Boss enemy design contest.
Boss Enemy Design Contest!
[Image: demons_revenge_by_goweliang-d793uio.jpg]

In honor of our upcoming Kickstarter, we are doing a boss enemy design contest in order for someone to win some really cool stuff before the campaign even begins. We want people to get involved with the creation of the game and we figured this is the best way of doing it.

Here is how you enter:

1. Draw a boss by the 28th of August. The boss can be a human, jeht (demonoid being), or a creative mystical beast. Just about anything you can think of.
2. Write a compelling back story describing its powers and abilities.
3. Email your drawings to with the subject line: Boss Enemy Design Contest!

Join our facebook page:
We will announce the winner on Facebook, Twitter, and our main website. There, you can comment onyour submission and put more attention towards your creation!

What Do You Win?

[Image: concepts_zps0b58b4bc.png]
[Image: zone_by_goweliang-d6mvklg.jpg]
The winner gets their boss in the game, a poster of your creation drawn by our artist Ricky Gunawan. The winner will also receive a copy of the game.

Rules or Restrictions:

- By submitting to our design contest, you agree that you will give us your mailing address if chosen as the winner (unless you don't want the physical prize).

- If the design is a human, they normally derive their magical abilities from objects or the type of region where they are from.

- If the design is a jeht, they generally have red, black, white, or dark purple skin. Some are shape shifters and can look like humans with extremely pale skin tones. They usually have abilities derived from their physical physique, which is of immense strength and speed, and have natural abilities that deal with the elements of light, darkness, fire, water, ice, earth, and wind.

- Mystical creature anything goes.

- You agree that you are age of consent in your country, or have permission from an adult to give out your address and receive a prize from us.

- You can submit as many designs as you like

- You do not need to be a great artist as we will be judging the contest based on creativity in the design, story, and powers/abilities.

- If it's anthropomorphic, please don't use nudity. It will not be chosen.

- We reserve the right to change the rules as we see fit if necessary.

- Ask any questions on facebook, twitter, or our website,
to quote Gamasutra :

"I need a logo design, but I only have $100. I know, I'll hold a contest!" No.
I don't get your post. The art in our game is fine. Please elaborate on your response. We are the ones doing the offering of the great art based on the winner's idea.
I do not NEED a design. To be honest what we need is for people to get involved with our development. Building an audience. That is what we need. We will gladly pay for the art and poster. We are not looking for high quality art. As you can see we have that down. The boss enemy will require sprites, sounds, and functionality as well as providing the winner with a high quality piece of art and poster and the game.

This our logo.

[Image: demonsrevengelogo2_zps12ca838e.jpg]
you have no idea what you're getting into. the last monster i designed for someone was a demon pear wrapped in barbedwire being held up by a crane attached to erector set spider legs.
oops i misread. Also didn't realize that yin's game = trexell's game... until a few hours ago
(08-14-2014, 10:51 PM)KasperKalamity Wrote: you have no idea what you're getting into. the last monster i designed for someone was a demon pear wrapped in barbedwire being held up by a crane attached to erector set spider legs.
Laughing That sounds awesome!
i emailed three scans of stupid stuff i designed years ago. they were never used in anything, and explanations are included. designing enemies seems to be what i'm best at in rmxp....
Your entries are awesome. When you said a pear you meant it. LOL these are some pretty creative creatures.
The Enemy Design Contest's submission end date is approaching fast! Make sure you get yours in by the 28th!

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