Destiny of End

1 - I am working on some new things for the game, including a new title screen. I'm looking at some options with this, and I'll update further when I can.

2 - I will be working on the game FROM THE BEGINNING instead of jumping around to different places. It sounds like a no-brainer, but I wanted to get certain things finished before, and started a habit of skipping everywhere  Tongue sticking out 

3 - I changed the beginning of the game. Instead of starting at a certain point, I decided another way would be better. You get to see some interesting scenes and such.  Happy 

Finally, I still do need a Japanese translator. If anyone is interested in helping, that'd be great.  Happy
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

Destiny of End Thread:
Destiny of End Twitter:
Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)
I have returned!

Why? Because the damage formula that came with the CTB demo was REALLY goofy and hard to work with. The default formula was better, in my opinion, and I can work with it MUCH easier.  Blushing + Cheery 

Also, something new to the damage formula...
Minimum damage!

Now, you and the enemies will always do SOME sort of damage with default attacks, instead of a silly old ZERO! This prevents the early game from getting out of hand, with Sheena doing literally 0 damage with her fan due to her low STR and the low ATK associated with the nature of using a FAN, while everyone is dishing out 10+ damage with their attacks.  Happy with a sweat 

Also, you'll still take damage from weaker enemies, though not much.  Tongue sticking out 

So yeah, minimum damage has been added, and we have returned to the default damage formula!
Some changes are still pending, too!  Winking
I am integrating the Audio Module script found here:

This will allow me to loop some songs that did not loop correctly, or did not have loop points at all!
I've found so many songs that are royalty-free, but never looped correctly with XP. Now I just need to make sure the songs aren't going through Tunecore before I decide to do the loops, so I don't waste my time  Confused 
Been a while since I've done any updates!

I'm working on editing a pirate battler by Dollmage.

[Image: uhKBWnV.png]
He had a silly-looking HUGE skull on his hat, and I wasn't exactly interested in that  Tongue sticking out 
Making a few tweaks to story, to characters, etc.
Still working on the maps, events, and other miscellaneous things that'll enhance the experience. They'll be a secret for now  Winking  
It's all coming along nicely, and I'll have a bigger update eventually! Have a nice day!  Happy 

Quick Edit: Redid the "Before the request" tips example image, since the other example used a Ragnarok Online battler image that had been ripped illegally, and the person who ripped the battler had claimed people could use them. (wrongly)

Here's the new one. I also made a change to how it's presented  Happy 

[Image: 00EkTxj.png]

The main post is also being updated with this new image.

I might as well give a few super awesome updates! Sounds good to me!  Grinning

Update 1 - Inspired by Siletrea and Lunarberry, I may make a separate "Progress Log" to let you guys know what I'm doing, since it'll be easier than posting an update here every once in a while!
It'll also help me keep track of what needs doing, what needs changing, what needs editing, etc.
I'll let you all know when I do something with that, because I really do feel like it's a good idea. Hope Sil and Lunarberry don't mind if I borrow the idea!  Laughing 

Update 2 - I'm working on getting all of my Photoshop images onto imgur. At the moment, many of my pictures are replaced with the silly Photoshop default image for accounts that haven't paid their ridiculous 400 dollar fee for image hotlinking. I should have everything in imgur in the next few days. I'll put that in the progress log so I don't forget  Laughing + Tongue sticking out 

Update 3 - I haven't been slacking lately! I've added a ton of characters to the story, added a lot of story details, tied up loose ends, wrote a TON of lore, new events on the main characters that shape who they become, made stories and events for each possible recruitable character, and am finishing up details on side-stuff. I'm also connecting this story to another one that I was writing-- They take place in the same world, but are separate! How?

The Dark Fog.
(Okay, I don't have a snazzy name for it at the moment, but bear with me, alright? Anyway, here it is, in all its photoshopped glory!)
[Image: hXiIT2h.png]

About 600 years ago (That's before even the War Times, ~400 years ago) a dark fog appeared around the three continents in our story, never moving from its place. There is much more to the world than the three continents our heroes visit, but they have been isolated by this mysterious fog of darkness. Nobody dares venture forth after many an explorer attempted and failed to return. It is believed to be extremely deadly, and is thusly dubbed the "Fog of Death" by many.

