April Fools Day (2018) "Fooled" finds.
Yep. It's that day. And it's the first time I added something in General Chat.... I think. Anyway, since this is kind of the day of a whole lot of April Fools Jokes and some other interesting things happen, so I'm just going to jot what I found on the internet.
  • Team Rocket (from the Pokemon anime) had taken over the Pokemon website, Facebook profile, Twitter profile, Instagram profile, YouTube Channel, and Tumblr profile, however they were caught and now have blasted off again.
  • I noticed this earlier. Save-Point.org (this site) has its logo upside down and a bunch of faces in the background. Oh and Bounty Hunter Lani has an Elmo image and DerVVulfman has a kitten image instead of their normal images.
  • Google Maps is doing a 'Where's Waldo' thing. Waldo will show up on the left side of the browser in Google Maps Clicking Waldo will start the game for finding him.
  • Some YouTubers on Youtube are doing their own April Fools joke in their own way.
  • The Admins of the NA servers of the MMORPG Game, Mabinogi, thought it'd be a fun prank to replace all a player's Characters/Pets/Partners into enemies in the Character Select Screen after logging in (Only until you select a character, then it returns to normal when you choose to return to the Character Select Screen). I took a screenshot on what it looks like when I logged on. The game is also having an event where players will get a Raffle Housing Ticket and "win an amazing new house!". However, it's just a flat board with a drawing of a house. Once used, the player's character sits down in front of the drawing. I put another screenshot with my main character in the game sitting in front of his "new home".
    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1014]
    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1015]
  • The Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook and Twitter accounts are announcing the "all-new Sanic Collection" merchandise.
  • rpgmaker.net has some sort of KENTONA thing going on, but I'm actually quite unsure if this is an April Fools joke there.
  • The game company, Remedy Entertainment, has become a coffee company.
  • Razer, the company that makes flashy mice and keyboards for PC, has made some sort of Nanobots in a drink to enhance certain things like response times, and sight. They are currently having people register for a test, or something.
  • Cyberpunk 2077 got reviewed by Reddit, even though it isn't even released.
  • Google Japan made a handwriting keyboard.
  • The MOBA, Smite, had added Fenrir. Apparently this isn't the first time Fenrir has been added.
  • The game, Black Mesa, added Lootboxes.
  • Uplay has a little Admin Console. Happy Admin Consoling! XD
  • The Game Series, PAYDAY, gets an animated series on VHS and Betamax. However, as I checked the website, there's now Buy Now button
  • Giant Hats are in Rocket League
  • World of Warcraft has 10 second Micro-Holidays
  • Blizzard in Korea announced a Dance Battle Game
  • Twitch Plays For Honor
  • Minecraft (Original Java Versioin) had perfected its textures. The textures are way lower in quality.
  • CD Projeckt Red is hiring..... Designer of Game Environments

I'll add more to the list if me, or anyone else finds any April fools jokes going on the internet. If anyone else finds anything else Reply on this thread. I'll add it on the list. Once it hits April 2nd, I'll be done collecting all the April Fools Day things on the Internet.

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Welp, I'm going to stop this an hour early. That's all of the "fooled" finds I could find on the web, and what I encountered.
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