03-28-2010, 07:56 PM
![[Image: SoulwakeTitleScreen1.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/SoulwakeTitleScreen1.png)
![[Image: HEADERgraphics.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/HEADERgraphics.png)
![[Image: Characters.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/Characters.png)
![[Image: Theheroes.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/Theheroes.png)
4-7 Years Later...![[Image: stevensface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/stevensface.png)
Age: 17
Race: ???
Elemental Alignment: Fire/Water
Skill: Skateboarding/Spirit Bomb/Guitar
Quote: "I Can't stop havin these visions, I gotta keep with it..."
Bio: A young guitarist who spends most of his days creating music and spending time with the local crew. He has left his hometown to be with the girl of his dreams. David is very quiet at times but takes the lead whenever necessary, otherwise he's very laidback. He enjoys the highlife with his best friend Kaleb, but has an unbreakable and sometimes questionable? love for girls but more importantly God. He puts his friends before himself and never fails to lend a helping hand. But he has an anger that is unmatched when sparked.
![[Image: kalebface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/kalebface.png)
Age: 18
Race: African-American
Elemental Alignment: Fire
Skill: StreetFighting/Streetsmarts/Artillery
Quote: "I gotta get outta tha game"
Bio: A young hiphopper who dreams of becoming an artist in the future. Born in Africa, he's spent much of his childhood fleeing from the crazed guerillas that killed most of his family, until local missionaries took him and his older sister, Kana, into their arms. Eventually He and Kana were able to move to America where he befriended David. He has taken up boxing in Urban California to clear his mind of the loss of his family.
![[Image: skyeface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/skyeface.png)
Amy "Skye" Woodward
Age: 14
Race: Caucasian/Asian
Elemental Alignment: Earth
Skill: Tech/Charm
Quote: "RawR means I love you in dino!"
Bio: A young fashion designer-in-training, Skye enjoys Rock, Anime, and EVERYTHING Technology. Somewhat nerdy but is probably the friendliest of the party. She's a bit shy at times but befriends David who also loves Rock. She attends the same highschool as Kayla, whom is like a sister to her. Vampires and fallen angels seem to amaze her for some odd reason?
![[Image: bones1face.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/bones1face.png)
Age: 10
Elemental Alignment: Air/Fire
Skill: Picklock/Mimic/Black Magic
Bio: Not too much is known about this young kid, . He seems to use some sort of astral projection technique to sometimes try and contact David. All that David finds out in the first dream is that he's a carnie.
![[Image: haileysface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/haileysface.png)
Hailey Lynn Majors
Age: 8
Race: Caucasian/Native
Elemental Alignment: Light
Skill: Animal Sense/Prayer
Quote: "?"
Bio: The most light hearted and most energetic one of the party, she sees the good in everything. David and Skye run into her early in the game and discover she is an orphan. Unlike any of the other members, she has a solid faith in God from the beginning which makes her spirit the most valuable to the enemy. She claims to be able to talk to animals and angels though noone believes her. While young, her and Bones are the only characters capable of navigating narrow corridors. Later, she develops many powerful spiritual gifts that will help defend the party through the coming time of trouble.
![[Image: kaylaface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/kaylaface.png)
Kayla Chambers
Age: 15
Race: Caucasian
Elemental Alignment: Water
Skill: Healing/ Float
Quote: "Is Love a Fantasy?"
Bio: An amazing dancer, she's the most strong willed of the crew. Dertermination his her middle name and losing is NEVER an option with her. She's never afraid to tell her mind
![[Image: michaelface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/michaelface.png)
Age: Unknown
Race: Angelic
Skill: Energy Manipulation, Psychic Ability, Shapeshifter
Bio:[color="#408080"]The Prince of the people of Israel. Him and Lucifer were once close brothers, at the begininning of time. With the epic fall of his brother to the spirit essence of pride when he disrupted the element of air, he was assigned with the difficult task of casting Lucifer and his fallen from the 3rd heaven. Once he accomplished this, he discovered the war with his former brother had only but begun. For after Lucifer pulled 1/3 of the angels from heaven and was cast into the 2nd heaven (outer space) with his fallen army, he also yearned to destroy Mankind and set out to harness and destroy the power of the stars while seeking out Earth.
Thus Michael and the remaining set out where they now wage war with Lucifer and his fallen throughout the vast reaches of the 2nd heavens to prevent the destruction of the entire universe and to ultimately cast him and his angels to the Earth itself. Where the final and most important battle of time itself will take place.
