found her unconscious in middle of the forest, after hearing weird voice asking him to help her, he bring her back into a village.
After few days that girl awake and introduce her name as Ryuna, when she want to ask Aele but he left her alone in confusion. After go from the village those guy who search her was attacking, eventually Aele came and help but he outnumbered.
That time a big creature with transparan wing came out from nowhere blast those guy along with the forest.


[Image: rnewrq0.png]
Name : Ryuna Bateson
Age : 16 year
Weapon : Fuda Paper

Naive, stubborn, love to sleep and eat anything as long editable. She know nothing about mainland because she spent most of her time with the other Dragon Clan hiding from the world. Her sister go for her task and haven't comeback for few year, Ryuna became impatient and go to mainland with Freia when she meet Aele.
Ryuna was trained became a Summoner because her lineage, but her lack of concentrate make her slow at this
She using Bypass Incantation, spell technique using a pictures in paper and infused it with Mana she enable to used a magic according the pictures in paper, but she only remember few magic because slack to much.

[Image: anewdr9.png][Image:]
Name : Aele
Age : 22 year
Weapon : Sword or anything he can use even a broom.

Aele is quite famous in Central, because he broke some antique that priceless, accused for harrasing a noble women, failed in his job and lot thing. Being hunted by some people that have lot grudge to him that`s why for a while he hid in small village, place he will meet Ryuna, his most troublesome problem.
Aele is fast his speed par with Nina that have affinity with Wind Element.

[Image: nnewat6.png][Image:]
Name : Nina Wyndia
Age : 19
Weapon : Scythe Rod

Nina was work in Archaeologist department, she travel lot time to find a ruin and explore to find something, She came to Lessen Region because she found trace un-explore ruin in forest of Punishment.
Nina not really friendly to anyone, especially Aele.
Nina is fast because her affinity with Wind Magic that came from her lineage, she also can use Water based magic to fight.

Another main character
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Battle System
Battle system will be same as Original BOF game, a 3/4 view battle system. With lot animation for character and skill to make battle more interesting and flashy.
Different from original battle system I used CTB instead normal turn based system.
[Image: battlenewjf9.png]
[Image: bat2sh1.png]

If you interested to try see the battle system you can see it here


[Image: apartmentst5.png]
Aele apartment.
[Image: central2fg3.png]
Central City
[Image: lessen4ku9.png]
Mine cave
Update : put another screenshot

[Image: dungeonf.jpg]
[Image: forest2t.jpg]

Also if possible could someone give me feedback especially about dialog because last time i upload the demo most people complain about the grammar.
Game looks cool. I'm definitely going to try it out today. If you still need a grammar tester, hit me up in pm.
[Image: style7,Kristovski.png]
Thanks, i will consider your offer XD

Note :
I want to change all tileset i use that why i like to know people opinion before i decided which i should use.
Please tell me which one better.

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Type 01
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Type 02
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I think Type 01 is the best, so the second spoiler^^
I like type 02 The best . I also want to say that the game looks really cool and that i will try it out :)
I actually like the original. It gives the village that rustic, modest village look.
I personally like Type 01 the best, but that's because I like happy and colourful villages. Which one you'd want to use depends a bit on which kind of atmosphere you want the village to have, since 01 and 02 do create completely different atmospheres.

If you want it to have a modest tone, then 02 is better.

If it's just one of those villages where your party spend some happy time while passing trough, then absolutely go for 01.
yeah I think the biggest problem with the original are these ugly spots on the house^^
Okay thanks for the input guys, i think i will try to go with type 02 with several adjustment.

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