The fog completely surrounds the three continents, and it is theorized that other continents are also isolated from each other in the same way, meaning there are multiple "Sectors" separated by the fog. In fact, the world is theorized to possibly have had 10 or more continents full of people, but the information is lost in legend at this point due to bad record keeping and the like.

Now here's something cool: Although the separate story will likely not be a game, since I have WAY too many difficult ideas to implement for it, it is quite possible I will release it at some point as a standalone text story! Sure, it will contain much of the Destiny of End lore, but they are completely separate.............. mostly
Huh? What? I just said they were separate. Shhhhh  Tongue sticking out
OKAY, I gave up a lot of super secret info already today, hope this is enough for now. I'll get more to you all in due time!  Happy 
Destiny of End is still going strong!*
Thank you for reading!

*I am in need of an artist for a lot of things. At this point, there aren't enough battlers, and with the planned size of the game, we're not even halfway on that front.
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

Destiny of End Thread:
Destiny of End Twitter:
Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)
Hello everyone, QUICK UPDATE!

I now have a Destiny of End Progress Report!
Inspired by the Progress Log by Siletrea and Lunarberry for the game Yesteryear -- Check that thread out if you haven't, there's some good stuff going on with that! -- this Progress Report is where I will give the daily updates on what is going on with Destiny of End!
There will also be a Youtube link for that specific day's inspiration music, should there be any. 
The link to the Progress Report is HERE! <--- click that!

I've already given an update for yesterday!  Winking 

That's all for now, see ya next time~  Grinning
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

Destiny of End Thread:
Destiny of End Twitter:
Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)
(09-02-2017, 02:34 AM)Bounty Hunter Lani Wrote: Hello everyone, QUICK UPDATE!

I now have a Destiny of End Progress Report!
Inspired by the Progress Log by Siletrea and Lunarberry for the game Yesteryear -- Check that thread out if you haven't, there's some good stuff going on with that! -- this Progress Report is where I will give the daily updates on what is going on with Destiny of End!
There will also be a Youtube link for that specific day's inspiration music, should there be any. 
The link to the Progress Report is HERE! <--- click that!

I've already given an update for yesterday!  Winking 

That's all for now, see ya next time~  Grinning

This looks great! And thanks for the shoutout!
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: 55e3faa432d9efb86b8f19a6f25c0126-dawz35x.png]

new logo for Yesteryear created by Lunarberry!
I have replaced every image in the thread that was using Photobucket with new images in imgur. I have also added the Ikuno graphic to the main post that I for some reason forgot to put here.
It can be seen right below, in all of its SAMPLE glory:
[Image: nRubsDF.png]

I have also started the deletion process of the Photobucket accounts. They're giving 48 hours to "Rethink" the decision.
NOPE.  Laughing

It took a bit longer than expected, and to be quite honest, I'm glad to have everything switched to a better site. Though I hope in the future, I don't have to do it again  Tongue sticking out

I've also been updating my Destiny of End Progress Report quite often, if you're interested in checking that out.
Since I haven't updated in a long time, I felt I should let you all know that I am still working on the game slowly.
I discovered MORE ripped assets, so I'm actually quite disappointed where I am right now in that aspect. I need an artist to help me make original battlers, since the number I can use continues to dwindle. It's quite a shame, truly.

HOWEVER... I decided that in the meantime, as I work on the story and eventing of Destiny of End, I would expound on portions of the LORE of Destiny of End.

Coming soon, I will reveal the lore of... DRAGONS!

This should be an interesting start to the lore posts.   Winking
"We Dragons have elevated this man, knowing he was The Reaper. Now The Reaper has come to collect on all of US.
Today I bite The Reaper. I hope my comrades will follow, and my impending death will not be in vain. But many have been too trusting, and won't fight back. They'll accept their fate. Accept The Reaper's 'judgment.'
But not I. Let my fearsome cries be heard 'round the world, through The Fog and through the brainwashed masses."

- Karus Alistar, from portion of letter to his daughter Kara Alistar

I wanted to give an update on what's been going on lately, and the choices I've been considering/making.

