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  KUnitsBank XP VX & ACE
Posted by: kyonides - 08-06-2017, 03:15 AM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (1)

KUnitsBank XP & VX & ACE

by Kyonides-Arkanthos


This script is an add-on for my main KUnits XP, VX and ACE scripts, it provides many features available in some banking systems for XP, but it sure does look hotter if compared with them.

  • Configure your bank to be multilingual if required!
  • Enter a PIN and take a look at the nice progress bar! (Only then you can read how much gold or items you've got there.)
  • Reset your PIN
  • Money and Item Transfer Fees
  • Freeze a team's bank account if deemed necessary (you can activate it once again as well)
  • Let thieves steal the bank and take a team's money. Events are not included! (It's just like a toy without any battery!)
  • Money deposit, withdrawal and transfer
  • Item deposit, withdrawal and transfer
  • Transfers are delayed (any team has to keep walking down the road till the player can hear a shop SE letting him or her know some transfer was delivered by then)
Right now you can only transfer money or items if there are two or more teams with open accounts in the same bank.

[Image: XzAAIy1.png] [Image: PPJCbFy.png]
[Image: 0ZjyoNc.png]

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in non-commercial games if given due credit, but we can talk in private if you need it for a commercial project...

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  KUnits XP VX ACE
Posted by: kyonides - 07-08-2017, 05:07 AM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (54)

KUnits XP & VX & ACE
2017 Version

by Kyonides-Arkanthos


It's a simple script that lets you change your current team during gameplay.

Check the script comments to learn more about it.

Screenshots for both XP and VX and ACE

[Image: NxpVFHG.png] [Image: 3lu8QNO.png]
[Image: Ia1TzZt.png] [Image: zm75fJF.png]
[Image: Pc2QnER.png] [Image: vT5fOdV.png]
[Image: cGTPis4.png] [Image: xmzetLY.png]
[Image: NLBqfhr.png] [Image: VqR1Fyc.png]
[Image: kunitsgosulinux07.png]

Script & Demo


Terms & Conditions

For non commercial games only if given proper credit.

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  GiveAway XP VX ACE
Posted by: kyonides - 06-26-2017, 07:15 PM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (13)

GiveAway XP & VX & ACE
Kiwi & Mango & Maracuya & Mangostan & Tamarind Versions

by Kyonides-Arkanthos


This script lets you hand over pretty much anything you've got hidden in your slick pockets to any NPC or mailbox you may find in your roleplaying adventures. Yes, it's possible, it can be all items, weapons and armors or just some of them or items or weapons or armors only.

It's not a plug & play script since it needs some proper setup in-game, but it's easy to learn how to use it properly. You can even check if the NPC has received any amount of "gifts" from the player so he or she or it can react accordingly.

Don't forget to check on the demo events to see how you can use the comments to setup the items or weapons or armors the NPC would ever like to get from the player.

On the first hand Kiwi version is exclusively available for those that temporarily want to track the NPC's happiness levels (or whatever you wanna call that), on the other hand Mango version keeps track of them permanently. Since Maracuya version you can make an NPC happy or piss him or her off. Mangostan adds a new feature, the possibility of donating stuff to ingame charity institutions or poor guys you might never meet in your whole ingame life. (I know, that could also let scammers take advantage of naive heroes wandering around clueless...) After publishing Tamarind you're able to send alerts for robbery or giving away stolen goods or pissing off people you should not have talked to. That will activate a switch that might let you make an event like making a cop show up to arrest the heroes for some serious questioning. There's a difference with the option available in LoanSharks, here you can also include a reason for the arrest or people's anger like "being a fugitive" or "bothering their local starlet" and use a preset variable to include it in any text message by typing something like \v[11] in the message box.


Just Download it from...
[center]Mega (uptodate!)

[center]Mediafire (outdated!)[/size]

Terms & Conditions

Give some proper credit to me, its creator, for use in non commercial game projects. Contact me first if you need it for a commercial game.