Being at the frontline of war with Lucifer, Michael has sent out tens of thousands of harmless transmitor drones in hopes of one reaching Earth before Lucifer's cronnies arrive to commence their evil Endgame plan.[/color]
![[Image: terryface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/terryface.png)
Terry Mattlock
Race: Eastern Caucasian
Skill: Handyman/ Artillery/ Mechanic/ Remote Viewing
Bio: He seems to hide many secrets... The man claims to have no occupation and is seemingly just another everyday handyman when it comes to well, pretty much anything mechanical. A bit of a perve, he loves and hates women at the same time due to a former heartbreak. Occasionally listens to hip hop to try and impress the younger ladies? He always attempts to be the hardest and baddest, yet will break his back just to help out someone. He's hiding something.. but what?
![[Image: fraggerface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/fraggerface.png)
Race: Transmitor Drone
Skill: Scan/Generation/Translator/Transmitor/
Quote: I'm game!
Bio:[color="#408080"]Meet 7, Class A Transmittor Drone. One of thousands sent from Michael in the 2nd heavens, to assist David, but more importantly to warn Earth of the approaching enemy and coming time of trouble. 7 is one of the first bots to reach Earth. Naturally, He's capable of
- scanning and displaying enemy data in the form of HP and MP
- using the Ether to generate fields that range from slowing and speeding of targets, elemental specific shields or barriers to help deflect enemy fire and attacks
-Translations of almost all human language
-Transmitting vital broadcasts from Michael to Earth
It will be necessary to utilize all of 7's defensive shields and barriers to help the party survive through their battles. Later on, you will be able to upgrade 7 with various parts that will grant him certain abilities and skills, as well as becoming able to fight back in battle as well.
7 runs off of Solar power but it is sometimes necessary to charge him. [/color]
![[Image: Thefallen.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/Thefallen.png)
![[Image: shadowcasterface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/shadowcasterface.png)
The Shadowcaster was once a happy go lucky carnie who worked and played alongside Bones. Naturally, he was able to cast magick but his lust for more power led him to use forbidden symbols and he soon began to summon spirit entities whom would offer him his request in return for fragments of his soul. He agreed, and continued to summon stronger demons until he eventually came into contact with General Jarvus, millions of miles deep into space...
Don't let his devilish grin fool you... behind this mask lies a sinister evil that is best left alone. David didnt choose to fight this madman.. The Shadowcaster's most power magick ability is to project himself into the subconscious dream of a spirit. Once the spirit is lucid and aware of the Shadowcaster's presence he casts spells that confuse the player and turns them against his own family and allies.
![[Image: shivadrone.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/shivadrone.png)
These once angelic creatures left their first abode with Lucifer to seek out Earth and have traded all trace of their former nature in return for what they hope to be eternal life, apart from the first Maker, by fusing their spirits with metallic elementals. These specific drones wander through space just outside their mothership, to harness the cold of outerspace and charge their ice elemental core processor. They specialize in advanced defensive techniques and can unleash hellish Ice-based attacks which closely mirror the hearts they once had that have frozen in the dead of space. They obey only "The Source" now...
They are among the first of Lucifer's army to attack and infiltrate Earth's defensive space systems because they have disquised themselves as stars, by producing an energy field that surrounds the machine they cycle through space on.
![[Image: generalface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/generalface.png)
One of Lucifer's most powerful generals that is capable of shapeshifting with the help of his bio suit. He understands the principles of time travel and teleportation but is very limited in such magick. He is an international space criminal that has tried to resurrect Lucifer on earth several times but has been foiled up until now by a secret order in charge of Earth special forces. But the General has shifted his game plan and is about to utilize Earth's own airwave system..
His darkest power is the ability to control and manipulate the Ether, and he plans to use Earth's Ethernet to transmit and teleport his fleet as well as destroy mankind itself.
![[Image: screenshots.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/screenshots.png)
![[Image: screenshot3.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/screenshot3.png)
![[Image: ButterflyHaven11.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/ButterflyHaven11.png)
![[Image: thegraveyard.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/thegraveyard.png)
![[Image: screenshot2.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/screenshot2.png)
![[Image: theuninvited.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/theuninvited.png)
![[Image: Soundtrack.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/Soundtrack.png)
Key Features
![[Image: credits.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/credits.png)
I'd like to personally thank..
