Artificial Intelligence in Turn-Based RPGs
I'm designing discovery AI too. It's more complex, but its a real deal in battle. Weak AI would be bad at discovering; even if they threw Poison in the entire party and saw it was innefective it would try again. This AI is simply dumb, the "easy" mode. It would use the basic enemy behavior setted in the database.

The "normal" mode, the AI would be able to understand that there's no use to continue to Poison the Heroes, so it would try another trick. It will not be smart, but will not do dumb things like using useless skills numerous times.

The "hard" mode, the most complex and interesting one, would be able to detect all visible effects on the players (the sword has fire flowing of it? Defend itself against fire. One of the players doesn't attack, only healing the party? Cast Silence on it and kill, etc), and build a counter-strategy for the party. It would memorize every action of the player and defend itself against it, or even use the same strategy. It would be a trained-able to learn AI. This AI would also be able to use party strategy, like shielding the troop's mage from attacks. This way the player must be able to create new strategies, mainly in boss fights. This one is hard to do because you must map every, or most of the strategies possible from the skills and attacks and build counters for every one of them.

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