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Posted by: DerVVulfman - 06-11-2017, 05:17 PM - Forum: Scripts Database - No Replies


Not everyone uses the same version of RPGMaker XP (or the like).  Some demonstration packages were made with RPGMaker XP version 1.02, some with RPGMaker XP 1.04, or perhaps a Japanese edition instead of your English edition (or visa versa).

If you are finding that the demo you are trying to use is giving you issues, just do a simple bit of an edit.

STEP 1:  Look at your own system's game.ini file.  It may read like this:

And then look at the Game.Ini of the one giving you problems.  It may look like this:

The problem is not the title (which is 'MyStupidProject' in Japanese), but the library which is why I altered the file's color in the quotes.  The demo is trying to use a .DLL file which you do not have.  And very likely, you need to do a little replacing.  That is.... if the demo does 'not' include the so-mentioned .dll file in the project's ROOT directory.  

Having the DLL in the same folder as the Game.exe would alleviate the issues.  It is also necessary if it is to be playable on PCs without RPGMaker installed.


It will require a bit of an edit to make the demo work for you if it is using a different VERSION of RPGMaker than what you have installed.  This is not hard.

Change/Edit the offending INI file to use the DLL file which is in YOUR system, so it looks like this:

(Some people may be using RGSS105E.dll if a newer one than mine is available.)

And then replace the Game.exe and Game.rxproj files in the offending demo with the ones you use.  The Game.exe file is attuned to the .dll file it requires, so just editing the .ini file isn't enough.

So with all that done, the demo will now be set up to use your .dll file and RPGMaker XP system

This should also cover differences in any updated versions of RPGMaker VX and/or VXAce.

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  For New Account Signups!
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 05-13-2017, 09:11 PM - Forum: Announcements and Updates - No Replies

Dear Members and Friends,

After some months, a few incoming members appeared to deliver advertisement posts.  At the same time, others who entered the forum posted the merest of greets within other threads solely to gain the benefits.  And in one instance, the incoming member opted to merely quote/reply an entire post without entering any content of his own.

Our forum's staff has been dilligent in eradicating any offending spam posts and advertisements, and should be commended for their work.

In an effort to make their work easier and to eliminate spam content from entering, the policy where an incoming member is required to merely make a single post has been altered.  No longer may a newly signed member be permitted to author or post content wherever they wish.  Instead, new guidelines have been crafted which should eliminate potential spam.

Incoming members are now requested to create or post an introductory thread within our Occasions forum.  They will only be able to post within the Occasions and Feedback forum until the forum's automated system detects their first posting before automatically upgrading their membership to fully registered accounts.  It is an automated system, so there should be no difficulty in becoming fully registered.

However, we do have stipulations that their first post not be spam lest it be removed.  The posting of spam content to join the forum and gain access to our PM system is still frowned upon.  And it is our intention to protect our members from harassment and unwanted avertisement content.

I hope that this gives our members a feeling of comfort as we continue in our efforts to make Save-Point a safe and secure forum.

The Resident Werewolf

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  soundimage--a resource site
Posted by: unwashedmendicant - 05-10-2017, 07:21 PM - Forum: Resources Database - No Replies


Free music, textures (which works for 3d games but not so much RM unless you're clever), and sound effects, all made by the same guy who posted them, Eric Matyas. All he asks is attribution. He's constantly updating with new stuff check it out!

also, a lot of his music files also have looping versions!

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  Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom AKA Wizardry FM enemy collection for RMXP
Posted by: Steel Beast 6Beets - 02-13-2017, 01:24 AM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (1)

The entire bestiary of a Japan only FM Towns game called Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom to be used in RMXP. Some examples:

.png   King Cobra.png (Size: 15.46 KB / Downloads: 2)

.png   Cacodemon.png (Size: 23.23 KB / Downloads: 1)

.png   Joker of Death.png (Size: 15.61 KB / Downloads: 0)

.png   Quasimodo.png (Size: 10.58 KB / Downloads: 0)

.png   Murphy's Ghost.png (Size: 9.21 KB / Downloads: 0)

(In order of appearance: King Cobra, Cacodemon, Joker of Death, Cuasimodo and Murphy's Ghost)

.rar   Monster.rar (Size: 2.5 MB / Downloads: 3)

Credit goes to Boltac's Trading Post from providing me with the monsters pics.

