01-26-2009, 04:23 PM
Quote:Aerendyll, that's a very interesting map design! More creative than most I see. A couple areas don't seem aligned perfectly height-wise, but that's a problem most people won't see outside critique threads. Great job!
The height is one of the biggest problems with this one. >_> I didn't pay too much attention to it because I found the overall atmosphere more important. :x
Quote:TBH, I really can't work with the VX tilesets like you could. One small problem I have with your map would have to be the lack of a side shadow where the waterfalls would come out.
The shadow is fixed right now. I had to use events for some shadows since VX lacks a third layer and I added these later on.
And yes, I love the VX RTP because it is VERSATILE. You can do so much with the tiles, but people often don't see it. :( I hope this one inspires others to experiment more! ^^