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  RPG Maker Changes Publishers
Posted by: Kain Nobel - 10-10-2022, 01:29 AM - Forum: Announcements and Updates - Replies (1)

Hello and good day to all!

I'm just posting this to let everybody know RPG Maker is changing publishers.

Here is the official post from the RPGMakerWeb blog. I've quoted it below (with relevant links).

Quote:Starting last month, Gotcha Gotcha Games, the developer of RPG Maker, has also taken over as the publisher of RPG Maker. But don’t worry, this isn’t the end of RPG Maker for Komodo, or the community we have built together! We will still be working together with Gotcha Gotcha Games to support the community and make your RPG Maker games come to life.

Komodo will continue to publish new DLC for the current engines. Additionally, we will still handle the RPGMakerWeb branded site, forums, and social media. Finally, the Komodo Plaza (formerly Degica Shop) will remain the home for standalone, non-Steam purchases of RPG Maker and its DLC.

But, while some things will remain the same, there will of course still be changes. For future technical support for the Maker, or help with any DLC released by Gotcha Gotcha Games (the ones with the Official DLC ribbon on the banners), please contact Gotcha Gotcha Games RPG Maker support HERE. For questions or problems with Komodo Plaza sales or about DLC published by Komodo, please continue to use the RPGMakerWeb support channels.

RPG Maker continues, and we hope that we at Komodo can continue to help all of you make  your dreams of making a game come true.

I am not affiliated with any of the above parties so I can't comment on the state of RPG Maker brand or the behind-the-scenes of the business itself.

I love RPG Maker and hope that everything is going good business wise.

We are definitely in interesting times and the things going on these days have reverberating effects on all businesses and walks of life.

If anybody knows the health of the companies involved or have any news regarding RPG Maker brand, please share it.

Thank you all and take care!

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  KShlenam XP + VX + ACE
Posted by: kyonides - 06-23-2022, 09:40 AM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (3)

The Settings Menu!

XP, VX & ACE versions

by Kyonides Arkanthes


Just in case you ever needed a cool configuration menu script, here is one that allows you so tweak the audio settings at will. And it does sport nice graphics! Painter 

Anyway it is quite customizable as well.

The XP port also features the dash ability by default. You can trigger it by pressing a button or by enabling autodash on the menu. Even so it also lets you enable or disable autodash on given maps.

NOTE: Shlenam means options in my conlang Kexyana. Laughing


3 Snapshots

Terms & Conditions

Not free for commercial games. Inexpensive.
Due credit is mandatory.

Attached Files
.jpg   kshlenamxp014.jpg (Size: 75.22 KB / Downloads: 5)
.jpg   kshlenamvx010.jpg (Size: 24.12 KB / Downloads: 5)
.jpg   kshlenamace010.jpg (Size: 23.54 KB / Downloads: 5)
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  Drummyfish's RPG Items 3d models
Posted by: JayRay - 06-23-2022, 04:12 AM - Forum: Resources Database - No Replies

[Image: f207ad004dd4f34966ee030514904d1d_0.jpg]

[Image: 32ad0e8927b1400a89a41a36949e6351.jpg]


[Image: 56e7219638874d96811d190624837646.jpg]


All of these Very Low Poly items are provided for free under CC0 license by a decent artist "Drummyfish"

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  Jay Ray's Local Texture Source
Posted by: JayRay - 06-23-2022, 01:40 AM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (3)

You make game stuff, I make game stuff... it's that simple, but sometimes we gotta worry about whether or not our stuff can be used for commercial purposes. We gotta worry if that cute little flower is copyrighted by someone, part of a premium source, or last made an appearance in Super Nintendo's Secret of Mana or something like that, amiright?

Don't worry. 

All my textures are locally sourced, or are willfully given to me by my family who are spread out around the world! SO... Today, I made a little sojourn to a wetlands preserve, got some cool pics, took some more pics of some dirt mounds, shrubs and a few more leafy natural things, and I posted them to my Google Photos, to share with you today!

Here's my EULA... You may freely use these images, for personal, free, or commercial projects. In otherwords. CC0, my friend. 

All that I ask is that you mention me in the credits, "Jay Ray" aka John Timmons, in your projects credits and thanks screen. Cool? Okay, now then, let's get to the booty!

