Modifying Actor ID to Class ID for Advanced Individual Battle Commands Script

I am having a bit of a problem modifying the Advanced Individual Battle Commands script by Trickster. I want instead of the battle commands being set up by actor_id, I want them set up by class_id. So, if 2 different actors, have the same exact class id, they will be able to have the exact same battle commands. I've tried replacing "actor_id" to "class_id" in several places with no success. I wouldn't think it should be that difficult, but I can't figure it out. Could anyone point me in the right direction, or help me, I would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Here are the scripts that make up the Advanced Individual Battle Commands:

# ** Advanced Individual Battle Commands
# Trickster (
# Version: 4.3 (Requires SDK I-IV)
# Date: 8/21/07

# Begin SDK Log
SDK.log('Advanced Individual Battle Commands', 'Trickster', 4.3, '8/21/07')

# Begin SDK Requirement Check
SDK.check_requirements(2.3, [1, 2, 3, 4])

# Begin SDK Enabled Check
if SDK.enabled?('Advanced Individual Battle Commands')
module Battle_Command_Setup
  # * Beginning Commands for Actors
  #   - syntax: actor_id => array of command ids
  Commands = {
  1 => [1,2,3,4,5,12],
  2 => [1,2,3,4,7,12],
  7 => [1,2,3,4,8,12],
  8 => [1,2,3,4,6,10,12]
  # * Default Commands (Attack, Skill, Item, and Defend)
  Commands.default = [1,2,3,4]
  # * Save Data
  #   - Set to True Run Project at least once then turn this option off
  #     if you want to encrypt your project (this will prevent a file not found
  #     error found if you encrypt your project w/o using this option)
  #   - Note: This option will create a file that can be loaded used load_data
  #     which can be read in encrypted projects (Commands.rxdata)
  Save_Data = false
  # * Do Not Touch...
  Line = %w( id name name_set kind type rating icon_name skill_id
  common_event_id animation_id weapon_ids armor_ids skill_set skills ammo
  ammo_refill class_level actor_level description help_text special_learn
  hidden script parameters next_method )
# End SDK Enabled Check

Data Structure:
# Begin SDK Enabled Check
if SDK.enabled?('Advanced Individual Battle Commands')
class RPG::BattleCommand
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :id                   # The battle command's id
  attr_accessor :name               # The battle command's name
  attr_accessor :name_set           # The battle command's other names (aliases)
  attr_accessor :kind               # The battle command's kind
  attr_accessor :type               # The battle command's type
  attr_accessor :rating             # The battle commands's rating
  attr_accessor :icon_name          # The icon next to the battle command
  attr_accessor :skill_id           # The skill id for the battle command
  attr_accessor :common_event_id    # The common event the battle commmand executes
  attr_accessor :animation_id       # Animation played when used (custom)
  attr_accessor :weapon_ids         # Weapon ids that make the actor learn this
  attr_accessor :armor_ids          # Armor ids that make the actor learn this
  attr_accessor :skill_set          # The skill selectable set for this command
  attr_accessor :skills             # The skills the battle command contains
  attr_accessor :ammo               # Ammo Flag for points / item
  attr_accessor :ammo_refill        # Ammo Refill flags
  attr_accessor :class_level        # Level in which class learns this
  attr_accessor :actor_level        # Level in which actor learns this
  attr_accessor :description        # The description of the battle command
  attr_accessor :help_text          # Help window display text (custom)
  attr_accessor :special_learn      # Special conditions for learning this
  attr_accessor :hidden             # If the battle command is hidden
  attr_accessor :script             # The script activated when command is used
  attr_accessor :parameters         # Special Effects
  attr_accessor :next_method        # The next method that is executed
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(hash_args)
    # Setup Default Parameters
    @name_set = [[]]
    @kind = 0
    @type = 0
    @rating = 10
    @icon_name = ''
    @skill_id = 0
    @common_event_id = 0
    @animation_id = 0
    @weapon_ids = []
    @armor_ids = []
    @skill_set = ''
    @skills = []
    @ammo = {}
    @ammo_refill = {}
    @class_level = {}
    @actor_level = {}
    @description = ''
    @help_text = ''
    @special_learn = 'false'
    @hidden = false
    @script = ''
    @parameters = {}
    @next_method = 'phase3_next_actor'
    # Run through each defined key
    hash_args.each {|key, value| instance_eval("@#{key} = value")}
    # Set the defaults for hashes
    @class_level.default = 0
    @actor_level.default = 0

