What's on your mind?
Still fixing up mah 'NEW' PC. On the plus side, I can download virtually every script n demo I made because I shared practically everything I made. I only had a few custom -project-only- scripts, and I have a copy of my demo saved online too!

Yet... I'm still the dialup king, so it's gonna take me a while to get everything set up. Even so, it's gonna be 48 hours for Degica to verify and reactivate my RMXP and RMVX serial numbers. I gave them my original Protexis order numbers (yep, saved 'em), and I know they kept the records as they still had my sis's records... verified by her eMail address.

Last night was hell. My PC kept wanting to restart over and over after ... was it 11ish? All in the name of updates.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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  Above are clickable links
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It's past 5 in the morning now and I really should be sleeping but some things had to be done and thus I haven't gone to sleep yet. (A mistake, as I'll surely find out in a few houres...)
When I had a few minutes waiting time I decided to read a short FanFiction that was suggested to me a while back. I read it and as far as writing goes there was nothing wrong with it. I was legitmately pissed of at two of the three main characters in the story for their behaviour towards the third was just... The insult with 'A' would suit them, one especially. I can see where the author was going with this story and went to write my comment...and suddenly fealt ill when I started to read the other comments first.
Aparently all the other readers missed the entire point. While some did mention that the two were 'mean' and mentioned to feel somewhat sorry for the third, no one seemed to really mind the situation. I am sorry, but I can't take a "Poor fellow *________* " seriously. Or a "That is a little mean towards him but aww! ♥__________________♥ " or how about "Boy that is really mean *haha* " or things of that nature.

Everyone who commented - I took the time to read every commment, shocked by what I saw and unable to belive it - was in favour of 'the two' and some further insulted the third. Other comments seriously made me doubt if those people had any common sense. My first thought was "Those comments have to be written by 13 year old girls who are excited about the lovescene going on and are to young or to single minded to realize the rest."
Then I remembered the story was labeled as "Adult" and on that page it is impossible to access those storys unless you are 18 or older and confirm this.
The fact, that these people all are officially adults of at least 18 years and reacted in the way they did is beyond comprehension for me.
It's an open secret that a certain group of people out there is reading storys which are just bad and those storys get much attention while the truly good ones are somewhat overlooked. Untill now I was not aware that this group also seems to include a large number of people who should know better by this point in their life.
If nothing else, this once again confirmed to me that education and taking care of children and young people is one of the most importand things. It was always my goal to help those who are young to understand some of the truly importand things in life. Now I see an other confimation that it is aparently more then nessercary.
I may not be the smartest person on this planet, maybe not the sexiest and I certainly have my own fair trade of mistakes. But to think there are people out there, roughy my age who are a part of our society with all rights and obligations this includes; living and working among other people; some even rasing children like this...this is actually horrifying.
Of course, you know there are people like that out there, who are "stupid/uneducated"; who watch stupid skandal talkshows all the time and who belive things that a little common sense or some research would easily tell you to be inacurate, still...

I don't quite know why this shoked me to the extreme it did, on the other hand I do know it exactly.
Right now I hope it'll be September soon. I want to absolve my two additional years of education for the next step in my chosen path for a occupation in pedagogics, get a job and help to educate a new genereation of children who are smarter then this.
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." (C.S. Lewis)
For the time you're laughing, there's nothing wrong in the world. (Colin Mochrie)

If it's funny, make sure people laugh. If it's not funny, make it funny (unless it's actually really serious). (silvercheers)

Please don't spell my name "Yamina-chan". It's all small. Thank you =D
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http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ouya...me-console check it out, lol
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I could seriously get addicted to the Shoutbox...
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

[Image: tumblr_inline_nzmbrz53G11sotucm_1280.png]
Click for the latest update - and vote for someone to die! >8D
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That's because you LIKE TO BE HEARD. (shout the last part).
(Do not misread as "like to be hard").
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(07-13-2012, 10:11 PM)MetalRenard Wrote: That's because you LIKE TO BE HEARD. (shout the last part).
(Do not misread as "like to be hard").
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

[Image: tumblr_inline_nzmbrz53G11sotucm_1280.png]
Click for the latest update - and vote for someone to die! >8D
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What's almost always on my mind? Developing my project, and I even made a couple desperate attempts to break away from it today, but they didn't last.

I bought a book, thinking "oh this is of decent length, I should be busy the next couple of days reading through it, plus it'll help me refine and finish developing my story later on." I'm not sure why but I blazed through the book like a bat out of hell, 200-something pages done in two hours which is amazing since I'm a slow reader who takes his time on every page. Most of what pushed me through is I kept thinking of scenes I could put into my game that were a throwback to the book I was reading, so I think I rushed through just to put my own ideas down on paper lol.

Oh yeah, my daughter's birthday party was yesterday and she got everything she wanted so she's just happy as all get-go! Today is officially her birthday and she is now four, yay she's one year closer to school age!

*Gets back to miscellaneous project work and obligatory procrastination*
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im sitting outside court, and all the people walking around i that hallway all have 'that look'. do you ever look at someone walking down the street, listen to the way they talk, and just think "this guy's a troublemaker"? almost all of the people here look that way.
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Last week I got accepted to a game mod company. :) Since they're doing mods at the moment, it's obviously not paying, but they hope to move to commercial indie games!
Python Blue - composer for NeonXSZ
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i think i want to raise cheap beef for a living. it seems like it would be fun for me.
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