[XP/VX] Bridges
Here is an easy way to use bridges to walk above and below.

You have to edit your tileset a bit, make sure you have all bridge tiles twice in your tileset.
In combination to it, have the access point tile twice also. (the tile from where you walk on the bridge)
If you are done editing your tileset, import it to your game.

You have to set the passage and priority, keep in mind you have your bridge twice now. 
 - The first bridge will get the normal default passages, as you want to cross the bridge.
 - The second bridge you set the passage to all 4 directions and priority of 3-5 Stars, this will enable you to walk beneath it. 
 - The access point tile will be set similar, one gets 4 direction the second one  just 3 direction to block the access point.

How to set a Bridge:
The bridge will be set via events.
Each access point gets 2 event pages.
 - Page 1: Set the access point tile with 3 directions, the inaccessable direction must lead to the bridge.
 - Page 2: Set the normal access point tile here, set if switch X is on.
Each bridge event gets 2 event pages.
 - Page 1: Set your bridge tile with 4 direction and high priority as default.
 - Page 2: Set your bridge tile with the normal settings, set if switch X is on.
Now its time to make the trigger event/s
Set an event on players touch, where it hits switch X on and off or just on or just off.
Make sure the player have to walk over it to make it work, else you will get problems.

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