class Game_BattleCommand
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader :id
  attr_accessor :disabled
  attr_accessor :sp
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(id)
    @id = id
    @disabled = false
    @sp = maxsp
  # * Name
  def name
    return $data_commands[id].name
  # * Name Set
  def name_set
    return $data_commands[id].name_set
  # * Kind
  def kind
    return $data_commands[id].kind
  # * Type
  def type
    return $data_commands[id].type
  # * Rating
  def rating
    return $data_commands[id].rating
  # * Icon Name
  def icon_name
    return $data_commands[id].icon_name
  # * Skill Id
  def skill_id
    return $data_commands[id].skill_id
  # * Common Event Id
  def common_event_id
    return $data_commands[id].common_event_id
  # * Animation Id
  def animation_id
    return $data_commands[id].animation_id
  # * Weapon Ids
  def weapon_ids
    return $data_commands[id].weapon_ids
  # * Armor Ids
  def armor_ids
    return $data_commands[id].armor_ids
  # * Skill Set
  def skill_set
    return $data_commands[id].skill_set
  # * Skills
  def skills
    return $data_commands[id].skills
  # * Ammo
  def ammo
    return $data_commands[id].ammo
  # * Ammo Refill
  def ammo_refill
    return $data_commands[id].ammo_refill
  # * Class Level
  def class_level
    return $data_commands[id].class_level
  # * Actor Level
  def actor_level
    return $data_commands[id].actor_level
  # * Description
  def description
    return $data_commands[id].description
  # * Help Text
  def help_text
    return $data_commands[id].help_text
  # * Special Learn
  def special_learn
    return $data_commands[id].special_learn
  # * Hidden
  def hidden
    return $data_commands[id].hidden
  # * Script
  def script
    return $data_commands[id].script
  # * Parameters
  def parameters
    return $data_commands[id].parameters
  # * Next Method
  def next_method
    return $data_commands[id].next_method
  # * Get Sp
  def sp
    return ammo_type == 'sp' ? [[@sp, maxsp].min, 0].max : maxsp
  # * Change SP
  def sp=(sp)
    @sp = [[sp, maxsp].min, 0].max
  # * Max Sp
  def maxsp
    return self.ammo['sp'] if self.ammo.has_key?('sp')
    return if not self.ammo.has_key?('item')
    return $game_party.item_number(self.ammo['item'])
  # * Ammo Type
  def ammo_type
    return self.ammo.keys.sort.reverse[0]
  # * Refill
  def refill(type, id = 0)
    # Return if refrill type not specified
    return if not self.ammo_refill.has_key?(type)
    # Get Refill amount and percentage
    amount, percentage = self.ammo_refill[type][0..1] if id == 0
    amount, percentage = self.ammo_refill[type][id] if id != 0
    # Set Heal Flag
    heal = false
    # Branch By Type
    case type
    when 'defend', 'wait', 'full_heal', 'level up', 'battle', 'skill', 'item'
      # Set Heal Flag
      heal = true
    when 'turns'
      # Get all Turns
      turns = self.ammo_refill[type][2...self.ammo_refill[type].size]
      # Set Heal Flag if turns are included
      heal = turns.include?($game_temp.battle_turn)
    when 'turn'
      # Get A and B
      a, b = self.ammo_refill[type][2..3]
      # If Turn falls on the line a + bx
      heal = $game_temp.battle_turn.linear?(a, b, false)
    # Return if not healing or not sp ammot type
    return if not heal || self.ammo_type == 'item'
    # Increase Sp by amount
    self.sp += amount + percentage * maxsp / 100
  # * Comparision Equals
  def ==(other)
    return ==