Minkoff,DerVVulfman, and Twin Matrix for the battle system
CCoa for the UMS
Blizzard for his tons of scripts
Sephiroth Spawn for his Slanted Bars Script
Law for his various menu scripts
and of course Enterbrain for rmxp
Thanks for contributing and making the rmxp community what it is today.
if I missed anyone please contact me and i'll be happy to include you!
![[Image: SoulwakeTitleScreen1.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/SoulwakeTitleScreen1.png)
![[Image: HEADERgraphics.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/HEADERgraphics.png)
They have spent countless eons scouring the galaxy in everlasting chains of darkness...among the abomination that is called Nibiru, a war machine prison planet infused with the souls of the fallen and driven by the very nature of sin itself. It harnesses a power inconcievable by the standards of mankind, and at its core lies it's source, a weapon called Satan, the once great covering cherub who was cast out of heaven along with 1/3 of the once heavenly host. Their consciousness has been seared as with a hot iron, the very reason God imprisoned them on Nibiru.
He is called the Prince of Air, and enthroned at the heart of Nibiru he plots his strategy for his final war, laying waste to infinite barren planets and destroying stars to travel in light speed in his search for mankind and Earth, scanning day and night amongst the cosmos for the moment when the signal will be transmitted from Earth's airwaves, revealing our exact location.
Unfortunetly, this day is closer for Earth than anyone ever expected. For mankind has not only made contact with Nibiru, but is about to complete the final bridge to the spiritual world as well.... Where David and his crew are about to embark on the greatest and most dangerous journey that has ever been taken in the very course of time itself. Only with the Sword of the Spirit, and the help of a loving but almost forgotten God can he restore peace to his beloved world.
He is called the Prince of Air, and enthroned at the heart of Nibiru he plots his strategy for his final war, laying waste to infinite barren planets and destroying stars to travel in light speed in his search for mankind and Earth, scanning day and night amongst the cosmos for the moment when the signal will be transmitted from Earth's airwaves, revealing our exact location.
Unfortunetly, this day is closer for Earth than anyone ever expected. For mankind has not only made contact with Nibiru, but is about to complete the final bridge to the spiritual world as well.... Where David and his crew are about to embark on the greatest and most dangerous journey that has ever been taken in the very course of time itself. Only with the Sword of the Spirit, and the help of a loving but almost forgotten God can he restore peace to his beloved world.
![[Image: Characters.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/Characters.png)
![[Image: Theheroes.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/Theheroes.png)
Content Hidden
![[Image: davdface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/davdface.png)
![[Image: stevensface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/stevensface.png)
Age: 17
Race: ???
Elemental Alignment: Fire/Water
Skill: Skateboarding/Spirit Bomb/Guitar
Quote: "I Can't stop havin these visions, I gotta keep with it..."
Bio: A young guitarist who spends most of his days creating music and spending time with the local crew. He has left his hometown to be with the girl of his dreams. David is very quiet at times but takes the lead whenever necessary, otherwise he's very laidback. He enjoys the highlife with his best friend Kaleb, but has an unbreakable and sometimes questionable? love for girls but more importantly God. He puts his friends before himself and never fails to lend a helping hand. But he has an anger that is unmatched when sparked.
![[Image: kalebface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/kalebface.png)
Age: 18
Race: African-American
Elemental Alignment: Fire
Skill: StreetFighting/Streetsmarts/Artillery
Quote: "I gotta get outta tha game"
Bio: A young hiphopper who dreams of becoming an artist in the future. Born in Africa, he's spent much of his childhood fleeing from the crazed guerillas that killed most of his family, until local missionaries took him and his older sister, Kana, into their arms. Eventually He and Kana were able to move to America where he befriended David. He has taken up boxing in Urban California to clear his mind of the loss of his family.
![[Image: skyeface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/skyeface.png)
Amy "Skye" Woodward
Age: 14
Race: Caucasian/Asian
Elemental Alignment: Earth
Skill: Tech/Charm
Quote: "RawR means I love you in dino!"
Bio: A young fashion designer-in-training, Skye enjoys Rock, Anime, and EVERYTHING Technology. Somewhat nerdy but is probably the friendliest of the party. She's a bit shy at times but befriends David who also loves Rock. She attends the same highschool as Kayla, whom is like a sister to her. Vampires and fallen angels seem to amaze her for some odd reason?
![[Image: bones1face.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/bones1face.png)
Age: 10
Elemental Alignment: Air/Fire
Skill: Picklock/Mimic/Black Magic
Bio: Not too much is known about this young kid, . He seems to use some sort of astral projection technique to sometimes try and contact David. All that David finds out in the first dream is that he's a carnie.
