A Maiden's Ballad
[Image: New-Cover-Art.png]


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- Beautiful Time Fantasy graphics
- Fun and engaging ATB battles
- Colorful and sweet cast of characters
- Immersive dungeon atmospheres and music
Check out my Projects!! :)
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Hello everyone!! Here's an early update for the game to fix some issues that were found by Berry while she was playing the game during its recent release. :)

A Maiden's Ballad version 1.5:


- Adjusted the Underground Passage walls' tile count to a more appropriate height.

- Fixed some tile-set issues found in the Underground Passage.

- Fixed a few typos found in the game.

- Enemies in the earlier dungeons have been adjusted to be more tolerable and beatable enough without being too easy nor difficult. Grinding factor has been kept.

- Enemies in the Underground Passage now gives a slight increase in EXP gain and gold drops, allowing room for grinding if necessary.

- A few lines in the ending has been added.

- Oranges and Grapes now heals 25% more, while the price remains the same.

Hope you guys enjoy! ^_^
Check out my Projects!! :)
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Hello guys!! Here's another update that is aimed at more fixes and a minor feature that some might find handy! ;)

A Maiden's Ballad V2.0:


- Fixed some tile issues found at the Jungle.

- Fixed some tile issues found at the Mountain.

- Fixed some more typos.

- Added a Rest option on every bed in Cecilia's home.

- Fixed a blocked path towards a certain chest in the Underground Passage. (now it is accessible)
Check out my Projects!! :)
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Hi everyone! Here's a new poster I did for A Maiden's Ballad, my entry game for the RMN Theme Roulette event! With the help once again of Leonardo A.I. art generator! Photoshopped + put together by me! Hope you like it! <3 ^_^

You can get the original large file here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bbstp4ru1...e.png/file
[Image: fx8L0Ac.png]
Check out my Projects!! :)
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Major Overhaul Update is now available! Featuring visual and gameplay updates! Along with a new cover art done by yours truly! I also made a trailer video! Download is now available! <3 Enjoy! ^^


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Check out my Projects!! :)
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