# ** Game_BattleCommands
#  This class handles the commands array. Refer to "$game_commands" for each
#  instance of this class.
class Game_BattleCommands
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    @data = []
  # * Get Command
  #     id : command ID
  #     actor : Game_Actor
  #     extra : RPG::(Armor/Skill/Weapon) Defaults to nil
  def [](id, actor, extra = nil)
    # Return nil if Referencing an invalid object or 0 or negative index
    return nil if id > $data_commands.size or id <= 0
    # If Data For Id not Setup then Setup
    @data[id] = {} if @data[id] == nil
    # If Data for Actor not Setup then Setup
    @data[id][actor] = {} if @data[id][actor] == nil
    # If no extra and no Default
    if extra == nil and @data[id][actor].default == nil
      # Create Data
      @data[id][actor].default =
    # If Extra and data not setup
    if extra != nil and @data[id][actor][extra] == nil
      # Create Data
      @data[id][actor][extra] =
    # Return Data for Command Id, Actor and Extra
    return @data[id][actor][extra]
# End SDK Enabled Check

# Begin SDK Enabled Check
if SDK.enabled?('Advanced Individual Battle Commands')
class Window_BattleCommand < Window_SelectableCommand
  # * Maximum Commands shown per page
  Page = 4
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(width)
    super(width, [nil])
    # Initialize Help Window
    @help_window = nil
    # Setup Cursor Height
    @cursor_height = 32
    # Setup Actor
    @actor = nil
    # Setup Contents
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
  # * Set Actor
  def actor=(actor)
    # Return if same actor and same commands
    return if @actor == actor and @commands == actor.battle_commands
    # Set Actor
    @actor = actor
    # Refresh
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    # Return if actor is nil
    return if @actor == nil
    # Get Commands
    @commands = @actor.battle_commands
    # Sort Commands
    @commands.sort_by! {|command| [command.rating,]}
    # If Height Changed
    if self.contents.height != @commands.size * @cursor_height
      # Dispose Contents
      # Setup Hieght
      self.height = [Page, @commands.size].min * @cursor_height + 32
      # Setup Contents
      self.contents = - 32, @commands.size * @cursor_height)
      # Setup Y Coordinate
      self.y = 288 - [Page, @commands.size].min * @cursor_height
    # Clear Contents
    # Get Item Max
    @item_max = @commands.size
    # Draw Item
    @item_max.times {|i| draw_item(i)}
  # * Draw Item
  def draw_item(index)
    # Set Color to Normal Color
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    # Set Font Size
    self.contents.font.size = 22
    # Get Command
    command = @commands[index]
    # Set Font Color if disabled
    self.contents.font.color = command.disabled ? disabled_color : normal_color
    # Set Font Color if out of ammo
    self.contents.font.color = command.sp == 0 ? disabled_color : normal_color
    # Setup Rectangle
    rect =, @cursor_height * index, self.contents.width - 16,
    # Clears Contents at Rectangle
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    # If Commands Icon Name is Defined
    if not command.icon_name.empty?
      # Get Bitmap
      bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(command.icon_name)
      # Setup Opacity
      opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128
      # Call Block Transfer
      self.contents.blt(rect.x, rect.y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
      # Increase X
      rect.x += bitmap.width + 4
    # Setup Name and Define New_Name
    name, new_name =, nil
    # Initialize a hash
    hash = {}
    # Run Through Types Defined in Name_Set in Reverse Order
    # Whatever is Defined First has the Highest Priority
    command.name_set.of_index(0).each do |type|
      # Setup Each Type
      hash['actor'] =
      hash['class'] = @actor.class_id
      hash['weapon'] = @actor.weapon_id
      hash['shield'] = @actor.armor1_id
      hash['helmet'] = @actor.armor2_id
      hash['body'] = @actor.armor3_id
      hash['accessory'] = @actor.armor4_id
      hash['level'] = @actor.level
      # Get Array from Array of Arrays
      array = command.name_set.assoc(type)
      # Get Name From Array of Arrays
      new_name = array[1][hash[type]] if array != nil
      # if new_name is not nil
      if new_name != nil
        # Set Name
        name = new_name
        # Break
    # Draw Text
    self.contents.draw_text(rect, name)
    # Return if no ammo type
    return if command.ammo_type == nil
    # Set Color to Normal Color
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    # Set Font Size
    self.contents.font.size = 16
    # Setup Ammo Text
    text = "#{command.sp} / #{command.maxsp}" if command.ammo_type == 'sp'
    text = "#{command.sp}" if command.ammo_type == 'item'
    # Draw Ammo Text
    self.contents.draw_text(4, @cursor_height * index, self.contents.width - 8,
      @cursor_height, text, 2)
  # * Update Help Window Text and Visibility
  def update_help
    # Return if Help Window is nil
    return if @help_window == nil
    # Set Text To Description
    @help_window.set_text(self.command.description, 1)
    # Set To Visible if has text
    @help_window.visible = !self.command.description.empty?

