EX-RTP Project?
Lately, I've been thinking I need to improve my pixelling skills, somehow by editing premade ones. I noticed that XP uses too much default XP RTP stuff so I was wondering, what if I change the shading a bit and the palette and it resulted to this:

[Image: comparison.png]

I was wondering if I should go with it and edit some RTP sprites to this style and prolly the tileset as well. Would people like this? Is it worth the time? XD
If you change the pallet to something more like VX pallete it would be great.
Mainly the tilesets, that have really a poor color qualitiy compared to VX.
Hm I'm just not palette swapping though, I'm completely reshading the sprites and changing the massive color count to something else :o

But I'll try it out once I get some stuff done :)
Yes i know.

If you see VX tiles it has not only better colors, but a higher ammount of colors.
I would be one to use the graphics (mainly tilesets since i'm not going to use RTP Characters) because i like rmvx colors, but the objects are to small and squared compared to XP
Ahh nooo it's bad if the color amount is higher! That's why I'm decreasing it :P
But ok, I'll get to it once I have time :)

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