Issue A: Due to all of the Animated Battlers problems, I've had to consider multiple options that can hopefully resolve or simplify the issue.
These include:
 1 - Revert to default battle system. This would make resource hunting SLIGHTLY easier, and art would be easier to ask for than multi-frame animated battlers. HOWEVER, the quality of the images would have to be consistent, lest it be criticized to the max. And THAT is an issue that would be created by this option. 
 2 - Start a GoFundMe to get funding for an artist to make animated battlers, keeping the system in place and greatly improving the quality of the game itself
 3 - Instead of "Animated" battlers, perhaps they could all be "still" like in old RPGs, and move forward for attacks? That'd be even easier to make than the default battlers. Likely to cost less as well, and weapons could even be added in place of others with some sort of visual system!
 4 - Try to skip rocks in a pond and maybe if I can skip the rock 8 times, a magical spirit will come out of the water and grant me a wish, to where I will wish for a million dollars to fund my game with a professional team on Unity, and not have to worry about any of this stuff because it's all taken care of, and I can just focus on the story and systems I want implemented.

Yeah, that last one's not likely. But what can I do? Animated battlers aren't being made much anymore, unless you want 5 different sizes of battlers with incomplete animations from "off" online sources that claim their battler is unique, only to find out a month later that it's from Dragon Warrior 2 or something. 
I don't have funds, so GoFundMe seems like a viable option for a battler artist, but what solution would I have to do?
I'm leaning towards option #3, simply because the visual aspect of having different weapons sounds SO COOL. Heck, it gives me so many ideas on what I could do with the system! It'd also feel fairly "Retro", so perhaps that might be a good step in that direction. An expansive game with a retro Final Fantasy type feel to it. Just uhh... not so pixelated?  Confused
What do you think I should do? Would I get ANY support if I started a GoFundMe, or is that a longshot?

Issue B: The Dragon Lore is all written, but I'm not sure how I want to release it. I have questions-- mostly to myself.
Do I release the lore in parts? What do I want to allow to be known? Should it be mostly history with their traits mixed in, or should I emphasize the traits more?
Should I even mention the history?

Issue C: I have fixed a lot of script issues I previously had. Some were user error (Like the poisons script causing SP damage because I didn't place Nil in the SP portion) and some were bug-related, to which were fixed. I will be adding in more and more scripts as I get to the parts where I need them.
Example - I won't need to make sure the Vehicles work until I get an actual vehicle in the world map via story. I know it's best to make sure it works right now, but I have a lot on my plate already, so I've been taking an approach of "We'll see when we get there", which has left me with much more work ethic.
I haven't been sidetracked by a boss battle's event not working properly. I haven't been sidetracked by an event towards the end of the game, or the third continent's map. I'm doing it as I go, since I am only one person. It's led me to being able to get a lot of the story done and text actually written. 

Issue D: Balancing has been an issue that has been on my mind for a while. I don't want someone being able to get to level 25 and one-shot an Ice-type boss that I expected you to be at level 10, because they learned Firojinx at level 25 and upgraded it to max with 200 Fire Stones they grinded for a few hours, beating up 1000+ Squirrelmon5000s next to the second town, ALL BECAUSE I made them drop Fire Stones at a 5% rate and give the best exp in the area. That can't happen, ya know?
I've  been considering:
 1 - Caps on certain skills by certain points
 2 - Learning skills at certain points by changing classes of characters, so they CAN'T GET THE SKILL AT ALL until the story demands it
 3 - Give up and let the people who waste hours of their lives grinding weak monsters to beat up a boss in one hit because you can't control peoples' playstyles, right?  Laughing 

Whatever I decide upon, you'll likely see it when I release my first demo someday. But I need to figure out what battle system I will use before that can even happen. Animated battlers are looking more and more like a longshot at this point, simply due to a lack of resources on all counts. I'm doing what I can, but again, I am one person, and I'd like to stick to what I'm best at. And it's not drawing.  Confused

Okay, that's all for today!
Thanks for reading! Dragon lore will be released "Soon", once I figure out how to release it. 
Buh bye for now!

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