Global Warming
Not to drag this argument out, everyone will think differently, but by your post you are one of these people who is saying "the media says so, so its happening"? Im all up for debating this but it could go on forever. I just find it disturbing how many people wont even consider anything but global warming, even when there is now suggestion that it will actually be global cooling (taking into account that this christmas has been the coldest for many years in the UK and the snowfall has been never ending. I know this is similar in the US being largely covered in snow)

Temperatures in the UK according to our weather broadcast will be -5 and below. We havent had those kind of low temperatures in years. It's by far the coldest in recent memory. Just to quickly say, in case you are ready to assume i am just talking crap....if you take the time to look i will again state that all of this can be found online if you simply take the time to read. I have read into both sides of the argument.
[Image: 2010-03-09-thehostagesituation.jpg]
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Well, the same argument could be made toward online sites as with the media. They can both be bogus.
But sources aside, the "theory" of global warming (btw, the word theory in a science context means right under fact. Some people say that gravity should still be called a thoery) is a sound theory. If CO2 is released into the atmosphere, the world's temps will get warmer. Denying that is the same as denying that species evolve (not evolution, just evolve). However, the debate is how much we have made a difference so far. I personally think people overreact and that it'll take some time before we realize any long term effects. The world works in eons, not thousands of years.
Summary: Attack the findings, not the theory.
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But again you are using bogus and unproven material there. All "proof" to suggest that Co2 emissions can harmfully affect our planet is still greatly scrutinized. ALL material to back the theory (as i said earlier) is done using simulations and models, it in in no way takes into account natural factors. It can be argued and IS being argued that these "findings" are manipulated to fit the theory. The only material that has been used as evidence at all is becoming the party line really, that apparently the ice is is melting, how can this be said to be a man made problem with any certainty. The evidence to back this is done using weather satellites which is said to be greatly lacking sufficient data of the rest of the planet.
Co2 already has some great effects for the planet, owners of greenhouses use it in large amount to help boost plant growth, tropical fish keepers inject it into their tanks to keep any plant life in there alive, it can and IS even used on crops.

As a matter of fact and im sure im not wrong here, the earth itself produces co2 right? lol that is FACT, yet we are apparently creating more than the earth itself? and it's dangerous? help me here lol
Carbon is naturally produced and from a scientific perspective it has millions of compounds. The entire suggestion that our planet could warm up to such a dangerous level is full of more holes than Swiss cheese.

Sorry one last edit, "global warming" has now recently been changed to "climate change" by the politicians and scientists. These are 2 hugely different things since climate change can go up or down. Anyway im gonna freeze myself out of this one now cos i somehow strayed the thread away from its format. I just hope some of you will look into both sides before buying completely into what you are told.
[Image: 2010-03-09-thehostagesituation.jpg]
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I can't entirely disagree with you there. I'm merely defending the theory. As you yourself stated, in an enclosed environment, greenhouse gases do in fact cause greater heat: that is a fact. You are right in stating that the Earth emits CO2, but not at the scale that we do. The early years of the Earth were a time of intense heat and the major cause was the massive numbers of volcano that dotted the planet emitting CO2. It was the algae in the sea that absorbed those gases and they in turn, fell to the bottom of the ocean. Leave them there for a few billion years and bam, we have gasoline. We are again emitting those same gases once again.
Like I said before, this stuff is pretty fact based. This does happen and has happen. But the major problem that people are having now is the effect of our gases. Frankly, I don't believe there is enough oil in the world to cause too much of a change in the climate, but that's just me.
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