class Window_Skill
  # * Object Initialization
  #     actor : actor
  alias_method :trick_aibc_skill_initialize, :initialize
  def initialize(actor)
    # Get Current Command
    @command = actor.current_action.command if $game_temp.in_battle
    # Setup Data
    @data = []
    # The Usual
  # * Refresh
  alias_method :trick_aibc_skill_refresh, :refresh
  def refresh
    # The Usual
    # Return if additions are not needed
    return if (not $game_temp.in_battle or
              (@command.skills.empty? and @command.skill_set.empty?))
    # Dispose the contents and reset
    # Reset Data
    # If Skills Parameter is not used
    if @command.skills.empty?
      # Run Through Each Skill
      @actor.skills.each do |skill_id|
        # Get Corresponding RPG::Skill Object
        skill = $data_skills[skill_id]
        # Add Skill if skill is valid and skill_set evaluates to true
        @data << skill if skill != nil and eval(@command.skill_set)
    # If an Array of Skill Ids were given
    elsif @command.skills.is_a?(Array)
      # Add Each RPG::Skill Object onto data
      @command.skills.each {|skill_id| @data << $data_skills[skill_id]}
    # If an Condition String was given
    elsif @command.skills.is_a?(String)
      $data_skills.each_with_index do |skill, index|
        # Next Index is 0 or Skill is nil
        next if index == 0 or skill == nil
        # Push RPG::Skill object onto data if @command.skills evaluates to true
        @data << skill if eval(@command.skills)
    # If a Hash Given (Advanced)
    elsif @command.skills.is_a?(Hash)
      # Call Each With Index
      $data_skills.each_with_index do |skill, index|
        # Next if Index is 0 or Skill id is not included in hash or skill is nil
        next if index == 0 or not @command.skills.keys.include?(index) or skill == nil
        # If an Array of Level, Actor Id Pairs Was Given
        if @command.skills[index].is_a?(Array)
          # Get Level and Actor Id
          level, actor_id = @command.skills[index]
          # Add to Data If Actor's level is at least the level and right actor id
          @data << skill if @actor.level >= level and == actor_id
        # If A Condition String was Given
        elsif @command.skills[index].is_a?(String)
          # Add to Data if Condition evaluates to true
          @data << skill if eval(@command.skills[index])
        # If Level Was Given
        elsif @command.skills[index].is_a?(Numeric)
          # Add to Data if Level is at least the level given
          @data << skill if @actor.level >= @command.skills[index]
    # Sort All Items By Skill Id
    @data.sort_by! {|skill|}
    # Set Item Max
    @item_max = @data.size
    # If item count is not 0, make a bitmap and draw all items
    if @item_max > 0
      # Create Bitmap
      self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32)
      # Draw Each Item
      @item_max.times {|i| draw_item(i)}

class Window_Item
  # * Object Initialization
  alias_method :trick_aibc_item_initialize, :initialize
  def initialize
    # Get Command
    @command = $scene.active_battler.current_action.command if $game_temp.in_battle
    # Setup Data
    @data = []
    # The Usual
  # * Refresh
  alias_method :trick_aibc_item_refresh, :refresh
  def refresh
    # The Usual
    # Return if additions are not needed
    return if not $game_temp.in_battle or @command.skill_set.empty?
    # Dispose the contents and reset
    # Reset Data
    # Run Through All Items
    $data_items.each_with_index do |item, index|
      # If has item and Item Set (Skill Set) evaluates to true
      cond = $game_party.item_number(index) > 0 and eval(@command.skill_set)
      # Add item is condition is true
      @data << item if cond
    # Get Item Count
    @item_max = @data.size
    # If item count is not 0, make a bit map and draw all items
    if @item_max > 0
      # Setup Bitmap
      self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32)
      # Draw Each Item
      @item_max.times {|i| draw_item(i)}
# End SDK Enabled Check

