Soulwake - Sword of the Spirit

[Image: SoulwakeTitleScreen1.png]

[Image: HEADERgraphics.png]


[Image: Characters.png]

[Image: Theheroes.png]
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[Image: Thefallen.png]
The Shadowcaster
Shiva Drones
General Jarvus
The Angels of Euphrates

[Image: screenshots.png]
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[Image: Soundtrack.png]

Key Features
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[Image: credits.png]
I'd like to personally thank..
Minkoff,DerVVulfman, and Twin Matrix for the battle system
CCoa for the UMS
Blizzard for his tons of scripts
Sephiroth Spawn for his Slanted Bars Script
Law for his various menu scripts
and of course Enterbrain for rmxp
Thanks for contributing and making the rmxp community what it is today.
if I missed anyone please contact me and i'll be happy to include you!
[Image: soulwakeavatar3.png]
First of all, make the font size of the storyline much smaller, and black. It's easier to read if you do that.
It might sound harsh, but you wrote the storyline-part in such a "dramatical" way that it made very little sense to me.
I got that some people (I was never told who) is searching the galaxy for some sort of metaphoric weapon called Satan. Satan has been sneezed out of heaven and so was 1/3 of the place. Then it's something about the prince of air. But I don't really understand what he got to do with what I have read. It sounds cool, but it's really really hard to read. I suggest you use dots (.) more frequently and separates the text into paragraphs.

Then it's the characters. Most of them are pretty original. I like the real world mixed with fantasy world twist.
If you can, you should add some graphics related to the characters. I would love to see some charsets or battlers.

That "Fallen" picture is awesome, looks good :)

Your screenshots are cool, Nice light effects on number 1. You are using some charsets that look a bit strange, compared to the RTP charsets that you are also using, but it doesn't really matter. Nice mapping. Great face (Did you make it?) for David.
thanks for the great feedback Valdred, thats exactly what i've been looking for! wow sorry about that large text i didnt even notice that before! but yea the storyline is in the works at this very moment, little too dramity like you said but the basic storyline will stay in tact. o you mentioned the prince of air thing, thats just another title given to satan i drew from the bible itself. actually hes called the prince of the "power" of air, thus in the game he throws the other elements out of whack because of his lust for the element.

yup i did the face graphic :) and as for the characters and graphics for them, thats 2nd on my list right now >>> that section will be updated to include facegraphics and better bios, as for the "enemy section" too but i'm glad you like what i have so far
[Image: soulwakeavatar3.png]
Looking forward to seeing more :D
Got some new content up! if you wanna check it out
-Added Character graphics to "the heroes" character section including 2 new characters
-Added Shiva Drone and General Jarvus' enemy profiles to "the fallen" character section

updated Character profiles coming soon
[Image: soulwakeavatar3.png]
Is this game a bit influenced by the heroes-series?
looks really nice, I like the screens.
Valdred Wrote:Is this game a bit influenced by the heroes-series?

you know what i ALWAYS wanted to sit down and watch that series, ty for reminding me about that lol. nah i never got past like 2 episodes, i just could never catch them when they aired . i only know part of the heroes storyline but from remembering the old preview for that show, it does k resemble that in a way, kinda like that show mixed into a pre/post apocalyptic japanese anime with a magic war going on lol. someone said it reminded them of the neon-evangelion series. .. how the mechanical "angels" come down from heaven to destroy mankind, ya sorta like that
[Image: soulwakeavatar3.png]

Your soundtrack is pretty cool too.
sorry i meant to post this yesterday, new content up!
-Added Hailey's face graphic to the character "heroes" section
-Added Shadowcaster's graphic and profile to the character "the fallen" section"
[Image: soulwakeavatar3.png]

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