Ancient Connections
Ancient Connections

Common But Yet Unknown Ancestors of Languages

What is this post all about? Confused Well, it will handle stuff related to languages and how they would show you that things we have learned about our pasts or our continent's is not quite accurate if compared with recent discoveries that would rewrite all of our history textbooks and classes. Still, it seems there are people that work against making these findings public as in letting us read about this at schools or at least in some silent hall of a library.

This time I have brought along this curious article regarding the Thinite writing that shows that civilization in ancient Africa had started even before the Egyptians raised as a powerful empire and they did write stuff back then!

(In case you ignore why it's called Thinite, you should know Thinis or This (in Greek or Roman eras) or Tjenu in ancient Egyptian was the capital city of the first dynasties of Egypt, the same place where the Upper and Lower Kingdoms could be found and would later be united under a single ruler known as Pharaoh aka Lord of the Two Lands.)

There's also a theory that says that groups like Egyptians, Hebrews and even Western Africans have paid several visits to the Americas. Some of their "colonies" could be found in Uruguay, Brazil, the Great Lakes and in the territory we could call "Colonial Louisiana" but concentrated on those strange mounts attributed to Native American settlements or their ancestors.

Here Dr Clyde Winters also states that the Olmec people, generally perceived as ancient pre-Spaniard conquest culture and probably one of the influencers of then Mayan people, were not just another neighbor from places we might call modern USA nor any Mexican lands.

(The Mayan are those that lived and still inhabit the lands now belonging to Honduras, Guatemala and the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. They have built enormous pyramids in all those regions, but later left them behind for some unknown reason, probably due to some plague that killed them while still living in Central America. Even so their descendants returned to the Guatemala and Honduras but not all of them ever left Mexico back then.)

The Olmec might have been Malinke-Bambara or Mandigo black people from West Africa! He takes the chance there to show how "genetically similar" are the Mande and Mixe and Mayan languages. The explanation on why they would dare to cross the ocean is that the Olmec speaking people carne to Qaxaca in search of minerals to make their giant heads and jade for their many artifacts. Later he also mentions a term related to a calendar system like the one that tells you what time of the year it is and if it is good for sowing or harvesting. What makes it curious is that Mayan people didn't really care about crops at that point in their history, they were hunter-gatherers so why would they ever need to create something as complex as a term for calendar?
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