Forum Script Listings
[Image: movement.png]
If you want your heroes to move faster, slower or other ways, come look here.

Movement Systems: A-Z

Anchor Recall
by DerVVulfman (March 16th, 2009)

This system is designed to allow you create 'anchor points' in your game and have the ability to return to these anchors via recall script calls. Not truly a stand-alone system, this script depends upon you performing script calls to set anchors or use the recall system itself.

AWorks Fix Walk Speed XP
by Vgvgf (June 18th, 2009)

Slows down diagonal movement of your character in the RPGMaker system.

AWorks Fix Walk Speed VX
by Vgvgf (June 18th, 2009)

Slows down diagonal movement of your character in the RPGMaker system.

Caterpillar Script
by Ccoa (November 30th, 2007)

Move any train actor independently of the train using Move Route commands.
Return actors to player position with one command.
Make train actors invisible with a switch.

Caterpillar System
by Woratana (February 16th, 2009)

It's just that one day I feel like scripting caterpillar system. I've never done it before, and it would teach me something.

Ccoa's Caterpillar / Wachunga's Footprints Patch
DerVVulfman (February 10, 2013)

This system allows you to use Ccoa's Caterpillar system and Wachunga's Dynamic Footprints together.

Custom Movement
PK8 (May 28, 2012)

Users get to customize how the player moves, though it may involve a bit of scripting knowledge. (Don't worry, my script's header goes into a little more detail and is helpful.

Dash Characterset Edit
by ParaDog
Posted by DerVVulfman (February 7, 2008)

This system allows you to allow the character to move at an accelerated speed (dash), and even use additional running charactersets based on the character's primary charset.

Dash-Enabling Equipment
PK8 (June 3, 2012)

This script allows developers to set which equipment disables/enables dashing.

DerVV's Flight
DerVVulfman (December 16, 2015)

This script is a rudimentary flight system, allowing the player to fly with the push of a button.

Diablo II Waypoints - Expanded
DerVVulfman (June 15, 2020)

A remastered and heavily edited version of arevulopapo's original work, this script replicates the Waypoint Travel system from Diablo II © 2000. When properly configured, you can set events on a map that act as teleport stations, activating upon touch. Under normal circumstances, you can only teleport between such waypoints if you had encountered them before, unable to teleport to other destinations not yet reached.

Disable Dash
PK8 (May 26, 2012)

This script allows developers to disable VX (Ace)'s built-in dash completely without having to spend much time unchecking a checkbox in Map Properties.

Drago Pixel Movement
LiTTleDRAgo (06-05-2017)

Well, title explains everything.

Eight Direction & More Frames System
by DerVVulfman (June 8, 2006)

This script will allow you to move your character in eight directions instead of the default four. And it allows you have more frames of animation per step then the default four poses per facing direction.

Eight Direction Characterset Edit
by ParaDog
Posted by DerVVulfman (February 7, 2008)

This system allows you to move the character in eight directions and include graphics for the four new directions.

Eight(8)-Directional Movement with Sprite Support
by Kylock (April 29th, 2008)

Requested by Arrow-1( and produced by me, the amazingly new but old 8-way movement script! The part that makes it new is that this one is for VX!!!

Enhanced Squad Movement
DerVVulfman (December 25, 2017)

Caterpillar, or party-following systems, have been around in RPGMaker games for years. Yet most follow the same basic single-file design. Not so with Near Fantastica's Squad Movement system, a system which allows the player to deliver a couple of limited commands. Now revised, this rendition of Near Fantastica's Squad Movement comes with a detailed configuration system, and a host of script calls that can give the game developer a strong sense of power over the player's visible party.

DerVVulfman (August 23, 2016)

This little add-on for Near Fantastica's original pathfinding script will obtain how many steps that was calculated by the system. Using that, you can make some sort of wait count system based on the actual steps taken!

GPLAT Pixel Platformer Revised
DerVVulfman (October 1, 2014)

This is a retouched version of the GPLAT system by G@MeF@Ce, modified in such a way that many methods were broken into smaller elements and additional code was added for compliance with the Lycan ABS by DerVVulfman.

Halt and Unhalt All Event Movement
PK8 (June 27, 2012)

This quickly written script lets users halt, unhalt, and toggle the halted state of all events (with the exception of any that may have been specified within the calls) with just a few quick script calls.

H-Mode7 Caterpillar
Chaotech Games (November 6, 2011)

No caterpillar scripts work thus far in HM7. One does now.

KA-terpillar + Settings
kyonides (May 20, 2014)

This plug and play script lets you see the other 3 party members on screen like other scripts do but also lets you change the current party formation by shifting the first member to the last position or the last one to the first position or it shifts them semi-randomly for you. You can check its simple menu to change the settings at any time, it even includes dummy characters so you can check out what are the changes that you want to apply to your team.

by Kyonides (August 3, 2021

Did you ever feel like you wanted your character to randomly teleport to another location?
Are you sick of manually setting up such an event at every single open space in a given area?
Well, now you can just use some useful script calls to let it handle the teleportation for you!
Don't worry! You might only need one or two script calls at any given time.

Kyrie Engine – Dash Sprite System
SoulPour777 (January 19, 2014)
Posted February 27, 2014

This script allows the use to use a different sprite when dashing.

MOG Advanced Movement System
by Moghunter
posted by Helel (December 6th, 2009)

Tired of walking around at a snail's pace? Standardized cardinal movement pissing you off? Looking for a little eye candy? Then this script's for you - the single most advanced movement system in the realm of the RGSS! Now, newly translated from Portuguese with some slight new features.

More Move Routes
PK8 (April 29, 2012)

These are a collection of custom move routes I made. I'm sure the move routes I worked on for this script are going to range from 'cool' to 'quirky', and probably to 'Was this really necessary?' I hope these calls provide something someone was looking for.

