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  GBA Sprite Battlers In Minkoff Format
Posted by: Guest - 01-25-2010, 05:07 AM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (2)

Hello everyone!
This is my first post as far as resources are concerned. I was looking for some good minkoff battlers of characters that were doing some decent poses and I was having a hard time finding them. So I went to one of those sprite sheet websites and decided to do my own. Some I recolored, some I didn't. Some I did minor edits to, some I decided to leave alone. Hope you all enjoy! Laughing + Tongue sticking out No credit necessary to me if you use. Just do me a favor, color them a little differently so all our games don't look exactly the same. Happy with a sweat Feel free to let me know what you think.

.png   Cien Battler.png (Size: 14 KB / Downloads: 105)
.png   Unit 1.png (Size: 12.13 KB / Downloads: 86)
.png   Jubei Battler.png (Size: 16.4 KB / Downloads: 80)
.png   Koga.png (Size: 17.01 KB / Downloads: 74)
.png   Nika Battler.png (Size: 10.63 KB / Downloads: 75)

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  DSWalton's RTP
Posted by: DSWalton - 01-21-2010, 12:51 AM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (2)

Greetings all! I wanted to start my contribution to the community by creating a new RTP for RPG Maker XP. When I say "new", I really mean "I'm going to draw each of the battlers in my style and hope somebody enjoys them."

To start things off, here is everybody's favourite default hero: Arshes (also known as Fighter01).

[Image: 100120_fighter01.png]

Typical RPG Slime!

[Image: 100126_blob.png]

Feel free to use in your games, I only ask a little credit where credit is due. :)

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  Minkoff Spritesheet Half Kaiser Battlers
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 01-19-2010, 05:32 AM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (18)

Minkoff Spritesheet
Half-Kaiser Battlers

First, let me state that I acquired these battlers from Alistor who is a member here and at HBGames.Org, formerly RMXP.Org

However, these graphics are of the Half-Kaiser style and credit goes to ShowKaiser... its creator.

Herein, you will find a number of Minkoff 11-pose spritesheet templates you may use to create custom spritesheet battlers.  I hope you enjoy these.

Martial Artist
Bow and Arrow
Axe and Mace

Images appear smaller in spoilers.

Attached Files
.png   Sword_Template_Male_DerVVulfman.png (Size: 42.63 KB / Downloads: 6)
.png   SpearTemplate_Male_DerVVulfman.png (Size: 43.07 KB / Downloads: 6)
.png   MartialArtist_Template_Male_DerVVulfman.png (Size: 40.71 KB / Downloads: 7)
.png   Gun_Template_Male_DerVVulfman.png (Size: 39.26 KB / Downloads: 10)
.png   Fencer_Template_Male_DerVVulfman.png (Size: 40.81 KB / Downloads: 10)
.png   Dagger_Template_Male_DerVVulfman.png (Size: 42.49 KB / Downloads: 6)
.png   BowandArrow_Template_Male_DerVVulfman.png (Size: 38.01 KB / Downloads: 6)
.png   AxeMaceTemplate_Male_DerVVulfman.png (Size: 41.82 KB / Downloads: 7)
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  75 Custom Battlers
Posted by: Shade the Mystic - 01-07-2010, 09:48 AM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (10)

Like it says, pretty much every battler I've done over the last--cripes, let's just say two projects, shall we? Easier for me to remember that way.

Some are okay, some are pretty danged good, others are...well, they were done a long time ago, so I've gotten better as time went on and all, y'know?

If anyone has any trouble with the zips, they're also posted here.

And a small tease, why not?

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1795]

Attached Files
.zip   Battlers1.zip (Size: 1.88 MB / Downloads: 258)
.zip   Battlers2.zip (Size: 1.76 MB / Downloads: 189)
.png   Kuyohashi.png (Size: 101.6 KB / Downloads: 2)
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  Jubhub's Recolors
Posted by: jubhub731 - 12-06-2009, 09:05 PM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (5)

These are some of my recolors in this site http://untamed.wild-refuge.net/rmxpresou...characters . its the black knight and red mage recolor please do not give me credit give sithjester credit.

.png   redknight.png (Size: 7.03 KB / Downloads: 4)

.png   redmage recolor.PNG (Size: 7.37 KB / Downloads: 5)

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  Field tile set all together
Posted by: explocion200 - 11-28-2009, 06:59 AM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (3)

i took all the default tilesets of fields and made them one long one this should be useful just a lot of work make them work -.-

[Image: defultfields.png]

wow well i realized that the image is to small so well a mod can close this ill just make a new thread when i can get the image ready :) thanks

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  The spriting morgue
Posted by: MusicalSwordsman - 10-19-2009, 07:53 PM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (3)

Hello fellows, welcome to my sprite thread, i will be showing off my incomplete works here.
I will of coarse move some of these to the resource area once complete if it's not very important to the game.

