Okay, this is a long explanation but...
I have this script that uses a jump button. I want to make an event that, when I press that button, something will happen to the event, so it appears that I jumped up and hit the event, like the coin boxes in the Mario games. (This is NOT a 2D platformer, lol)
I tried to make a conditional branch that stated once the jump button (z) was pressed, the box was made transparent. It didn't work.

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what exactly didn't work? I think a parallel process with cond. branch if Z is pressed, ... would be enough Oo I tested it with some commands and it worked.
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The input thing in the conditional branch doesn't trigger when you hit the key, it triggers while you -hold- the key.
You need to use the 'button input processing' event thing to record it to a variable, then check that the variable equals whatever the number for the jump key is.
Help text says 16 for Z.
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Thanks for your replies!
Um JaberWocky, I read what you said and only understood about half of it. haha.
Could you maybe give me an example?
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[Image: 119pm4n.jpg]
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Hmm. No luck. Something interesting, though, when I pressed the action button, I couldn't move.
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Did you, uh, remember to turn off the event after the button was pushed? >.>;
Cuz if you don't, it'll freeze your game up. You should probably just set your block event to do the button thing instead of a new event.
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!!!!!! oh!!
It worked!!! Thanks so much!! :D
Aaaah!! :D
Oh wait... only one problem.. When I step under the block, I freeze until i press that button. Any way to fix that? :)
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Is it still on autorun? >.>;
Works fine for me as long as it's on parallel process.
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It's on Player Touch, so that when I go under it I press the button. However, if someone were to go under it and decide not to press it, they wouldn't be able to move until they did, which is not what I want. If it's on Parallel process, no matter where I press Z something happens to the event.
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