Advice you WISH you could give but can't because...
Hello and good day!

Ever had a discussion in your head that you wish you could have with a certain person in your life? You have this one piece of advice that you absolutely know is important, yet it is something you can't just walk up and put out on the spot, its just... too sensitive of an issue.

This is what this topic is about! I'll go ahead and start, feel free to discuss issues and also post your own below, maybe we'll find an easier way to discuss sensitive subjects with the folks around us.


Mine is about this old overweight guy at my work.

The biggest issue I've been wanting to bring up with him is this piece of advice; since he owns two homes, he should sell his other house and use the money to get liposuction. Its not physical appearance that concerns me, but more just because that weight is what is going to kill him.
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I can understand your turmoil there.
It's a dreadful thing to have to be brutally honest with people.

And it isn't the kind of thing that you can just casually drop in mid conversation. "O BTW u shud sel a howse nd have liposuction."

My personal bother is my little brother.
He's head over heels for this girl who just doesn't like him the way he likes her.
I don't know what it is about him that makes him take it so personally, but he's punishing himself and everyone around himself because he can't get what he wants.
I'd love to tell him to drop it and leave her alone, but I can't.
Oh wait, I did tell him.

He just ignored me.
you can always give it, it's called a "dutch uncle talk" very frank, succinct advice that's straight to the point.

"listen kid, you're a good kid and all, but you're fucking up. you need to do x,y,and z. THEN your quest will be easier."
Can't honestly say I've ever had a problem telling someone advice, however hurtful they may find it. n.n
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Don't know how much it helps outside the south, but here as long as you tag "bless your/his/her heart" somewhere in the sentence you can say anything you'd like :)

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