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  Return of the September Spammer Simpletons
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 06-14-2022, 02:09 AM - Forum: Announcements and Updates - Replies (2)

Dear Members,

You may recall that nearly a year ago in September, our community forum was hacked. And upon following that, we had a migration of roughly five hundred accounts, all of which of shady sources. Discovering this, every account created as of that hack was examined thoroughly finding the use of throwaway or disposable eMail addresses, the use of TOR proxies, and confirmation whether their IP all originated from known spam sources.  

Obviously, those that failed this checked were banned while innocents were clearly left untouched.

Well, this past week had roughly sixty of the offending five-hundred had returned. It isn't that they could do anything other than bear witness to our forum's 'no-permission' page that states TOR Proxies and disposable eMails are forbidden... in over twenty different languages.

Now, its one thing to have banned known spammers.  For me, its another to let them know that they are not welcome at all.  And for that, I went and personally changed the username and eMail addresses under their accounts to something that would be relatively impossible to figure out. As to the reason that the eMail addresses within their profiles were changed with their passwords was to prevent the use of the forum's 'Lost Password' feature to take effect.

Passwords were about as annoyingly long as: Your body is sagging a bit. The deterioration of your muscles definitely affects your ability to fight. It also affects your visual psychological tactics, this a statement comically taken from Tenchi Muyo OVA.  If anyone could figure that out, power to them. 

So the effort to keep the board completely spam-free is still ongoing, but worth the effort.

Happy gaming!

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  Return of some Visual Accents
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 03-25-2022, 04:51 AM - Forum: Announcements and Updates - No Replies

Return of some Visual Accents

Dear friends,

You may have noticed that the Forum Stats window has returned.  Given that it is dead in your face when you log in and enter the forum, it is kinda hard to miss.  The Forum Stats is one of three features that have been re-introduced this week.

For the Forum Stats, you will notice that it only contains two sets of stats, the newest members on the left and the most recent posts on the right.  It was thought that including statistics such as 'most posts' or 'most thanks' would make people think of posting as some form of contest, and could induce nonsensical spam as a way to increase score.  This had, in fact, was an issue before with some members.

The Thanks feature was reintroduced, however there are some issues with it.  The 'thanks' given within a member's posts are not being shown, tests showing that older thanks are tied but boolean on/off conditions in the Thanks records did not fully restore.  You can see in a member's postbit the number of thanks they had given just fine. And new thanks can be given without issue.  But older instances tend to not reveal themselves.

And finally, a bit of levity was added with the funny quotes returning to the main page.  The quotes line merely appears below the forum statistics window and changes the quote on every refresh of the page.

What these three features have in common is that there is no actual member input other than merely clicking on a button.  The shoutbox had not returned due to a vulnerability found within.  And many other plugins such as the Awards system had vulnerabilities too, and the author had written numerous plugins which the September hackers attacked.

However, these three were found safe and able to be re-installed.  And our safeguards have been blocking plenty of spammers as of recent, including some would-be repeat offenders from the September hack.  There are now no worries of these incidents reoccurring.

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  SPAM! Incoming from M247 Ltd
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 02-08-2022, 04:57 AM - Forum: Announcements and Updates - No Replies

Incoming from M247 Ltd!

Twas not long ago that an announcement was made regarding ColoCrossing and an influx of spammers who arrived using their IP service.  The anti-spam service we used had not recognized ColoCrossing when the announcement was made, and checking incoming registrants was done manually. However, the anti-spam service we are using has now added ColoCrossing to the list of IP services to be blocked.

But now, it appears spammers are arriving with a new IP service to be wary about; M247 Ltd.

According to scamalytics.com, ColoCrossing appears to be burdened the source of such mischief, claiming "We consider M247 Ltd to be a potentially high fraud risk ISP, by which we mean that web traffic from this ISP potentially poses a high risk of being fraudulent."

Since the start of the M247 intrusion, we had posts that contained offsite links intending to give mass telephone lists intended for relatively annoying telecommunication advertisements, those of which immediately removed.

Be it known that M247 IP addresses will be watched, and any accounts noted to having spam activity will be summarily given the axe.

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  Kyonides and His Non Original Assets
Posted by: kyonides - 01-14-2022, 08:42 AM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (4)

Kyonides and His Non Original Assets

Well, I was working on my project, namely KBankai XP, trying to figure out how to get samurai like assets to use as soul reapers.

Then I found several mikos that might work fine as female soul reapers after recoloring them, yet, that would take me a lot of time. You see, I only know how to do that manually. Happy with a sweat Yes, I mean I go pixel after pixel changing every single color.

