Brainstorming for ideas!
So yea I have come to a huge writers block in my path to create some original designs for Weapons, Armor, and Monsters. So i decided why not post a sorta think tank, maybe some of yall have some great ideas you would like see put into use.

Futuristic Post-Apocalyptic world!

Ideas we are looking for is a combo of Fallout/Resident evil/Silent Hill/Parasite Eve ya know the good Horror games :p

Doesn't matter how freaky or abnormal the idea might be that is what we want. But gotta keep it to a sensible level. Don't think there is gonna be killer tomatoes in the world just yet :p

Though we do have certain category we are trying to fill up.

We have 4 Major categorys for melee based weapons.
  • Blunt
  • Slash
  • Cleave
  • Pierce

5 Basic categorys for Armor
  • Helmet:
  • Chest:
  • Boots:
  • Back/Neck:
  • Shield
Heavy, Medium, Light

Pretty much anything goes. From low level mobs to the really nasty ones. The more gruesome and ugly the better.

Examples so far:

Farlis(Alien Race who takes over the world)
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Alien Slug(lack of name)
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Example or sketches are always great, if not a nice description, what it looks likes, what it does, be just as good. Along with names for each item. Will be posting some of my ideas here too. Keep things going.

Thanks hope to see what yall come up with :p

Some weapon ideas we have had!
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The Man, The Myth, The Legend. G.I. Toez.
is the "alien slug" related to the Farlis in any way?

you can probably add necklace in there that give stats and special attributes for armor. :)
(for example: army dog tags, a cross and maybe even tattoos)
Well im not a one hundred percent sure that bamboo staff is stronger than a maul but i like chikendips idea .
sorry about my short last post
if you have any needs for cloaks i can name them very well but im not as good at naming weapons or armor

Do not double post. - PK8
My stuff
Cloaks Work just as well, part of the back area.

EDIT: Woops I posted as my wife :p
The Man, The Myth, The Legend. G.I. Toez.
[Image: worm_monster.jpg]

Hmmm yummy!

Keep the ideas coming :p

ALso we have decided to go 3d so that just opens up a whole new world of ideas.
The Man, The Myth, The Legend. G.I. Toez.

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