Administration Notice:
Ownership of Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom (© 1988) and the Wizardry line by Sir-tech Software, Inc, current publication by Interplay. Credit goes towards Robert J. Woodhead, Andrew Greenberg, Inc. and Sir-tech Software, Inc. Not for commercial use. Videos produced for online services such as Youtube may be pulled for copyright infractions.

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Star MoonFaerie Studio's Resources (Formerly LunarBerry Studio)
Posted by: LunarBerry - 12-01-2016, 11:18 PM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (7)

Ok, these are my contributions to SP and are also available on my website or my dA gallery (which will be more frequently updated and has more stuff), but figured to post some stuff here to give something to start with. I plan to try to keep this updated whenever possible, and even work on some exclusive stuff for Save-Point (coming soon, eventually >_<). I don't specialize in a specific categories, so this stuff is fairly random. If I do begin to have a larger load of more specific things, I'll move them to another new thread and post that update here, as well. Anywhoo, I hope y'all enjoy! ^_^

Notice & Disclaimer:
Alot of times I'm making sprite sheets in vx ace format, but it's not hard to make it XP as you're taking a copy of the middle sprite column and pasting it to the left end, creating the necessary 4 frames for XP (or if you happen to have something like Game Character Hub). Also in the same manner, things like icons are not made into separate single images, so you'll have to work them out yourself.
Some sprite/sets are not made into a sheet. You need to have some skill or knowledge in setting them up in a graphic program, in those cases.

Terms of Condition:
Some are ok for commercial use, some aren't and some have both. Even though I put them into categories, please read the information/readme/credits, just to make sure.

Please be sure to credit me (and others, if mentioned):

LunarBerry Studio or LunarBerry

(you could still use the above info, but the one below is the current)
MoonFaerie Studio

*Update 1/8/20:
Just updating Site URL/Name



.zip   buttons.zip (Size: 17.23 KB / Downloads: 4)
Some very simple buttons saying Accept, Cancel, and Ignore. Purpley tones :P Anyone can use/edit them for whatever purposes. (sorry no examples at this time ^^;..)


.png   jars.png (Size: 13.86 KB / Downloads: 13)
.png   junkfood.png (Size: 6.86 KB / Downloads: 11)
.png   potion.png (Size: 7.27 KB / Downloads: 10)
These are my own custom icons. Jars' style inspired by whitecat/whitecafe's jars of ..jam?

Mermaid Template Package

.gif   merbehavior.gif (Size: 15.84 KB / Downloads: 14)
(image is an animation example)

1 large sheet of 142 different poses (will have to make them into sprite sheets/tiles yourself, but you can pick how you want to animate them)
2 sprite sheets of idles, facing four directions.
1 XP template base
1 VX Ace template base
1 Misc. sprite sheet (2 version sitting on rock/water, 2 directional idles)
4 premade vx ace mermaids (the blonde one is the only one not for commercial use, it's free only)

Edited from the template made by Pandamaru (http://schwarzenacht.deviantart.com/). For the bases, I simply edited them to have arms a little more longer so they'll potentially match both XP and VX Ace sized sprites. I also made her image "Sitting on a rock" mermaid into a template with animation.
This set will be great for those that want a fairly extensive use of mermaid characters and editing to males is fairly easy... unless ya want more muscular ones. I might work on that later, maybe even with different types of tails :p Those would be addons for this package.

One Hundred (for some arm poses)
Akana-Yukinai or Akana (For the premade mermaids' hairs (not the blonde one).
Some of her stuff are edits/from Sithjester, so be sure to credit Sithjester just incase ^^;
Moenettewashere (inspiration for the up/down swim poses in the pose sheet)

Mermaid Set 1
.zip   Mermaidpkg.zip (Size: 207.51 KB / Downloads: 3)
Facial Templates
On my mad dash on template making, I started on making facials/expressions. This will be great to use with the mermaid templates or just creating character expressions in general.