![[Image: haileysface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/haileysface.png)
Hailey Lynn Majors
Age: 8
Race: Caucasian/Native
Elemental Alignment: Light
Skill: Animal Sense/Prayer
Quote: "?"
Bio: The most light hearted and most energetic one of the party, she sees the good in everything. David and Skye run into her early in the game and discover she is an orphan. Unlike any of the other members, she has a solid faith in God from the beginning which makes her spirit the most valuable to the enemy. She claims to be able to talk to animals and angels though noone believes her. While young, her and Bones are the only characters capable of navigating narrow corridors. Later, she develops many powerful spiritual gifts that will help defend the party through the coming time of trouble.
![[Image: kaylaface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/kaylaface.png)
Kayla Chambers
Age: 15
Race: Caucasian
Elemental Alignment: Water
Skill: Healing/ Float
Quote: "Is Love a Fantasy?"
Bio: An amazing dancer, she's the most strong willed of the crew. Dertermination his her middle name and losing is NEVER an option with her. She's never afraid to tell her mind
![[Image: michaelface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/michaelface.png)
Age: Unknown
Race: Angelic
Skill: Energy Manipulation, Psychic Ability, Shapeshifter
Bio:[color="#408080"]The Prince of the people of Israel. Him and Lucifer were once close brothers, at the begininning of time. With the epic fall of his brother to the spirit essence of pride when he disrupted the element of air, he was assigned with the difficult task of casting Lucifer and his fallen from the 3rd heaven. Once he accomplished this, he discovered the war with his former brother had only but begun. For after Lucifer pulled 1/3 of the angels from heaven and was cast into the 2nd heaven (outer space) with his fallen army, he also yearned to destroy Mankind and set out to harness and destroy the power of the stars while seeking out Earth.
Thus Michael and the remaining set out where they now wage war with Lucifer and his fallen throughout the vast reaches of the 2nd heavens to prevent the destruction of the entire universe and to ultimately cast him and his angels to the Earth itself. Where the final and most important battle of time itself will take place.
Being at the frontline of war with Lucifer, Michael has sent out tens of thousands of harmless transmitor drones in hopes of one reaching Earth before Lucifer's cronnies arrive to commence their evil Endgame plan.[/color]
![[Image: terryface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/terryface.png)
Terry Mattlock
Race: Eastern Caucasian
Skill: Handyman/ Artillery/ Mechanic/ Remote Viewing
Bio: He seems to hide many secrets... The man claims to have no occupation and is seemingly just another everyday handyman when it comes to well, pretty much anything mechanical. A bit of a perve, he loves and hates women at the same time due to a former heartbreak. Occasionally listens to hip hop to try and impress the younger ladies? He always attempts to be the hardest and baddest, yet will break his back just to help out someone. He's hiding something.. but what?
![[Image: fraggerface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/fraggerface.png)
Race: Transmitor Drone
Skill: Scan/Generation/Translator/Transmitor/
Quote: I'm game!
Bio:[color="#408080"]Meet 7, Class A Transmittor Drone. One of thousands sent from Michael in the 2nd heavens, to assist David, but more importantly to warn Earth of the approaching enemy and coming time of trouble. 7 is one of the first bots to reach Earth. Naturally, He's capable of
- scanning and displaying enemy data in the form of HP and MP
- using the Ether to generate fields that range from slowing and speeding of targets, elemental specific shields or barriers to help deflect enemy fire and attacks
-Translations of almost all human language
-Transmitting vital broadcasts from Michael to Earth
It will be necessary to utilize all of 7's defensive shields and barriers to help the party survive through their battles. Later on, you will be able to upgrade 7 with various parts that will grant him certain abilities and skills, as well as becoming able to fight back in battle as well.
7 runs off of Solar power but it is sometimes necessary to charge him. [/color]
![[Image: Thefallen.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/Thefallen.png)
The Shadowcaster
![[Image: shadowcasterface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/shadowcasterface.png)
The Shadowcaster was once a happy go lucky carnie who worked and played alongside Bones. Naturally, he was able to cast magick but his lust for more power led him to use forbidden symbols and he soon began to summon spirit entities whom would offer him his request in return for fragments of his soul. He agreed, and continued to summon stronger demons until he eventually came into contact with General Jarvus, millions of miles deep into space...
