Insanity Alley
Come one, come all!

Join Rise, an Idoru escaping from her handlers runs into a side-street, thinking it to be a crowded market...

Only to run headlong into Insanity Alley.

She can't go back now, only forward in this rapidly degenerating nightmare. Can Rise keep her sanity long enough to escape this hellhole?

Will her Manager find her in time for her TV interview?

Will she even want to go?

Still fairly early on, and I'm using nothing but the RTP (and maybe a mini-prologue with the Modern Tileset). I don't even know if it'll get done. For now, it's fun, and as long as it stays that way, life'll be good.

Anticipated features:

12+ dungeons of swiftly-increasing difficulty (I'll keep adding them until it stops being fun)

Sawtooth puzzles!

Snarky heroine!

Denizens of increasing kookiness!

And much, much... MUCH more... Winking with a tongue sticking out

Initial stages (0.5.132b) If you have the Ace RTP installed, if not. Note there is a change in this version that will be reflected in the final game.

[Image: IA%20Starting%20Area.jpg]
The 0.0.4a is up-- Lots of new features!

Download link is the same as the one above :)

Update: Now in Technicolor! I've gotten a bunch more done, and various bugfixes.

Welcome to 0.4.32b! This is the first Beta release, and includes the first half of the alley mapped out completely (although not all the maps/NPCs/etc have been implemented). There'll be a second Alley map to chronicle Rise's descent into the rabbit hole to a surprise ending...

Can you put the clues together before she does?
And Now for Something Completely Different.

No, not a short film starring a man with a tape recorder up his nose, but the 0.5b build-- The first Alley map has been completed, and some of the early events retouched. The last dungeon in this area is playable, but you can't get out just yet.

The second base Alley map is in, but as of right this minute, you can't get there from here. A few more bits of glitter have been added, including Rise's wardrobe malfunction early on.

I've made a few other changes as well-- A new plot device or six, and a new challenger! You'll see what I mean.

My apologies to the low-bandwidth users: I had to add a couple of new things in, and it kinda... Ballooned the size of the archive overall. It's going to take a bit to download, sorry. The final game will be larger still, as I'm going to have to do some more includes, but the remaining Betas should be roughly this size, give or take a little.

More fun to be had soon! Will write up another post at the next significant milestone. Feel free to comment here, or ignore Rise and I as you see fit. Seeya soon!

Edit: The same link to get the old build now works for the new one. This will be true until further notice.
Heyas gang!

Still plugging away at this thing here, and the most recent build includes a nearly-complete map of the Prison Ship area (newly expanded!) Looks like it's going to be one huge puzzle...

But what awaits Rise-chan at the end?

Can she survive to escape her cell?

Just how deep IS this rabbit hole anyway?

Just to be mean... A teaser.

.jpg   PrisonShipNorth.jpg (Size: 490.92 KB / Downloads: 18)

As always, the most recent build is available at the link in the first post.

So, I'm looking at the most recent build, and I've got one of the most complex maps I've assembled in, well, ever.

So, it's time for an opinion or three, just to make sure I'm not completely out of my mind.

.jpg   PShipN.jpg (Size: 329.88 KB / Downloads: 24)

This is the Forward end of the deck. Scattered around the entire map will be 4-8 guards that stay dead if you manage to defeat them. Losing doesn't result in death, however. Nope. Lose, and you'll find yourself back in your cell and you have to start again.

.jpg   PShipSouth.jpg (Size: 316.14 KB / Downloads: 25)

This is the aft end of the deck. Lots of fun things to do all over the map, most of which will be involved in some puzzle or another. Escape the map, and there'll be XP. Fail, and you get nothing.

So... Boring as heck, or might maybe be interesting someday?
New updates!

The Class Change system has been rebuilt, and there are new classes coming down the line. To my shame, I went and raided Yanfly's list of scripts with the intent of making things look a bit better, and do a couple of things I couldn't get running well(or do at all) without scripting. I'm currently adding puzzles to the second map, and map after next will be something even bigger.

I will be hunting a low rumble BGS, not unlike the background sound aboard the Nostromo from Alien. I have something that sounds mostly like it now, but it's got an overtone that destroys the ambiance.

Current build is 0.5.215, uploaded 15FEB13. Download links have been updated.

EDIT: Sound effect has been found, just need to edit it.
Very nice maps, great work^^
[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
Thank you :)

Been working on combat formulae this week-- trying to find something that works without needing 500+ HP at level 1.

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