It will be some time before i post anything on a game because i'm going for 100% custom graphics, that and the story is still being worked on.

It may sound crazy but i intend to make Arshes my main character for this first game, and since i'm going custom i've remade him on my nifty character template which is still a wip as well.

Attached Files
.png   WC-Arshe.PNG (Size: 4.71 KB / Downloads: 3)
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  Some Animations
Posted by: Yin - 09-08-2009, 06:17 PM - Forum: Resources Database - No Replies

Well, the Gallery Uploader thing hasn't exactly been working for me, it keeps saying 0 files uploaded successfully... So, here, not much but I've been practicing with the default stuff. It's not the best, but still, it's here. And I also updated the first one I uploaded called My first animation. It's the same thing, just fixed so that it's all centered.

[Image: KerellCombustion.png]
Some volcanic fire thing.
I think best in full screen since it would be in a box if it wasn't. Also some sort of fade on the end might make it look better.

[Image: Practice1.png]
Updated practice.
Probably better in full screen too.

[Image: Time2.png]
For some sort of time spell.

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  Forum Script Listings
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:00 AM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (35)

[Image: rDePbbr.gif]

Remember to check out the Template for Sumbitted Scripts.

Also available are the
SDK - Standard Development Kit*
and the

MACL - Methods and Class Library

* The SDK is a rewrite of many of the default classes, a module with scripting tools and a set of scripting standards. The SDK is aimed at the combatable issues of many scripts fighting over the same methods of the default classes.
SDK Team Members: Near Fantastica ? Fuso ? Wachunga ? Prexus ? Trickster ? SephirothSpawn

The index is clickable for immediate access to a given category
  • [Image: menusystem.png]If you want to have a new menu design, here's the place to look.
  • [Image: menusysadd.png]You have a new menu feature or something that changes an existing one?
  • [Image: battlesystem.png]You want a new battlesystem rather than the default? Come on over.
  • [Image: battlesysadd.png]If you're looking for something to tweak your existing battlesystem, come on in.
  • [Image: messagesystem.png]If the default message system doesn't appeal to you, try these features.
  • [Image: input.png]Systems that change the keyboard system or add new data entry features, try these.
  • [Image: hudbar.png]Want a new bargraph? Want a heads-up-display on the map? Come on in.
  • [Image: journal.png]If you want to be able to keep track of your adventure, a journal may help.
  • [Image: environment.png]You wanna affect the weather, daylight settings or whatnot? Try these.
  • [Image: storesinn.png]These include item shops, custom inns or other niceties
  • [Image: saveload.png]You want a new way to save and/or load your game? Come look here.
  • [Image: enemydev.png]Systems that change enemy behavior or stats go in here.
  • [Image: actordev.png]Features that change individual heroes belong here.
  • [Image: partydev.png]Things that affect the party as a whole are in here.
  • [Image: map.png]Systems that change the way the map moves or operates are in here.
  • [Image: movement.png]If you want your heroes to move faster, slower or other ways, come look here.
  • [Image: titlegameover.png]Systems that change the title screen as a whole are here
  • [Image: equipdev.png]Systems that affect your weapons and/or armor belong here
  • [Image: itemdev.png]Systems that affect items and how they are used are in here
  • [Image: skilldev.png]You want a new way for skills to work? This is the category to look.
  • [Image: mini-games.png]Some challenging games to spice up your RPG Adventure.
  • [Image: audioen.png]If you want a new way to tweak the audio in your system or have a new audio feature, look here.
  • [Image: videoen.png]Want some visual spice in your game, look here for new add ons.
  • [Image: systemen.png]Specialized enhancements not covered above for your gaming project.
  • [Image: compilationsets.png]Mainly demos... These contain multiple systems that work in tandem.
  • [Image: designtools.png]Systems that help in game development, like debugging scripts, are here.
  • [Image: other.png]Basically, everything else
Your clickable index page.
Click a 'Heading' to bring up the script category of your choice.

{Engine Icon}Script / Topic Title
Author of script (date of post)
Poster of script (date of post)

Brief description of post

PM me for any corrections.

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  Striker (Title/Gameover?) (2007)
Posted by: PK8 - 04-28-2009, 02:50 PM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (1)

I made 'em back in 2007. I've always uploaded these to my photobucket but I've never posted these... until today.

These are supposed to be title/gameover screens. They're empty because I wanted to allow the graphic designer to go ahead and add his/her title logo or game over text. I really don't see these being used, tbh. :P

Light Blue

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