Miko Gloria, Lani & Melana
[Image: 029-Cleric05-miko.png][Image: Lani-miko.png][Image: Melana-miko.png]
These assets are based on SithJester's miko sprite. Laughing

Pirate Lani
[Image: Lani-pirate.png]

This asset is based on SithJester's version of FF's pirate job sprite. Laughing

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  SPAM! ColoCrossing and ServerMania
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 01-11-2022, 03:09 AM - Forum: Announcements and Updates - No Replies

and ServerMania Spammers

As of mid-December 2021, a number of accounts have appeared within our forum.  They come in, create their account, and summarily leave.  They last no more than a mere few seconds.  They use a pre-generated username with matching syntaxes. They utilize disposable eMails for registration. And they all use the same internet providing servers.

The two ISPs are called ColoCrossing and ServerMania.

It was mere months ago that the forum was hacked, and was barraged by a flood of spammers, all utilizing disposable eMails and all having internet-traceable activity of spam activity. It comes as no surprise that another barrage was likely to come. And now, it has arrived.

Not as prolific as the previous flood, less than thirty have shown.  But of those, roughly a dozen recently created accounts have been banned when their IP addresses were found to be linked to spam activity, or that they created multiple accounts, clearly by intent.

As to why this announcement calls out the two service providers, the reason is simple.

According to ColoCrossing's own website, they suggest that "Although spam does seem to be this unstoppable force that will continue to flood inboxes until the end of time, communication and the right steps taken, it can be contained. ColoCrossing takes spamming very serious and will take proper action if you experience it."

But according to scamalytics.com, ColoCrossing appears to be burdened the source of such mischief, claiming "We consider ColoCrossing to be a potentially medium fraud risk ISP, by which we mean that web traffic from this ISP potentially poses a medium risk of being fraudulent."

As to ServerMania, one can find reviews at webhostingtalk.com such as this, "Servermania seems to have a serious SPAM problem, they have many 'commercial bulk email marketer' clients, aka spammers, who cross post email addresses across client lists in violation of current SPAM laws. Further, Servermania seems to intentionally disregard abuse reports sent to abuse@servermania, postmaster@servermania, noc@servermania, support@b2netsolutions."

As such, any accounts from either ServerMania and/or ColoCrossing will be considered much more than suspect.  ColoCrossing's IP addresses will be instantly blocked.

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Posted by: kyonides - 12-31-2021, 10:19 PM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (1)


The Array With a Fixed Size
for XP VX & ACE

Have you ever wanted to keep a Ruby Array at a certain size? Thinking
Was it a pain you know where to prevent it from ever increasing its size or length? Happy with a sweat

Now you should not worry about that anymore! Grinning

Even so you can still clear its contents at any given time. Winking

The Scriptlet

# * FixedArray
#   2022-01-11

# Have you ever wanted to keep a Ruby Array at a certain size?
# Was it a pain you know where to prevent it from ever increasing
# its size or length?
# Now you should not worry about that anymore!
# Even so you can still clear its contents at any given time.

# Examples:

# ary = FixedArray.new(3)
# returns: []

# ary = FixedArray.new(3, :a, :b, :c, :d)
# returns: [:a, :b, :c]

class FixedArray < Array
  def initialize(total, *args)
    @maxsize = total > 0 ? total : 0
    concat args.take(@maxsize)
  def push(elem) size == @maxsize ? self : super(elem) end
  def <<(elem) size == @maxsize ? self : super(elem) end
  def unshift(elem) size == @maxsize ? self : super(elem) end
  def +(ary) dup.concat ary.take(@maxsize - size) end
  alias :>> :unshift
  attr_accessor :maxsize

Script Calls

You may use p or print or puts or msgbox or msgbox_p script calls depending on your debugging needs and RM version.

Actually >> is an alias of the unshift method.

array = FixedArray.new(3)
# returns: []
p array.size
# returns: 0
p array.maxsize
# returns: 3
array << :b << :c
# returns: [:b, :c]
array >> :a
# returns: [:a, :b, :c]
array = FixedArray.new(3, :a, :b, :c, :d)
# returns: [:a, :b, :c]
p array.size
# returns: 3
p array.maxsize
# returns: 3

Terms & Conditions

You may include my nickname if you want. Winking
It's free as in beer Beer and speech! Shocked

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