Cogwheels RTAB help
hey i don't know if this is the right spot to put this, if not let me know. i just wasnt sure because its help with a script.

I am using Cogwheels RTAB with minkoff's side view system and that whole set. I was wondering, how do you make it so the enemy moves to the characters quicker when he attacks?

if anyone knows somewhere i can get like a manual or instructions on how to edit these systems would be great . thanks
That is very specific to 'Animated Battlers' and not to RTAB itself.

You will find in AnimBat, a value that increases/decreases the 'RUSH' speed of the attack... the speed where the battler runs up to make his attack. But be warned, you should only have it go up so far before it starts glitching. There is a limit, and I believe I mentioned it in the .PDF file you will find linked in the Animated Battlers topic.
would you be talking about this line? :
# * Move
def move
time = Graphics.frame_count / (Graphics.frame_rate.to_f / (@speed * 5))

i searched for the word rush in animated battlers but it didnt come up

Go to the CONFIGURATION page. Don't touch the actual code.
maybe a specific line in whichever script ur talking about perhaps?

there is no part that ets you decide the speed of when they run up to your characters on the configuration part for the minkoff animated battlers, there is just :

# Configuration
@speed = 6 # Framerate speed of the battlers
@frames = 4 # Number of frames in each pose
@poses = 11 # Number of poses (stances) in the template
@mirror_enemies = true # Enemy battlers use reversed image
@stationary_enemies = false # If the enemies don't move while attacking
@stationary_actors = false # If the actors don't move while attacking
@calculate_speed = true # System calculates a mean/average speed
@phasing = false # Characters fade in/out while attacking
@default_collapse = true # Restores the old 'red fade' effect to enemies
# Array that holds the id # of weapons that forces the hero to be stationary
@stationary_weapons = [17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24] # (examples are bows & guns)

@frame, @pose = 0, 0
@last_time = 0
@last_move_time = 0
cbs_initialize(viewport, battler)
# self.mirror = !!battler and @mirror_enemies
viewport.z = 99

EDIT: ohh derVV, another quick question, for some reason SOMETIMES when the enemy attacks he changes to the skill using animation.. like i've got it so he only has a normal attack physical attack, however when he moves to my character and attacks, it plays the skill using animation.. why is this?
WHOH! You have an 'OLD' copy of Animated Battlers, don't you! Shocked Minkoff penned the ... wait, did you say he performs a skill? Dude, that is Animated Battlers version 0.9 !!! Minkoff made his initial version randomly perform one of three animations for a melee attack, so melee attacks would do melee, skill and item animations. He removed that from version 1.0.

I re-indroduced this option (as an option) just recently.

Dude, there are probably 120 upgrades since this version. It is much larger, allows you to use the standard Minkoff Spritesheets, Cybersam Spritesheets, Charactersets 'AS' spritesheets, RTP battlers, Jumping effects (like the FF Dragoon Jump), and SO much more.

You GOTTA take a look at my Animated Battlers thread. And there is a powerful RTAB demo there you may wanna look at. And... a pdf manual with most of the features and switches in the configuration page explained.
haha are you serious? well thats what happens i guess when people just tell you search for cogwheels RTAB script and don't provide any help even atleast give you a link to a topic.

anyway thank you, but there is like to demo's on that page.. i tried the one by cogwheel and put it on fully active, but it still paused whenever someone performed their attack. but you can change this in the settings ay? and also when i changed the option for the camera to follow battler in battle it comes up with an error.

oh i've had that demo since u'v updated a couple times.. which one are you updating when you bump your topic?

anywho thanks lol
I did enable a temporary pause switch in Animated Battlers that can pause ATB timer bar so that animation system runs smoother. (It is a switch in the bottom of Animated Battler's configuration system.) This animation pause feature is not exclusive to RTAB, but can temporarily delay the AT or CT bar in ParaDog's, Fomar0153's and Trickster's battlesystems as well.

Personally, while RTAB is a great system, full active with Animated Battlers is not the greatest thing. Animated Battlers attempts to make the attacker run to the target's location... derived prior to the target running. So... if Freddy is attacking a goblin and starts running to the goblin, and the goblin starts running too, Freddy will end up running to where the goblin 'WAS' rather than meeting up to the goblin in the middle of the field. This has been a situation since AnimBat 1.0.

And Animated Battlers cannot use the RTAB camera system. It would unfortunately mess up the sprite positioning and movement system. In the initial version that Minkoff released, he wrote two small patches that 1) created a full-screen battleback system and 2) removed the RTAB camera system. But I have a solution, though it prevents the use of my 'FORMATIONS' script (see below). A scripter by the name of Shockwave (formerly Rotimikid) created the Golden Sun Camera system that works with Animated Battlers, and could very well work with the RTAB system given some of the coding I have seen. You can find his demo right (>HERE<) in Creation Asylum. It's still a beta WIP version. He's a member here, but hasn't posted it in RMVXP as yet.

Every demo in that thread has been updated to the new 13.0 standard, and were updated as of January 16th. So you may still have downloaded older versions.

Besides the demos you will find in that thread, you will also find demos that show how to use my 'battle animation flip' system (flips a battle animation horizontally or vertically :wink), includes the formation script so you can arrange the heroes how you like rather than the default setup, pre-rendered configurations for Minkoff 11-pose, Cybersam 7-pose, and charset battlers, the original Minkoff/RTAB demo, and again... the manual for download.
alright cool cool i'll have a play around with it now. but what is the difference with all the different demos i don't want to have to go through all of them.. why is there so many? are they all just different configurations? so should i just download the default one?..
Each demo is for a different battlesystem. Animated Battlers doesn't just work on RTAB alone ya know. Heh... I gave the name to each scripter/programmer for each in the links.

If you didn't want to use RTAB, you could use Trickster's ATB which is an SDK 2.4 system. Or, you could use ParaDog's ATB system. All work fine.

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