Credit: me & Mack/Looseleaf

.png   facial_temp.png (Size: 48.89 KB / Downloads: 19)

Free Only


.png   asianfood.png (Size: 21.62 KB / Downloads: 27)
I made this set of Asian food icons for my own game project and am sharing them for others to use.
Asian Food Info.
MV Specific

These tilesets have been edited from the RPG/MV RTP tilesets. It is more or less intended to be added on to your own tileset or for parallax mapping.
You are free to use this in personal/commercial projects as long as you have a license for RPGmaker MV.
Credit: Kadokawa & Me

.png   MV_crates.png (Size: 116.95 KB / Downloads: 0)
.png   MV_dinning.png (Size: 172.66 KB / Downloads: 0)
.png   MV_sofa.png (Size: 161 KB / Downloads: 0)
.png   MV_thrones.png (Size: 122.5 KB / Downloads: 0)


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  KChest XP VX & ACE 2016
Posted by: kyonides - 11-12-2016, 05:36 AM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (9)

KChest XP VX & ACE 2016
version 1.0.2 or 1.4.56

by Kyonides-Arkanthos


This is just another Treasure Chest script for RMXP, RMVX and RMVX Ace. Some of you people might have noticed I had published a similar script long time ago, back in 2012 or so, but this time I'm posting a revamped version that also lets you store gold as an item in your chests. Weird, huh?


Just check my comments on my script plus keep in mind that Kiwi version is the step by step version of my script, while Maracuyá version is an extremely simplified version.



[Image: RAC5bCR.png]
[Image: tNkQoxX.png]

Terms & Conditions

Free to use in any non commercial game if given proper credit, contact me first if you need it for a commercial game.
Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 2 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

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  KyoDiscounts XP VX, ACE MV
Posted by: kyonides - 11-07-2016, 03:32 AM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (35)

versions 1.9.0, 1.5.0, 1.5.0 & 1.2.2

by Kyonides-Arkanthos


This script allows you to setup a discount card and coupon system in your project so every time the player visits a store he or she may get a specific discount on a certain item available at the time. This benefit the player might get then depends on the percentage defined in the corresponding discount item price in the Item database tab.

The game developer can also make the discount cards expire for any reason he or she can think off. It might be a good addition for your game's plot...

Now you may also check how many steps are left before a discount card expires naturally. You may also setup exclusive store discount cards as well, you just need to include some specific data in the EXCLUSIVESTORES Constant and setup some in game variable to store that exclusive store code, either 1 or 1789 or whatever you'd prefer there. By the way, the player can now place orders to get items that are not currently available at the store.

You can also globally add or forbid shopping goods! (XP version only!)


XP, VX & VX Ace Versions

You need to setup the Constants found in the KyoShop module and the corresponding items in the Item database tab to make the script work properly, and don't forget about the script calls if you want to enable the Place Order feature in your game project.

There is also the possibility to setup all the shops' scarcity level for all shop items by calling KyoShop.scarcity_lvl = desired level, 0 would be the lowest level ever. The maximum level depends on your laziness! Just go read the instructions included in my script.

Since version 1.6.0 you need to place the contents of kyodiscountsxptool.rb in a separate section in the script editor, right above KyoDiscounts XP. It is a temporary script that might be called a parser since it reads the template TXT files, following the shop item list any-number.txt naming convention, used in the creation of the custom price increases and decreases. That tool is not supposed to be distributed with your closed demo or finished game project!

MV Version

In this version you would normally use some Plugin commands, but I felt like they didn't help me configure a lot of stuff at the same time so I used script calls in a similar way I would use them in RGSS (in XP, VX or VX Ace). I included some examples there, but I guess I better explain one of them, the one that handles items, weapons and armors.

'i21' would stand for Item # 21, while 'w12' stands for Weapon # 12 and 'a9' stands for Armor # 9. Add as many variants as you wish to the $gameTemp.orderGoods array.


[Image: e5qL6UP.png]
[Image: CR8ZU2i.png][Image: lNYkExH.png]


Now you can download the scripts for XP, VX and MV  in English and Spanish, and a demo (Spanish version only).

Terms & Conditions

You may include it in any commercial and non commercial RM projects, credits go to me, its scripter. Yeah, I will ask you to make some payment in case you go commercial.

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