Need Help: Floating Icons
Hi, first time poster. I'm new to the rpg maker community.

Ive been looking through the forums and reading some things, I am on a quest to find a particular system I want to add to my own game.

The system I have in mind I have seen on a few youtube vids, it is when a player opens a chest or receives an item an icon displays above the characters head then floats down into their sprite with the icons image shrinking as it goes.

Now I completely understand switches and variables. I am also good at editing graphics in GIMP. My problem is I have no script knowledge. I do understand code(C++ and java), but scripting seems different.

If anyone could either show me how to do it or just paste the code I would greatly appritiate it. I never plan on producing anything commercially btw.

this can be done with events. So you have to make an animation with the icon shrinkin and let this display within the chest event. I never saw a script like this and this is how I would do this.

Oh and btw, welcome to rmvxp^^
Im sad to say, the youtube link you have there doesnt work for me, the video keeps going black.

Here is a great example of what I would like for my item icons. If you havent seen this guys interface system it will blow you away im sure. But the item icon portion is what Id like to have.
For which RPG Maker would this be? :)
I use RPG maker xp. I enjoy the graphics in the new one but I edit my tilesets and combine them. The limited amount of space in the new one is why I stick with XP.

Create an animation for each item as zarox said. I can show you more in detail how to do this if you want.
Pfft I feel like an idiot.

Okay simple enough.

I thought he had some kind of detect feature that did the animation based on what he received... but he must have put each animation with each reward in the events. (i.e. change item: receive [this item], show animation [item animation])

Thanks for putting up with my ignorance.
You are not by any means ignorant or idiot. :)
We don't expect you to know these things when you are still new to the program. ;)

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