Move During Messages
PK8 (May 22, 2012)

This script allows players to... well, move during messages. The user can set how far the characters can move while the message is playing and what maps do not have the feature available.

One(1)-Direction Movement Style
by woratana (June 11th, 2008)

This is the alt. movement style for shooting game.
Player will turn left/right by press Left/Right,
and walk forward/backward by press Up/Down.

The Other Way XP
kyonides (June 15, 2017)

This simple scriptlet lets you modify the main character's movements by making him or her walk in the opposite direction while this is enabled.

by Near Fantastica (November 29, 2005)
v2 by Near Fantastica & fuso (June 21, 2006)

NO MORE CUSTOM MOVEMENTS! This script uses path finding to return the shortest path from the START XY to the END XY then uses the custom movement to move the character(s). You can chain this path finds together to path link between 2 points or more...

Random Move Type
by Kyonides (December 31, 2023)

Do you want your events to randomly move horizontally or vertically only?
Then this scriptlet is right for you!
But I gotta say that it might also work with the player himself or herself!

RMVXA Diagonal Movement
DoubleX (August 12, 2015)

Lets users moves characters diagonally by pressing both component keys.

RMVXA Pixel Movement
DoubleX (August 12, 2015)

Lets users set the smallest number of pixel covered per move command.

Sneak Script
SoulPour777 (February 27, 2014)

This script allows you to sneak.

Squad Movement
by Near Fantastica (May 23, 2005)

Allows you to show you AND your party members on the field map and perform some limited commands via keyboard.

Sword Art Online System – Teleportation Crystals and Anti-Crystal System
SoulPour777 (February 27, 2014)

This allows the player to use teleportation crystals and generate a Anti-Crystal Area, just like in the anime Sword Art Online.

Thieves Can Climb Walls
DerVVulfman (November 7, 2012)

Well, guys. There are probably a few scripts that can let your character climb walls, but I haven't seen them. So I decided to work on one of my own. One could call it a nice addition if you want to make a game whereby your character is a sneak and is trying to break into places where he or she shouldn't.

Train Actor / Caterpillar
by fukuyama (2004)
EDIT by Blizzard (2005)

This is an edit of possibly the first and best known caterpillar system for RMXP. It will let your party members "follow" the main character on the map.

Travel Menu
by Trickster ()

This script allows you to set up a Warp Menu that allows the players to warp to places you define. Also includes a picture of the place if they have visited it before.

Trickster's Caterpillar System
by Trickster ()

This is a caterpillar system nothing special. This code is based on Fukuyama's version only better.

Turn and Move
SoulPour777 (January 16, 2016)

Plugins that changes or adds features to the overall gameplay mechanics of the default engine.

Vehicles Battle
SoulPour777 (January 31, 2016)

Plugins that changes or adds features to the overall gameplay mechanics of the default engine.

Victor Engine - Diagonal Movement
by Victor Sant (December 22, 2011)

This script allows to set diagonal movement for the player and events.This feature is opitional for events. It’s possible to have different graphic for the diagonal movement.

Victor Engine - Followers Control
Victor Sant (March 21, 2012)

This script allows the user to control the movement of the followers during events. With this you can make them leave the line, and return to the position at the event end. Using a comment call before the ‘Set Move Route…’ event command will make the move route commands works for a specific follower instead of the selected character.

Victor Engine - Followers Options
Victor Sant (January 20, 2012)

This script adds new options for the followers display. It improves the movement, and allows to set the display of dead characters and reorder the members on map without changing the battle order.

Victor Engine - Free Jump
Victor Sant (July 24, 2012)

This script adds a jumping system to the game, you can have the character to jump when the key set is pressed. While jumping, the character will not trigger events and terrain damage.

Victor Engine - Moving Platform
Victor Sant (July 24, 2012)

This script allows to setup a new mechanic for the map environment: moving platforms that allows the player to go on them, these platform will carry the player over. But different from and evented system, the player is free to move while over these platforms. It’s also possible to set certain tiles to be “void” tiles and the player will fall if step on them.

Victor Engine - Pixel Movement
Victor Sant (June 29, 2012)

This script allows you to replace the tile based movement where the player walks a whole 32 pixel tile easch steop with one where he walks only 4 pixels. It also gives a better collision system for events.

Victor Engine - Rotational Turning
by Victor Sant (December 22, 2011)

This scripts allows to set a different movement when the character changes the direction he is facing, instead of facing directly the new direction the character turns smoothly with a rotational movement.

VX's Dash System for XP
PK8 (June 3, 2012)

This script allows developers to let players dash in their games.

WASD Movement
Helladen (February 25, 2014)

This script will add WASD key support for movement. You also will be able to use arrow keys like you would normally, but this allows people to use the one they prefer the most.

Zeriab's Caterpillar Script
by Zeriab (August 25th, 2008)

This script creates a caterpillar of the party members by using events present on the map. (You need to actually make the events in the editor) When the caterpillar is deactivated they act just like any other event. Most event commands still works on the events when the caterpillar is activated, but the results be strange.

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Messages In This Thread
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:00 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:04 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:04 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:08 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:08 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:09 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:09 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:09 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:10 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:10 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:11 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:11 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:12 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:13 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:14 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:14 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:17 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:18 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:18 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:18 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:18 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:19 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:20 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:20 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:21 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:21 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:21 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:21 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 07-06-2009, 05:14 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 08-04-2009, 04:04 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 09-21-2009, 04:59 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 11-09-2009, 05:46 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 11-09-2009, 05:47 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 12-07-2009, 05:14 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 01-11-2010, 04:45 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 02-08-2010, 06:38 AM

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