Class Modifications
# Begin SDK Enabled Check
if SDK.enabled?('Advanced Individual Battle Commands')
class Game_BattleAction
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :command  #current battle command
  # * Clear
  alias_method :trick_aibc_battleaction_clear, :clear
  def clear
    # Reset command
    @command = nil
    # The Usual

class Game_Actor
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :basic_commands
  attr_reader   :level_commands
  attr_reader   :equip_commands
  attr_reader   :learn_commands
  attr_reader   :special_commands
  # * Setup Battle Commands
  alias_method :trick_aibc_actor_setup, :setup
  def setup(actor_id)
    # The Usual
    # Initialize Types of Commands
    @basic_commands = setup_commands(*Battle_Command_Setup::Commands[actor_id])
    @level_commands = []
    @equip_commands = []
    @learn_commands = []
    @special_commands = []
    # Check for Initial Level Commands
    # Check for Initial Equip Commands
  # * Setup Commands
  def setup_commands(*commands)
    commands.collect! {|command_id| $game_commands[command_id, self]}
    return commands
  # * Get Battle Commands
  def battle_commands(hide_hidden = true)
    # Get All Commands
    commands = (@basic_commands + @level_commands + @equip_commands +
    @learn_commands + @special_commands)
    # If Hidden option is true then delete hidden commands
    commands.delete_if {|command| command.hidden} if hide_hidden
    return commands
  # * Check Level Commands
  def check_level_commands
    # Clear Level commands
    # Run through all commands
    $data_commands.each do |command|
      # Next if nil
      next if command == nil
      # Setup Flag
      flag = false
      # Check if the command is not already included
      @level_commands.each {|level| flag = true if level == command}
      # Goto Next Command if already learned
      next if flag
      # Get Levels
      class_lvl = command.class_level[@class_id]
      actor_lvl = command.actor_level[@actor_id]
      # If Level is Greater than or Equal to and defined then learn the command
      if @level >= class_lvl and command.class_level.has_key?(@class_id)
        @level_commands << $game_commands[, self]
      if @level >= actor_lvl and command.actor_level.has_key?(@actor_id)
        @level_commands << $game_commands[, self]
  # * Check Equip Commands
  def check_equip_commands
    # Clear Equip Commands
    # Run through all commands
    $data_commands.each do |command|
      # Next if nil
      next if command == nil
      # Setup Flag
      flag = false
      # Check if the command is not already included
      @equip_commands.each {|equip| flag = true if equip == command}
      # Goto Next Command if already learned
      next if flag
      # Run Through the Commands Learnable Weapons
      command.weapon_ids.each do |weapon_id|
        # If the actor is holding the weapon
        if self.weapon_ids.include?(weapon_id)
          # Get Corresponding RPG::Weapon object
          weapon = $data_weapons[weapon_id]
          # Learn the Command
          @equip_commands << $game_commands[, self, weapon]
      # Check if the command is not already included
      @equip_commands.each {|equip| flag = true if equip == command}
      # Goto Next Command if already learned
      next if flag
      # Run Through The Commands Learnable Armors
      command.armor_ids.each do |armor_id|
        # If the actor has the armor equipped
        if self.armor_ids.include?(armor_id)
          # Get Corresponding RPG::Armor object
          armor = $data_armors[armor_id]
          # Learn the Command
          @equip_commands << $game_commands[, self, armor]
  # * Equip
  alias_method :trick_aibc_actor_equip, :equip
  def equip(equip_type, id)
    # The Usual
    trick_aibc_actor_equip(equip_type, id)
    # Recheck for Equip Commands
  # * Set Exp
  alias_method :trick_aibc_actor_exp=, :exp=
  def exp=(exp)
    # Get Current Level
    last_level = @level
    # The Usual
    self.trick_aibc_actor_exp = exp
    # Return if level hasn't changed
    return if last_level == @level
    # Recheck for Level Commands
    # Refill Command Level
  # * Learn Command
  def learn_command(command_id)
    # Return if Already Learned
    @learn_commands.each {|learn| return if learn == command}
    # Learn the Command
    @learn_commands << $game_commands[command_id, self]
  # * Forget Command
  def forget_command(command_id)
    # Run Through in reverse order
    @learn_commands.reverse_each do |learn|
      # If The Id of the command equals the number sent
      if == command_id
        # Delete the Command
        # Command Deleted
        return true
    # Nothing Deleted
    return false
  # * Learn Special Command
  def learn_special(command_id)
    # Return if already learned
    @special_commands.each {|special| return if command_id ==}
    # Learn the Command
    @special_commands << $game_commands[command_id, self]
  # * Forget Special Command
  def forget_special(command_id)
    # Run Through in reverse order
    @special_commands.reverse_each do |special|
      # If the commands are the same
      if == command_id
        # Then Forgot/Delete the command
        # Command Deleted
        return true
    # Nothing Deleted
    return false
  # * Skill Can Use?
  alias_method :trick_aibc_actor_skill_can_use?, :skill_can_use?
  def skill_can_use?(skill_id)
    # Get Flags
    flag, flag2 = trick_aibc_actor_skill_can_use?(skill_id), false
    # If in Scene_Battle
    if $game_temp.in_battle
      # If the Skills Parameter has been used
      flag2 = !self.current_action.command.skills.empty?
      # If the Skill Id Parameter equals the skill id sent
      flag2 ||= self.current_action.command.skill_id == skill_id
      # call Game_Battler skill_can_use?
      flag2 &&= super
    # Return flag
    return flag || flag2
  # * Refill Commands
  def refill_commands(type, id = 0)
    # Run Through each command and refill
    battle_commands.each {|command| command.refill(type, id)}
  # * Recover All
  alias_method :trick_aibc_actor_recover_all, :recover_all
  def recover_all
    # The Usual
    # Refill Commands Full Heal

