Jaber's Quest Log v2.1.3
That's because you have to add a script call in Scene_Menu

Don't ask me what the exact script call is, though, because I don't know much, if any, RGSS scripting :P
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Jaberwocky Wrote:To call the quest window, simply use
Quest_Window.new(x, y, z, list key, selfupdate, mode)
x, y, and z are the coordinates, obviously.
Don't know what a list key is? Read the instructions below.
selfupdate and mode are optional.
If selfupdate is set to true, the window will function as it's own scene of sorts, meaning you could, say, call it from an event on the map without interrupting Scene_Map. If you don't know what that means, you'll probably want to have this set to true all the time.
mode is an array that lets you... 'skip' sections of the quest window.
Here's the various settings for it:
This is the default setting for the mode. It'll open up to the specified list.

[1, category key, headertext]
This will skip the category list and open up a category directly. 'headertext' is what will be displayed at the top of the first page. You still need to specify a list key, as it'll use that for formatting. Useful if you, say... don't want to use the category seperation feature. You'd be able to use a category as the entire quest log, if you wanted.

[2, quest key]
This will skip everything and jump right to a quest. Usefor for things like books or notes laying around.

I'm not gonna be explaining how to do anything that's in the instructions >.>; Especially given how large the instructions are. However, if you need clarification on what something in the instructions means, I'll answer that.

The quest system can function as either a window or a scene. I don't recommend calling it to $scene, though, otherwise it won't keep whatever was in the background and you'll likely end up with a black screen behind it. If you still don't understand, just look at the calls in the events and in scene_menu in the demo.

Short version:
It doesn't do anything to the menu or anything else. o_o/
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Man Jakerwocky! You're a funny person you know! You made me laugh for a whole minute! Funniest was the Terms of use! Then was your......... Penguin Images!!!! HAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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