Save-Point Pixel Quilt
I know there's more scripters than artists here... but I thought I'd try this out and see if anyone's interested. If this goes over well, I have a thought of doing something similar except with a character instead:

If you dont know what I'm talking about, here's a completed example, but I'd rather not go isometric:

• You can create more than one tile.
• Only one active tile reservation at any one time. You must finish a tile before making a new one.
• Once you reserve a tile you must post an initial WIP within 7 days so it doesn't hold other up.

Once you post an initial WIP you get 14 days to update your tile or
post a comment letting us know its active. Every WIP/post update (busy,
school, work, sick, moving, etc.). Every post thereafter buys you 14
• Inner tiles CAN NOT use transparency.

You must use the supplied palette colors only (No black or white), but you don't have to
use them all in your tile (Those making outer tiles will have one extra
color for transparency).
• NO animations.
• Your tile must match
the tiles surrounding yours, unless your tile has no neighbors (first 5
). This will become increasingly tougher as tiles get added. Some
tiles will need to match on as many as 4 sides.
• Matching your neighbors does not mean it has to continue other's idea. Just that it blends seamlessly somehow.

Please keep the collab's general light-source and scale as shown
below consistent in your tile. This may be tweaked in your tile if you use secondary light

Please post your tile on its own as a comment and make sure to say what
number it is and it will be added to the collab master image by a Collab Manager in order to
keep the color palette true.
• Your tile may be added to the master
image in WIP stages if it shows the tile's direction enough to help
others visualize their own tiles.

Special Rules
• The first 5 tiles may be anywhere at all and require no neighboring tiles.
• From the 6th tile on your tile MUST have at least one neighboring tile already posted that your tile blends into.

If one of the first 5 tiles picked is next to the first 4 tiles then #6
may pick a tile with no neighbors. Or once 5 starting points have begun.

In the event that a tile is made without a reservation or 2 people
accidentally work on the same tile a special vote may be held, or a duel
to the death may be started by the 2 people.
• Special rule(s) may be added to accommodate whatever loophole y'alls manage to find and exploit.

• Novice or pro, all are encouraged to collaborate.
• Possible tile rejection if your tile is fails in scale.
• Possible tile rejection if your tile does not match and blend into your neighbor(s) tile.

Possible tile rejection if your tile just doesn't blend in with some
degree of harmony. Should this happen to you check for comments left for
you...there will be some!
• You can get tips and help to improve your tile on this thread. No need to make a separate WIP thread.

You are encouraged to take all c+c on your tile. You do not need to
apply all given c+c but please don't ignore them. Especially from your
neighbor. Remember this is a 'collaboration'.
• Please use the 'PJs Image Specs' link HERE to check your final tile colors has max 20 colors (21 if an outer tile) and even the right colors.

(Rules pulled mostly from the pixeljoint version)

[Image: PIXELQUILT_zps5830af26.png]

this is a simplified version of my tileset template so it's not perfectly organized:
[Image: colorpallette_zpsa9c5e4e0.png]

Standard RM scale I think, unless people want to go smaller? I'm open to suggestions :)

So the only colors allowed are the ones in the imagefile at the end, did I get that right?
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." (C.S. Lewis)
For the time you're laughing, there's nothing wrong in the world. (Colin Mochrie)

If it's funny, make sure people laugh. If it's not funny, make it funny (unless it's actually really serious). (silvercheers)

Please don't spell my name "Yamina-chan". It's all small. Thank you =D
yeah, unless someone wants to suggest a different palette. That way the blend well. Although I've seen it done without a palette too.
how exactly does this work? the example you posted is mind blowing, but 1- im not a pixel artist, 2- calling myself an artist is an afront to all other artists, 3- it looks super complicated. i want to play, but syriasly doubt my skillz. can i reserve a spot towards the end?
the pixeljoint example is crazy.... just showing the concept, they're running a similar one on RMWeb though:

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