class Scene_Battle
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader :active_battler
  # * Main Command Setup
  alias_method :trick_aibc_battle_main_window, :main_window
  def main_window
    # The Usual
    # Dispose old Actor Command Window
    # Create new Command Window
    @actor_command_window =
    @actor_command_window.back_opacity = 160 = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = false
  # * Start Phase 3
  alias_method :trick_aibc_battle_start_phase3, :start_phase3
  def start_phase3
    # Check Special Conditions for each actor
    $game_party.actors.each do |actor|
      # Run Through each command with the index
      $data_commands.each_with_index do |command, id|
        next if command == nil
        # Evaluate Special Learn
        flag = eval(command.special_learn)
        # If Flag then learn command else forget the command
        flag ? actor.learn_special(id) : actor.forget_special(id)
    # The Usual
  # * Actor Command Window Setup
  def phase3_setup_command_window
    # The Usual
    # Set Actor = @active_battler
  # * Phase 3 - Basic : Command Disabled? Test
  def phase3_basic_command_disabled?
    # Loads Current Command
    command = @actor_command_window.command
    # Check if The Command is Disabled or ammo is 0
    return command.disabled || (command.ammo_type != nil and command.sp == 0)
  # * Check Battle Commands
  def phase3_basic_command_input
    # Play Decision SE
    # Loads Current Command
    command = @actor_command_window.command
    # Set Current Action Properties
    @active_battler.current_action.kind = command.kind
    @active_battler.current_action.basic = command.type
    @active_battler.current_action.skill_id = command.skill_id
    @active_battler.current_action.command = command
    # If Skill Id Given and Next Method is Skill
    if command.next_method.downcase == 'skill' and command.skill_id != 0
      # Branch out According to the Command's Scope
      case $data_skills[command.skill_id].scope
      when 1
        # Start Enemy Select if command's skill scope is one enemy
      when 3,5
        # Start Actor Select if command's skill scope is one actor
        # Go To Command Input for Next Actor
      # Evaluate Next Method Given
  # * End Enemy Selection
  alias_method :trick_aibc_battle_end_enemy_select, :end_enemy_select
  def end_enemy_select
    # The Usual
    # Check If Command Has Next Method Start Enemy Select
    flag = @actor_command_window.command.next_method == 'start_enemy_select'
    # Enable/Disable actor command window depending on flag = flag
    @actor_command_window.visible = flag
    # Show/Hide help window depending on flag
    @help_window.visible = !flag
  # * Start Making Actions
  alias_method :trick_aibc_battle_update_phase4_step2, :update_phase4_step2
  def update_phase4_step2
    # Set Actor (For Script Option)
    actor = @active_battler
    # Get Command
    command = @active_battler.current_action.command
    # If Battle is a Game_Actor
    if actor.is_a?(Game_Actor)
      # Refill command turns
      # Refill command turn
    # If Current Battler is a Game_Actor and Current Action's Command is Defined
    if actor.is_a?(Game_Actor) and command != nil
      # if sp type
      if command.ammo_type == 'sp'
        # If Not Enough Sp
        if command.sp <= 0
          # Clear Battlers Action
          # Reset Battle Command (No effects will happen)
          command = nil
          # Decrease Sp
          command.sp -= 1
      # Lose Item if item type
      elsif command.ammo_type == 'item'
        # Get Item Id
        item_id = command.ammo['item']
        # If party does not have item
        if $game_party.item_number(item_id) == 0
          # Clear Battlers Action
          # Reset Battle Command (No effects will happen)
          command = nil
          # Lose Item
      # If Command is not nil
      if command != nil
        # Execute Command Script
        # Set Help Window Text if defined
        @help_window.set_text(command.help_text, 1) if command.help_text != ''
        # Set Animation
        actor.animation_id = command.animation_id
    # The Usual
    # If Common Event Id was given and command given
    if command != nil and command.common_event_id != 0
      # Set Common Event Id
      @common_event_id = command.common_event_id
    # Set Damaged Flag
    damaged = @target_battlers.size == 0 ? true : false
    # Run through target battlers
    @target_battlers.each {|target| damage = true if target.damage != 'Miss'}
    # Skip if not damaged
    return unless damaged
    # If Current Battler is a Game_Actor and Current Action's Command is Defined
    if actor.is_a?(Game_Actor) and command != nil
      # If used a skill
      if actor.current_action.is_a_skill?
        # Refill Command Skill
        actor.refill_commands('skill', actor.current_action.skill_id)
      # If used an item
      elsif actor.current_action.is_a_item?
        # Refill Command Item
        actor.refill_commands('item', actor.current_action.item_id)
      # If Defending
      elsif actor.current_action.is_a_defend?
        # Refill Command Defend
      # If Waiting
      elsif actor.current_action.is_a_wait?
        # Refill Command Wait
  # * Battle End
  alias_method :trick_aibc_battle_battle_end, :battle_end
  def battle_end(result)
    # The Usual
    # Refill Commands Each Actor Battle
    $game_party.actors.each {|actor| actor.refill_commands('battle')}
# End SDK Enabled Check

