[RPGMakerXP] help with perspective

I'm wondering if I should just make one big 'help Criz with basic RMXP stuff'-thread ...  <_<

so, this time I need some help with the perspective of items.
For reference, here's a quick look at some of the tileset stuff in use, along with characters.
Didn't realize this before, but I guess, the 'pole' with the screen has the wrong perspective, too (those parts that are the 'top/cut off at the ceiling')
[Image: MEC_160526a.jpg]

and here are some tests with the crates
[Image: MEC_160616.png]

so the first column is how I started with the sprites, when I probably just made them the way I'd draw it with some perspective added.
Then I was working on some plant pots and it felt like those two wouldn't work together, so I thought that the side view of the crate needed some editing. Basically if something has a certain amount of px in width and you show it from another perspective it also has to have the same amount in height ... ?!
Except, that looked weird to me, too, so I tried it with simplified boxes (red on the front & back, blue for the top & bottom, green for the sides - in the original orientation).
But it still looks strange ...
I'm just wondering if I'm too used to a different perspective and shortening things etc. or do I make some basic error?!

... I wonder if I should just drop the side view completely, since I might not need it, just wanted to be prepared.
But that won't solve my problem with the perspective in general ...

Just trying to get Criz some help here!  Happy
[Image: SP1-ResourceHunter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Director.png]

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