03-06-2008, 05:25 AM
Zeriab's Anti Event Lag System
Version: 1.2
Version: 1.2
This system changes the design used for controlling the events on the game map as well as reducing the number of character sprites outside of the visible area.
The new design for the events should in most cases give faster collision detection
In certain situations this system should be slightly slower though I doubt it can make any noticeable difference.
This script only makes event collision detection faster in the case where all the events are visible.
The greatest benefit from this script comes from large maps with sparse population of events. Basically, events do no come together loads at a time.
Version history
For anyone interested
Easy to alter the size of the visible area. (In combination with resolution scripts for example)
Pattern matching on event names to ease determination of events needing special treatment. (Never update and always update)
Specify special update schemes for events by their id and the map they are on.
The screenshot was taking from my test map included as an attachment. There are 662 events on that 500x500 map.
![[Image: picpg2.th.png]](http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/8653/picpg2.th.png)
http://www.sendspace.com/file/0up9up (zip version)
Zeriab's Anti Event Lag System version 1.2
Note: The comments in the script are aimed at other scripters. Don't be scared by it.
You don't have to do more than copy and paste the script into the script editor BUT where you paste it matters.
If you are using the SDK 2.0+ paste the script just below the SDK.
If you are are not using the SDK then paste the script just below the default scripts
The structure in the script editor should be like this:
default scripts
Zeriab's Anti Event Lag System
(custom scripts)
Pasting the script just above main has caused errors!
You can add [A] to the name of an event if you want it always updated. A typical example is that you want an event outside of the screen to move around properly.
You can add [N] to the name of an event and it will never be updated. Great for non-animated decoration events.
Note that if you have both [A] and [N] in the name of the event the event will never be updated.
If you are not satisfied with the default settings or are curious you can look into the customization possibilities
How can I make sure that an event outside of the screen moves like I told it to?
Change the name of the event so it always updates.
With the default configurations you can do this by adding [A] anywhere in the name.
Technical Details
Rataime's Sun Effect
Near Fantastica's Particle Engine v2
Credits and Thanks
Thanks goes to Enterbrain for making this possible.
Special thanks to Blizzard for many suggestions, help and support :3
Special thanks to:
Shadow Wolf
I would like to thank everyone using their time to try and use my system.
I would like to thank everyone reading this topic.
Terms and Conditions
Copyright © 2007 Zeriab
Author's Notes
I would be delighted if you report any bug, errors or issues you find.
In fact I would be delighted if you took the time and replied even if you have nothing to report.
Suggestions are more than welcome
And finally: ENJOY!
- Zeriab