Load/Save Data:
# Begin SDK Enabled Check
if SDK.enabled?('Advanced Individual Battle Commands')

class Scene_Title    
  # * Main Database
  alias_method :trick_aibc_title_main_database, :main_database
  def main_database
    # The Usual
    # Load Level Data
  # * Main Database
  alias_method :trick_aibc_title_battletest_database, :battletest_database
  def battletest_database
    # The Usual
    # Load Level Data
  # * Battle Test
  def load_command_data
    # Setup Load Commands Flag
    load_commands = true
    # Setup Data Commands
    $data_commands = []
    # Begin Exception Capture
      # Get Data from Text File
      data = Trickster.load_data_from_txt("Data\\BattleCommands.rxdata",
        Battle_Command_Setup::Line, [0,1,3], [], 2)
      # Run Through data loaded
      data.each_with_index do |command_data, index|
        # Create RPG::BattleCommand Object sending loaded hash as an argument
        $data_commands[index+1] =
    # File not found
    rescue Errno::ENOENT
      # project is encrypted or file not found
      load_commands = false
    # If Load Commands Flag
    if load_commands
      # IF Save Data Option
      if Battle_Command_Setup::Save_Data
        # Save a copy
        save_data($data_commands, "Data/Commands.rxdata")
    # Project Encrypted
      # Load from Data Commands
      $data_commands = load_data("Data/Commands.rxdata")
  # * Command: New Game
  alias_method :trick_aibc_commandnewgame_gamedata, :commandnewgame_gamedata
  def commandnewgame_gamedata
    # The Usual
    # Create Game_BattleCommands object
    $game_commands =

class Scene_Save
  # * Write Save Data
  alias_method :trick_aibc_save_write_data, :write_data
  def write_data(file)
    # The Usual
    # Dump Commands
    Marshal.dump($game_commands, file)

class Scene_Load
  # * Write Save Data
  alias_method :trick_aibc_load_read_data, :read_data
  def read_data(file)
    # The Usual
    # Load Commands
    $game_commands = Marshal.load(file)
# End SDK Enabled Check
Reply }
Nevermind, I figured out how to work around this. Instead of editing the actual script in the script editor, I played around with editing the data in the Battle Commands RPGXP data file. :P
Reply }

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