States Activation System aka State-Based Passive Augments, Version 0.2
States Activation System
aka State-Based Passive Augments
Version 0.2


This system lets you select a set of states that can be activated/deactivated from a menu window. Each character has an amount of STAPs (Status Activation Points) and each status costs some STAPs.
Characters earn STAPs as they level up, and the user can customize the amount of STAPs available at each level independently for each character.
This way the system will work with any passive augments system that relies on states, like my battle system.


Suppose you want to make an Auto-Protect state that automatically gives your characters the Protect state.
- Make a skill (yes, a skill) and call it "Auto Protect".
- Add an entry in the STATE_SKILL_COSTS hash that indicates its cost.
- Add an entry in the SKILL_TO_STATE_LINKS hash that indicates the state it activates (Protect).
And you're done.


[Image: th_c7b07983.png]



Author's Notes

Terms and Conditions

Free for Commercial Use.
Please credit Charlie Fleed.
I tried to draw the Activation Points to the main menu but I got an error, I want it to be e.g. like this:
The Actor has 15 SkAP, 11 are equipped already, so 4 left:


what would I have to write in my menu script?
Like this idea, personally, my game relies on passives and mods (Thanks to your script) where level itself isn't enough, I'm using a CMS therefore I'm unable to use this, but can you do something like 'Press A/S to change from Skill Window to Passive Window' (similar fashion to your Skill Equip)?
you could put this in your skill scene:

Content Hidden

and this one in your state skill activation scene

Content Hidden

(but with your skill scene you have to define different keys if you are using the ctb by charlie)

I think this should work
Doesn't seem to be working, I get error about how S is invalid, and when I change it myself it does nothing, by replacing it with Y.
Yes, S isn't a valid input constant. Try with SHIFT or Z.
@Charlie: excellent idea, really. Remind me FFIX system. Great work.
sorry, forgot that S doesn't exist -_-
Doesnt seem to switch windows at all

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