Sci-Fi Pack by Jackson Miera of jackassets.com

[Image: scifi4-46-1664076252.jpg]   [Image: scifi3-96-1664076252.jpg]

I had to go ahead and drop some info about a great artist for Smile Game Builder and RPG Developer Bakin, Jackson Miera, who has greated several modular sets for those engine. 

Sci-Fi City takes a more Bladerunner take on a sci-fi RPG with different effects. 

SCI-FI City (jackassets.com)

[Image: yy7iKKb.png]

ITCH: jayray.itch.io
Currently working on Goblin Gulch (MV)
Currently working on JayVinci Resurrection
Currently working on Bakin ABS (BAKIN)
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JackAssets.com has ended his projects, and is selling all of his IP  (assets, copyrights, and all other material to another company. 

[Image: image.png]

This means that anyone who didn't purchase the commercial license beforehand will probably be gouged by another company for a higher-priced license.
[Image: yy7iKKb.png]

ITCH: jayray.itch.io
Currently working on Goblin Gulch (MV)
Currently working on JayVinci Resurrection
Currently working on Bakin ABS (BAKIN)
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