IndieSam Exposure! - The show where Samven plays your games!
This is something I've been thinking about for a while now and so, with DerVVulfman's blessing (funny how all my best ideas seem to be run through him first these days), I'm finally gonna do it. What is "it", you may ask? Why, it's the one, the only...


This is going to be a new show of mine on YouTube where I take the games put together by amateur designers and do a little playthrough/review of them. Amateur game development has been a longtime passion of mine and I think it deserves to get a bit more recognition. I'm told that there's a German RPG Maker Let's Play community but it's not a huge thing for us English-speaking types. I think this is something that should be rectified, hence the creation of IndieSam Exposure!

Whatever you've made them with - be it Game Maker, RPG Maker, Flash, an engine you've been designing yourself - it doesn't matter. If you want me to give it a bit of exposure to the gaming world by giving it a play and maybe even some constructive critique, then play and critique I shall! Updates will be posted here on Save-Point and also on my personal website, Pywritechnics: where you can find examples of my review style.

I'm aiming to make each review somewhere between four and six minutes long and have set up a new YouTube channel for the project: Pure Awesamness. As I continue preparing it, though, I'd like to spread the word to get some interest and hopefully some submissions for our first few episodes.

While I'll be reviewing all manner of indie games in time, I felt I should give you fine folks here at the Save-Point community the chance to be the first ones on the show. So, if you'd like me to showcase your game to the world, please drop me a line!

You can send me your games by replying to this thread, sending me them via Save-Point's Private Messaging or by emailing me at You can also get in touch with me my via Skype address, sam.tbd Don't be shy! This is a show about getting you and your work out there! You know you want that.

Once again, it can be a game you've made with anything from RPG Maker to Flash. It doesn't even have to be the full product. I'm more than happy to review demos or beta versions on this show. All I ask is that your submission follows these rules:

1. No pornographic games. There's nothing indecent about my kind of exposure.
2. You can submit any game at any stage of completion. Demos, betas, full games... However, it must be at least 15 minutes long. Anything shorter than that will hard to review. There is no limit on maximum length.
3. Your game must be playable on a PC. I do not have the necessary equipment to record XBLA titles or the like.
4. You must be prepared to take some criticism. Please bear that in mind, however, that any criticism I have will NOT be malicious. If I have things to point out, it's because I want to help you find your weaknesses and how you can to improve upon them.
5. Commercial games will be accepted for submission but you must send a free copy of them. Just think of it as you paying me to help advertise your game with the product itself.

This will hopefully be the start of something beautiful, funny and that really contributes to the amateur development community: so please send your games and let's get this show on the road!
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

[Image: tumblr_inline_nzmbrz53G11sotucm_1280.png]
Click for the latest update - and vote for someone to die! >8D
I think you should ask that you be given commercial games for free if they want a review from you. Although at first this won't happen often, as you build up an audience you will become a valuable marketing tool for them and it will be an investment to let you review the games for free.

Let me know if you want a theme tune to go with your (eventual) intro sequence.
Good idea Monsieur Renard! I shall make the appropriate change!

I have a feeling I'll be taking you up on that theme song offer, too. x3
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

[Image: tumblr_inline_nzmbrz53G11sotucm_1280.png]
Click for the latest update - and vote for someone to die! >8D
not quite the same thing, but lemma soft does something similar with ren'py games as group plays.

And you're more than welcome to review the halloween ren'py game i posted a little while ago.
Very kind of you, milady bupretty. I'll be sure to give it a bit of exposure! 8D


Allllrighytthen! So far I've been submitted Holiday Hijinks: House on Haunted Hill and Elementlar Rising 1. DerVVulfman's also sent me his Rose's Transformation States demo/script... I wonder whether there'd be a potential audience for a "Script of the week/month" kinda thing building on from that but we'll see.

I'm going to try and get the first episode scripted over the weekend, so stay tuned! And do send me your game to play if you'd like to appear! Go ooonn. I don't bite. : 3
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

[Image: tumblr_inline_nzmbrz53G11sotucm_1280.png]
Click for the latest update - and vote for someone to die! >8D
You can play this if you want:

I never fixed the bugs and it's kinda crappy, but oh well. Only use it if you need a filler I guess. ^_^"
can i get a spot in the queue? i still have to work on some things, but i should be done by the time you get to me.
(11-15-2012, 02:58 PM)KasperKalamity Wrote: can i get a spot in the queue? i still have to work on some things, but i should be done by the time you get to me.
By all means! XD

I'll point out that there's no real "queue" to speak of. You just send your game in when you want/can and I'll review it when I get to it.

Anyway, I've gone through Hijinks and I'll be trying to get that first review up this weekend. 83


Our pilot episode is now up! 8D No intro or logo yet but this is just the pilot to showcase the kinds of things I'll be doing. On this guinea pig episode is our first submission, Holiday Hijinks!

Please check it out, spread the word and let me know what you think should be done to improve upon it.

3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

[Image: tumblr_inline_nzmbrz53G11sotucm_1280.png]
Click for the latest update - and vote for someone to die! >8D
You're welcome to have a look at any of the other titles in our back catalog as well. Might want to take a pass on Out of the Friend Zone, though. We had a crew of three of us make that one start to finish in 24 hours, and it shows.

In response to your hopes of a continuation, Holiday Hijinks is intended as a holiday-related series... Christmas is next. I do plan to refer back to House on Haunted Hill during that game, as well as Nekochan's initial outing, Mobile Food Madness.

I'd recommend that, but the backgrounds are meh at best, and the average playthrough is closer to five to ten minutes, with the intent of replay. it if you're really interested in the beginning.

Expect to see more Polymorphic Games releases as we get them out.
:o just now caught the review, pretty sure I could listen to your voice all day long :P Thanks for playing the game, fingers crossed we'll have christmas hijinks out shortly :)

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