Relics of Nature's Fury
Title: Relics of Nature's Fury
Story Synopsis: 1,000 years ago, a great battle was fought between nine great heroes and Flynn, the embodiment of darkness. After a long battle, Flynn was defeated... or was he? In the present day world of Thraetenalp, a young man wanders the continent of Noramer. When he fights some bandits near the town of Growlston, he reports it to the mayor. This kicks off a massive journey in which the young man will find out his relation to the nine great heroes, and how Flynn was merely slumbering for the past millenium. New friends and new powers wait in Relics of Nature's Fury.
Story Link: In Progress Story (not caught up to what's programmed)
Demo Link: Demo 1
Demo 2

Rating: T (if it was an actual game, this would probably be the rating)
Features: Spells, Summons, Voice acting,
Cast of Characters: (name - element - starting class)
Taylor - Time - Blade Knight
A young man, 20 years old, with strange powers. He is on a pilgrimage around the world to see new things and find out where his shapeshifting powers came from. He finds himself near Growlston when he is suddenly, unexpectedly attacked...
Clarisse - Ice - Gunner
A young woman, 20 years old. Born and raised in Growlston, she starts working for the mayor after her parents die of natural causes. Mayor Paul treats her like a daughter at times, but she still works for him. When a young man appears telling of bandits, she wonders if her world is about to change...
Phillip - Fire - Monk
The young blacksmith of Growlston, 21 years old. He finds himself working on the blade of a warrior who recently came to town. He is suddenly possessed by a dark spirit, and the warrior and one of the Mayor's maids come to his rescue. He joins them on their quest...
Jillian - Thunder - Cleric
A 21-year-old nurse in the city of Plassville, in which men are treated as little more than game. With her assistance, Taylor and company see the Queen. Little did they know that Flynn was hot on their trail...
Francis - Light - Weapons Master
The scholarly mayor of Buruna, 25 years old. Knowledgeable on many subjects, his odd mode of speech causes laughter among many. When he discovers that the ancient myth of Flynn and the nine great heroes was true, he joins the party on their quest to save the world, and begins his own quest to chronicle the truth of the events...
Nikolai - Wind - Dragoon
A 19-year-old boy from the city of Chino. While talking to his friend Draconus, Taylor and company appear. Draconus is possessed by Flynn, and with Taylor and company's help, Draconus is saved. After learning of his heritage, Nikolai joins the party, partly to save the world and partly to learn more of his family that he never knew...
Nathan - Earth - Ninja
Megan - Water - Mage
Trisha - Shadow - Mysterium
If you care about the summoned monsters...
[copyright 2008-2010 Mirby Studios]
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Map could use some work. Other then that, the storyline interest me. Hope to see a better beta soon.
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yeah from the screenies I would say, your maps look a little bit empty, I will download the demo tomorrow and give you more feedback, just going to sleep now^^
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This is an eyesore... Seriously.

I'm okay with your story, but what about your characters? Don't just name their classes, tell us about WHO THEY ARE as people.

The project's overall presentation could use some work, as well. You should probably organize and separate your information better so that it does not look like a wall of text.

The mapping is horrible. Some of them range from being barren, while most make use of the RTP in the most ridiculous ways I've ever seen. "Chino", with those brightly colored... steps (?) looks the worst, as it doesn't really go well with the default RTP and it simply doesn't look like a road way. Your interiors also display a real lack of realism. They are not only too big, but they actually lack rooms. You think anyone would have their bedroom, kitchen, and living room all in the same space? Make use of wall tiles and close some of them up. If you are trying to go for a peasant type of home, than you should simply make the house smaller.

Yeah, so overall work on your character descriptions and mapping.
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OK I played the demo and here's my critic:
1. You start just on the world map, without any Introduction
2. The maps look really empty, the town is much too big and there a just a few houses, so make your town smaller or make much more houses.
The same with the worldmap, it's really unnaturall that it has such a shape.
3. I kinda like the menu and the mode 7 world map
4. I'm not the biggest fan of the default battle system, but this isn't your fault, if you like it.

Hope you are not too frustrated about the critic, I just want to help you. I'm also not perfect, so work on your game and make it better!
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Here are some tips to make the thread look better:

horizontal rule

Bold, Italic and underline

The spoiler
[spoiler=name of spoiler]hidden text here[/spoiler]
it will appear like this:
name of spoiler
use it to hide stuff. Put images inside them to keep the loading fast.

How to make headlines?

About the game
Your mapping is very empty, and that is not a good thing. Try to make the maps smaller. Indoors map could benefit from using the wall autotile more than you do. Look at this picture for example:
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Content Hidden
On the above picture I find myself in a totally empty space. What about adding some furniture? You should also make that whole map smaller and fill it up a bit. crowded = always a lot better than empty.

You should not use two different colored roofs on one house. That looks od:
Content Hidden

Here is a door that looks strange:
Content Hidden

here is a pack including a tileset and some great doors.

this is a website with some great tutorials on mapping. Check it out ;)

You should also add some random NPC's to the city.

You should change the database a bit. Use another graphic for the main character. Fighter01 is like a big sign saying "I don't know how to change the database" And I'm sure you do know how to change it so just pick another graphics for him.
Naming the skills something else is also a good idea if you do not feel qualified to make new skills from scratch.

Instead of just popping up a battle against those bandits, you should make a cutscene where they appear, then start the battle, I had no idea what this battle was before he said "I should report it" at the end.
Cutscene tutorial
Another one

The default battle system that you are using is extremely boring, it's easy to switch it out with something more fun, here is a list of some easy-to-handle battle-systems:
Pretty much the same, but a bit better
Chrono trigger system
Funny one

Title screen & windowskin
I like them, especially the title screen!

You have gathered custom music and that is great. Cheery

Finally, the storyline
It sounds good, pretty cool, a bit cliché, but that's ok.
There is a rule saying "No more than 3 words in the title."
I've broken this rule myself, but I agree that it's a smart rule to keep in mind if possible. I agree with the other guys saying you should add some more info about the characters.
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First off, I've been on some forums that didn't allow certain tags, and I was too lazy to check to see which ones this place allows.
Secondly, it was an old demo. Most of the problems you've mentioned are fixed in the latest version.
Thirdly, the character graphics are placeholders until I can get some friends to finish drawing them.
Fourthly, I did the multicolored roofs because I wanted it to look like whoever built it was a little nuts... If I saw an actual house with a red and blue roof, I'd go WTF?
Lastly, I'm mainly making this so I can sell it in the future. Not the program itself, but the story and properties and such. This is just a way to show "This is how I want it." But I might just finish this on my own...
I'll fix the topic so it looks better.

[EDIT] Fixed the topic. You probably noticed, but the victory theme is from Golden Sun; couldn't find a suitable tune for that.... Also, thanks for the CT Battle System! That was my original inspiration and how I wanted the game to be! Especially with combo attacks (Kiln Chaos was originally supposed to be a combo move between Phillip and the earth character, Nathan). This is awesome!
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NEW SCREENIES! And Demo 2! Later though.
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This game hurts my brain. I cant figure out which tiles are what
[Image: style7,Kristovski.png]
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yeah just because I'm curious: why are you using 3 or 4 different walls in one map (screen 2 e.g.)? This looks really weird.
Also the Inn, this is just one room. Why don't you divide the room? who would like to sleep next to the inn keeper? I would use some walls to divide the rooms, also it looks really boring if there is just a room with about 20 beds, not a single cupboard or something like that.
The battle system looks better now^^
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