Problems with Blizzard's Multiple Hits Script (Standalone Version)
I need help with this stand alone version of Blizzard's multi hits script included in the Tons of Add-ons master script.

# Multi-Hit by Blizzard
# Version: 1.51b
# Type: Weapon/Skill/Enemy Enhancement
# Date: 12.8.2007
# Date 1.3b: 23.2.2008
# Date 1.4b: 23.7.2008
# Date 1.5b: 19.10.2008
# Date 1.51b: 6.10.2009
# Compatibility:
#   95% compatible with SDK 1.x. 70% compatible with SDK 2.x. Might be
#   incompatible with exotic skills and/or CBS-es. Compatible with CRLS 5.1b or
#   higher.
# Explanation:
#   This add-on will allow that skills, weapons and enemies attack more than
#   once.
# new in v1.3b:
#   - now you can define weapons/skills/enemies which's other attacks will
#     target a random target instead of the originally chosen target
#   - now beta
# new in v1.4b:
#   - better compatibility with SP Cost Mod
#   - improved coding
# new in v1.5b:
#   - added Multi-Hit items
# Configuration:
#   Set up the following constants to configure the script:
#   WEAPON_RANDOM - add any weapon IDs here and separate them with commas to
#                   make those specific weapons attack another random target
#                   for each other hit than the first
#   SKILL_RANDOM  - add any skill IDs here and separate them with commas to
#                   make those specific skills attack another random target
#                   for each other hit than the first
#   ITEM_RANDOM   - add any item IDs here and separate them with commas to
#                   make those specific items attack another random target
#                   for each other hit than the first
#   ENEMY_RANDOM  - add any enemy IDs here and separate them with commas to
#                   make those specific enemies attack another random target
#                   for each other hit than the first
#   Further there are 4 configurations. Configuration 1 is for weapons,
#   Configuration 2 is for skills, Configuration 3 is for items and
#   Configuration 3 is for normal enemy attacks. Use following template to set
#   up how many hits should be done:
#     when ID then return HITS
#   ID   - ID of weapon, skill, item or enemy, depending on the configuration
#          number
#   HITS - number of hits

# module BlizzCFG

module BlizzCFG
# START Basic Configuration
  WEAPON_RANDOM = [1, 2]
  SKILL_RANDOM = [89, 98, 127]
  ITEM_RANDOM = [12]
# END Basic Configuration

  def self.weapon_hits(id)
    case id
# START Configuration 1
    when 1 then return 3
    when 2 then return 4
    when 3 then return 2
# END Configuration 1
    return 1
  def self.skill_hits(id)
    case id
# START Configuration 2
    when 89 then return 2
    when 98 then return 2
      when 127 then return 3
        when 132 then return 2
# END Configuration 2
    return 1
  def self.item_hits(id)
    case id
# START Configuration 3
# END Configuration 3
    return 1
  def self.enemy_hits(id)
    case id
# START Configuration 4
    when 1 then return 2
# END Configuration 4
    return 1

# Scene_Battle

class Scene_Battle
  alias update_phase4_step1_multi_hit_later update_phase4_step1
  def update_phase4_step1(battler = nil)
    if battler != nil
    @repeat = [1, 1, 0]
    return unless @active_battler != nil
    if @active_battler.current_action.kind == 0
      if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0
        if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
          hits = BlizzCFG.weapon_hits(@active_battler.weapon_id)
        elsif @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
          hits = BlizzCFG.enemy_hits(
        @repeat = [hits, hits, 2]
    elsif @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1
      @repeat[2] = 3
    elsif @active_battler.current_action.kind == 2
      @repeat[2] = 4
  alias update_phase4_step2_multi_hit_later update_phase4_step2
  def update_phase4_step2(battler = nil)
    if battler != nil
    if @phase4_step != 1
      if @repeat[2] == 3
        hits = BlizzCFG.skill_hits(
        @repeat = [hits, hits+1, 4]
      elsif @repeat[2] == 4
        hits = BlizzCFG.item_hits(
        @repeat = [hits, hits+1, 4]
  alias update_phase4_step5_multi_hit_later update_phase4_step5
  def update_phase4_step5(battler = nil)
    if battler != nil

      if @active_battler.current_action.kind == 1
        if BlizzCFG::SKILL_RANDOM.include?(
          if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
          elsif @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
      elsif @active_battler.current_action.kind == 2
        if BlizzCFG::ITEM_RANDOM.include?(
          if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
          elsif @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
      elsif @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
        if BlizzCFG::WEAPON_RANDOM.include?(@active_battler.weapon_id)
      elsif @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
        if BlizzCFG::ENEMY_RANDOM.include?(
      @phase4_step = 2 if @repeat[0] > 1 && @repeat[2] > 0
      @repeat[0] -= 1

  alias make_skill_action_result_multi_hit_later make_skill_action_result
  def make_skill_action_result(battler = nil, plus_id = nil)
    if battler != nil
      if plus_id != nil
        make_skill_action_result_multi_hit_later(battler, plus_id)
    @help_window.visible = false if (@repeat[1] - @repeat[0]) > 1 #<======================================= Add this here
    if @repeat[2] > 3
      sp_cost = @skill.sp_cost
      #----- you can remove these 3 lines if you want----
      @active_battler.sp += sp_cost

I've encounter several problems with this script (Items being used until there are none left, skills hitting either twice or until all enemies are defeated), even when testing with Tons of Add-ons. Is there any way to fix it or I'm better off asking for a brand new script?

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