Global Warming (Part 2)
Captain Wow Wrote:lol so you guys arent pissed off at all at the thought that these people have screwed you over and potentially tried to implement a lot of expensive and unnecessary counter measures that the tax payer would have to pay for? :P

Don't they do that anyway? You know, with TSA and whatnot in the airports?
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Captain Wow Wrote:lol so you guys arent pissed off at all at the thought that these people have screwed you over and potentially tried to implement a lot of expensive and unnecessary counter measures that the tax payer would have to pay for? :P

Not really. Even if curving pollution a la carbon waste doesn't affect the theory of global warming at all, it still has the nice side effect of... stopping pollution. Doesn't that sound nice? Coming from a person living in LA, yes it does. :d In fact, according to this article, 40% of deaths worldwide are pollution related, or how about that very delicious lung cancer, eh?

And utilizing alternative energy, such as geothermal, wind, solar, etc., is just smart. Why solely rely on a resource as limited and as heavily competed for as fossil fuels?

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For example, this chart here predicts peak oil at around a couple of years time. Now, even if this chart WERE heavily exaggerated, it does not change the fact that fossil fuels are a finite resource. The addition of 'green energy', such as solar, geothermal, wind, etc. hell, even nuclear, to our diet of energy is not an option that is solely validated by the existence of, or the lack of global warming.

With dwindling supply and higher demand due to the increased industrialization of modernizing natures, lets just say that the pricefight will be a metaphorical blood bath.

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</ egging on a debate. >


kyonides Wrote:Just remember the Earth is getting closer to the sun and the sun is at its peak raging with mortal death rays that could even deactivate satellites and shutdown any "Kernkraft".

wat i always wanted to play fallout irl
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I don't for one second deny that lessening pollution will have great effects for our planet, i don't deny they looking into other sources of power will help us greatly, that isn't the argument i am making. If that is what governments want to suggest to us then fair enough, but don't bullshit us with global warming, especially when the evidence now suggests our planet will get a lot colder instead. My issue is with the lies that we have been told, simply because i live in a low income household and we lived for months using a lot less than we needed to survive because we thought we HAD to. We used less heating on cold nights and cooked less meaning eating less. I think i have every right to be truly pissed off, if you aren't then fair enough. I don't care that it saved us money or any of that bullshit, because i'm not going to defend a bunch of corrupt bastards who manufacture problems as a means to inevitably sting us in the pockets. End of presentation lol
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