Absolute Defense
Absolute Defense
Version: 1.0
Author: Kread-EX


You never know what you can find when plugging an old hard drive you don't use since 5 years. And what did I find ? Oooh... this script.
This takes us back to the dawn of RMXP - a time when only DynaEmu's was the only existing English version !
In other words, this is one of my very first scripts. Well, let's go back on topic:

Absolute Defense is a technique used in the game Breath of Fire V (Ps2).
It allows to nullify damage inflicted by the user under a set value.
Technically, you must spam your best attacks in order to wound the big tank who use this.


Spoiled for your browsing pleasure.


Very low compatibility with any script which modify Game_Battler, Sprite_Battler or Scene_Battle (this was one of my very first script, be indulgent).
I suggest to NOT make 2 enemies in the same group using Absolute Degense
Actors can't use this because this would unbalance the game.
Work with the DBS and turn-based CBS. You shouldn't use this with ATB or RTAB. Maybe CTB, but I'm not sure.
Will clash with custom damage displays.


Just copy this and paste above Main.
Then follow the configuration steps.

Terms and Conditions

Use this as you see fit, as long as you credit me. Even for a commercial project, I do not care.
Redistribute the script however you like, but please keep the script header.

Additional info

If you want to use this with a CBS other than ATB or RTAB, you can ask and I will adapt it.
Same goes with custom damage displays.
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