Excalibur I - Life Of A Darklord
The game may not be in any of the new fancy rpg makers but it's suppose to be great. The game follows a basic storyline.
Storyline - (Probabbly sucks please rate and give suggestions) There lived a darklord named Excalibur, His father being The Dark Knight. Ever since Excalibur was born he wanted to be a Knight, But his father told him that a Knight would be too easy for him and forced him to become a Darklord. Even though Excalibur did not like being a Darklord, He did not want to anger his powerful father. So he did his evil Darklord duties. But one day on Noctus Road in the fall. Excalibur's Father, The Dark Knight planned an assault on Runis Village. But as soon as he and his army crossed the gate, They were cursed and turned into evil blood-thirsty Demon Knights by an unknown wizard. When Excalibur heard the news and learned his father and his army was being controlled by the wizard he took many swordman lessons and magic-caster lessons to be able to break the curse and save his father. But when he learns something even stranger that doesn't have to do with his father or the wizard, His life will be changed..... FOREVER!

Characters -
Age = 26
League = Darklord
Overview = Excalibur is the main character. Who's father is cursed into being a demon controlled by an unkown wizard in the beggining of the game. Excalibur also meets some other strange presence in the game

Age = 27
League = Swordsman
Overview = Excalibur's closest friend other than Matthew. Nora is a great with the sword but isn't very well with magic. She also has high agility.

Age = 25
Leauge = Samurai
Overview = Matthew's dream of being a Samurai came too when he became 18. Ever since theyv'e known eachother Matthew has always come first when it comes to being the closest friend to Excalibur. Matthew also is married to Nora.

That's kind of all I have to say about the game if you guys want to know a little bit more just tell me I am always willing to make a updates to the thread and I will visit frequently probably.
UPDATE: Features -
Attack Villages With Your Almighty Dark Magic.
Steal Items From Stores And Houses.
Complete many quests that unravel the story as you go!
Meet many new Party Members who help you on your journey!
Unlock lots of spells to fight your enemies with.
Defeat many different types of enemies in a vast landscape!
Open-Land for you to explore to your heart's content!
Play throughout 2 different storylines that unfold as you play the game!
Complete many different challenging puzzles!
Colllect many treasures that you can trade for items!
Play in the Arena against many strong soldiers for shards and treasures!
Upgrade your weapons and armor at the blacksmith for ultimate reliance
Enjoy many differnt minigames that you must play to unlock the story!
Start a war against 6 different colonies to unravel the second story!
Many different weapons, shields, and armors to collect and upgrade!
Level up to level 200 to unlock the Secret Bonus 3rd and 4th story!
Those were basicly the Features as of now. I say those are some pretty good features. But the game is still 1% as you can probably already see how much I have to do for this game. Also I need someone to see if they can make some Box-Art. I'm going to make this game commercial.
your story sounds quite interesting. I'm curious about this:
Nora: Excalibur's closest friend other than Matthew.
and this:
Matthew: Ever since theyv'e known eachother Matthew has always come first when it comes to being the closest friend to Excalibur.
Is this a little bit paradox or is it just me?
But the basic idea sound really cool and I would play this if it's done good. Do you have already screenshots?
No, I don't have screenshots. I started it just today. I made that story up in one day. Ussualy when I take time to make stories they suck and I always did that... wierd. Most people have to sleep on it while I have to think quick. Anyways I'll try to get Screenshots in soon. Oh and also about Nora and Matthew. Matthew is his best friend, and Nora is like his Second. He doesn't like Nora as much as Matthew is what I'm saying. He met Nora like 3 years ago and matthew like since he was 4 he's known him. (I should put that on there) Pertend like that is on there. I'll probably put it on later but right now i'm too lazy to hit edit post and type it in even when I can type this and reply and stuff. Anyways thanks for the credit. Ever since Death Age (Failed and was on RMXP (RMXP deleted it and sdoesn't work anymore for some reason and it deleted it by itself.)) I have been able to create games with better storylines. That's kind of wierd. First I use my worst nightmare (End Of The World/2012) to make this awesome RMXP game and now I use this (based off of nothing except my crazy, imaginitive, awesome mind that loves to think about chilidogs) approach to make this cool game! That's kind of wierd for the sucky games I usually make!
Current Game - Excalibur I (RM2k/3)

Ah now I understand it^^ Hope you get it done like you want and I think this could be a cool game (looking forward for some screens :D)
Hey Zarox Could you work on a nice title screen for me. Right now i'm too busy to do mapping, character edits, resource hunting, script hunting, etc in order to make title screen. And if you can try to find the animated title screen thing and make it where like the letters have a shine or something that's animated maybe even an opening. I'll let you get a free copy of the game before realease if you get the script and title. Or atleast the title. either way is fine. I'll probably run into animated title sometime when script hunting. Anyways I need you to atleast make a title.
Current Game - Excalibur I (RM2k/3)

I'm sorry, I have to reject. First I have exams in a few weeks, I will not have much time. Second I'm currently working myself on a game and I don't have much time for my own game atm and third, I'm really bad in making title screens :( I did't like my own title for my game, so I have just a black picture as title right now xD sorry, but I think here in the forums are many guys who can make a really good one for you, try to request one in the forums.
Ehhh...okay. Iv'e made some good ones. I'll atleast try to make one.
Current Game - Excalibur I (RM2k/3)

Alot of work to go through on this game if you want to know the percentage it's about 1% done. I know it's not very much but I still have to amke the character edits, finish the Phantom Castle. Fix some of the Event Bugs in Phantom Castle. Make the System Edits, Add some more music. Add more details to the storyline. Fix some stuff on the intro, finish the title, and then finish the rest of the game and the reason that's all at 1% is because this game is EXTREMELY large

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