Don't let his devilish grin fool you... behind this mask lies a sinister evil that is best left alone. David didnt choose to fight this madman.. The Shadowcaster's most power magick ability is to project himself into the subconscious dream of a spirit. Once the spirit is lucid and aware of the Shadowcaster's presence he casts spells that confuse the player and turns them against his own family and allies.
Shiva Drones
![[Image: shivadrone.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/shivadrone.png)
These once angelic creatures left their first abode with Lucifer to seek out Earth and have traded all trace of their former nature in return for what they hope to be eternal life, apart from the first Maker, by fusing their spirits with metallic elementals. These specific drones wander through space just outside their mothership, to harness the cold of outerspace and charge their ice elemental core processor. They specialize in advanced defensive techniques and can unleash hellish Ice-based attacks which closely mirror the hearts they once had that have frozen in the dead of space. They obey only "The Source" now...
They are among the first of Lucifer's army to attack and infiltrate Earth's defensive space systems because they have disquised themselves as stars, by producing an energy field that surrounds the machine they cycle through space on.
General Jarvus
![[Image: generalface.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/generalface.png)
One of Lucifer's most powerful generals that is capable of shapeshifting with the help of his bio suit. He understands the principles of time travel and teleportation but is very limited in such magick. He is an international space criminal that has tried to resurrect Lucifer on earth several times but has been foiled up until now by a secret order in charge of Earth special forces. But the General has shifted his game plan and is about to utilize Earth's own airwave system..
His darkest power is the ability to control and manipulate the Ether, and he plans to use Earth's Ethernet to transmit and teleport his fleet as well as destroy mankind itself.
The Angels of Euphrates
![[Image: 4fallen0002.jpg]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/4fallen0002.jpg)
![[Image: screenshots.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/screenshots.png)
Content Hidden
![[Image: screenshot3.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/screenshot3.png)
![[Image: ButterflyHaven11.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/ButterflyHaven11.png)
![[Image: thegraveyard.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/thegraveyard.png)
![[Image: screenshot2.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/screenshot2.png)
![[Image: theuninvited.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/screenshots/theuninvited.png)
![[Image: Spiritbomb.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Spiritbomb.png)
![[Image: Soundtrack.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/Soundtrack.png)
Key Features
Content Hidden
-2 different worlds spanning 7 years: across the world of balance (pre-apocalyptic) and world of ruin (post-apocalyptic times) that includes underground world/routes to avoid being caught.
-Minkoff's Side View Battle System w/ Original Animated Battlers
-TRANSPORTATION Including: Skateboarding, Layline Vortexes, Angelic/Alien Spacecraft, and Judah
-HAZARD ZONES: where you'll have Time Limits to clear areas before overwelming Armies surround you.
-Enemies Including: Fallen Angels (Demons/Aliens) that materlize through Earth's Airwaves
Chemically Altered Zombies,Animals and Chimeras
AI inhanced robotik war machines
-Scroll Searching: Teaches Various Magic AND Upgrades Weapons and Armour
-FF3 Style Magic UPGRADING system BASED on the above Scroll System
-Summoning System that calls MANKIND-friendly heavenly host
-SideQuests in the Spirit World
-Law's Menu Scripts
-Minkoff's Side View Battle System w/ Original Animated Battlers
-TRANSPORTATION Including: Skateboarding, Layline Vortexes, Angelic/Alien Spacecraft, and Judah
-HAZARD ZONES: where you'll have Time Limits to clear areas before overwelming Armies surround you.
-Enemies Including: Fallen Angels (Demons/Aliens) that materlize through Earth's Airwaves
Chemically Altered Zombies,Animals and Chimeras
AI inhanced robotik war machines
-Scroll Searching: Teaches Various Magic AND Upgrades Weapons and Armour
-FF3 Style Magic UPGRADING system BASED on the above Scroll System
-Summoning System that calls MANKIND-friendly heavenly host
-SideQuests in the Spirit World
-Law's Menu Scripts
![[Image: credits.png]](http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/Project%20Thread/credits.png)
I'd like to personally thank..
Minkoff,DerVVulfman, and Twin Matrix for the battle system
CCoa for the UMS
Blizzard for his tons of scripts
Sephiroth Spawn for his Slanted Bars Script
Law for his various menu scripts
and of course Enterbrain for rmxp
Thanks for contributing and making the rmxp community what it is today.
if I missed anyone please contact me and i'll be happy to include you!
![[Image: soulwakeavatar3.png]](https://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac141/dsoulja85/soulwakeavatar3.png)